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Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi

Chapter 478.2: Aegir POV–
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–Aegir POV–

――Late Night.

「Enemy attack――!!」

The shout from an ally soldier wakes me up.

I felt no surprise.

On the contrary, I was worried if it would happen at all.

「I pray for your good fortune…… gebhh.」

The female soldier quickly covers her mouth.

She probably felt like throwing up from the continued stream of seed flowing down her throat.

Considering the amount I released, it wouldn’t be strange if her entire body, from her mouth to her ass, was filled to the brim with semen.

Although I didn’t touch her arm, I think I overdid it.

If Benel didn’t join partway through, I might have stopped after shooting in her mouth and ass.

By the way, Benel is lying unconscious with her ass sticking up in the air.

Her body is really the best and I can’t help getting fired up.

Either way, there’s a field battle ahead of us.

I stuff my dick, which is still hard after ejaculating multiple times, back in my pants and put on my armor.

Sekrit has already joined Celia and the others, who are all fully prepared.

「You’re late. If you’re going to sleep with a woman, it would have been better if you did it with your armor on.」

Sekrit rolls around a walnut in her right hand and twirls her sword in her left prosthetic hand.

「It would hurt when the armor hits skin though. Besides, there’s no hurry.」

She stretches and nonchalantly glances in the direction of the ruckus.

Normally at night when the moon is hidden by the clouds, nothing can be seen, but the countless sparks of clashing weapons momentarily reveal the faces of enemy and ally alike.

「……those guys are strange.」

I tilt my head after the split second in which an enemy came into view.

「Yes. Despite the weather not being cold enough, they’re wearing fur on their heads. Their equipment…… doesn’t resemble that of regular soldiers.」

Celia copies my gesture and also tilts her head.

「But it’s impossible for militia to conduct an organized night raid without torches. If they’re able to do so, I can only assume they’re…… a specially trained squad……」

Myla touches her chin with her hand as she considers the reasoning, then unnaturally tilts her head like us, almost like she was hit with some kind of inspiration.

The one who interrupts our pondering is Sekrit.

「Fufu…… kukuku……fur? You’re wrong, they’re wearing hide on their heads. Can’t you tell from the choking stench of the blood and guts?」

Sekrit inhales deeply then exhales, and suddenly turns around with a thrust.

Her sword stabs in the darkness……more accurately, it stabs into the heart of an enemy blended in with the darkness.


「Wha-!? Allowing enemies to invade this far, what are the guards doing!?」

Sekrit rotates the sword, completely crushing the heart before pulling the enemy soldier close.

She rips off the skin covering the dead soldier’s head.

「These guys are from the southern borderland of the Garland Empire…… mercenaries of Keysia. They have night vision and can blend in with the darkness. What an interesting choice of personnel.」

「Mercenaries of the empire? Does that mean the empire has sided with South Yuguria!?」

Myla looks at Sekrit, who shakes her head.

「If that were true, then hundreds of thousands of armed troops would march directly at us. Keysia mercenaries work for money. The empire can’t afford to hire them, which is probably why they’re working abroad. They’re a savage and smelly bunch, but they’re not weak, especially at night.」

I crouch in the middle of the explanation without any prior warning.

A sword barely grazes the top of my head.

I grab the arm holding the sword and throw it over my shoulder, then stomp on the face of the fallen enemy soldier.

「That’s a little unexpected. But it’s not like we’re helpless.」

The dark of night was torn apart in time with my words.

Lots of torches lit up at once.

「It doesn’t matter how skilled the soldiers are at night if it’s bright.」

Simple wooden fences lying sideways on the ground are erected to separate the enemy.

Archers stand up and fire a volley of flaming arrows, setting the soldiers and fences on fire, and illuminating the field of vision further.

The ones who prepared everything were Leopolt and Tristan.

Slowly building fences in an open field such as this would be noticed immediately.

That’s why the fences were constructed ahead of time and then arranged in a line on the ground down after it became dark.

The fences were left in an L shape so that a few soldiers can lift up the short end and finish it with the placement of a stone or another heavy object.

Of course, the fences aren’t sturdy, but the speed at which the fences were raised will naturally cause the enemy to panic.

Then we just need to fire some flaming arrows and that will be the replacement for bonfires.

「There’s also……」

I see the enemy soldiers laughing as they jump over the trap holes dug in the ground.

We’re dealing with opponents who can see in the dark, but with so many lit torches, even I can see the holes.

「The trap is not in the darkness.」

「Is it……hidden in their hearts?」

Celia and Myla mutter.

「Undo the disguise――!!」

Allied soldiers jump out of the pitfalls that the enemy thought were seen through.

I can tell the enemy were taken aback by the surprise.

And then, a thunderous sound echoes.

「It seems the enemy barged into the pretend headquarters.」

「The place where there are cannons sitting in all the surrounding tents? The enemy must be having a hard time.」

By the time I looked over there, the enemy who attacked the headquarters were already in a state of disarray.

They tried to sneak into the headquarters and were met with a furious bombardment. Their morale is non-existent.

「It’s over. It doesn’t look like we have to do anything.」

I turn to return to the tent.

But Sekrit rests her prosthetic hand on my shoulder.

「Don’t go yet. They specialize in night raids, but…… I hear they are good at one more thing.」

Moonlight shines through as the clouds part, illuminating a broad grin.


The resounding cry was not normal.

「Monster! Mons-……higyiiii!!」

「Aaaaaaaaah! Stay away, stay away, stay awayyyyy!!」

I look over, but I don’t see any changes on the brightened frontlines.

The allied soldiers are also scanning the area, unsure of what’s happening.

「Over there!」

I follow Celia’s finger and watch as a shadowy figure emerges from the darkness, rips off the head of an ally and then disappears into the darkness again.

It wasn’t severed with a blade. It was literally ripped by force.

「Keysia apparently uses unknown wild beasts.」

A high-pitched roar pierces through the night.

「W-what was that!?」

It sounded like someone blew hard into a wind instrument and it was also several times more primal than the neigh of a horse……it was quite hard to describe. I’ve never heard it before in my life.

Subsequently, I hear thuds as if something was hammering the ground.

「Hiiiiiiiiiih! Was that a howl!? They sent monsters!?」

「Don’t be ridiculous! Even orcs don’t make that sound! It’s something more unbelievable……」

「M-maybe a ghost was summoned from the spirit world……a-and we’re the sacrifices!!」

「Those footsteps just now……a giant!? It’s a giant from the legends―― aaah……pugyah!」

Next, there was a scream several times louder……it was clear this was an abnormal situation.

I draw my sword and run off.

「Sekrit, do you know what kind of beast they use?」

「How would I know what pets barbarians use?」

「Tch, useless――hgaah!」

Celia, whose cheeks were pulled hard, bites Sekrit’s left hand and escapes.

It was good up until the part where the enemy’s night raid got caught in our trap.

Now, it’s our allies’ turn to be flustered.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Mysterious creatures jump out from the darkness, either killing fellow soldiers left and right or dragging the helpless soldiers into the shadows.

Screams overlap with each other and the spirits of our allies have completely shattered.

The fences we took so much effort to prepare also had no effect on the beasts.

The enemy mercenary squad has recovered and are strengthening their attack, which is a grave situation indeed.

「For now, we have to confirm the identities of the beasts――uooh!」

My instincts sense movement in the dark, prompting me to stick my sword out.

Sparks fly and my sword gets knocked pretty far back.

The shadow dives back into the darkness after that one strike.

「Did you see it?」

「Yes. It appeared to be a monster larger than the black beast.」

Based on the attack I received, it has power corresponding to its size, but it’s not an outrageous monster.

The problem is not actually its attack power, it’s the fear of being attacked by something unknown.

I sheathe my Dual Crater and run in the middle of the confused ally soldiers so I can raise my voice.

「You guys are fussing over this much?」

「Lord Hardlett! Aah, we’ll be alright……」

「The enemy is using monsters! They surely do not belong to this world! Let us temporarily retreat!」

「Please come to where the bonfires are. And make sure you don’t take your eyes away from the dark! If they drag you……」

If they’re sighing when they see me instead of becoming courageous, the situation is really bad.

Their minds are already dominated by fear and they’re thinking only of surviving, not of winning.

I need to act out something flashy.

It’s troublesome, but it has to be done.

I feel a presence behind me.

Is that one of the beasts who have singled me out as a target?

The shadow grows and a giant animal rushes out accompanied by a growl.

If I tried, it’s not impossible to draw my sword in time.

However, I deliberately refrain from using the Dual Crater and catch the incoming beat with my bare hands.

Because of how much it weighs, it naturally pushes me onto the ground.

「Uwaaaaah!! There it is!」

「It even got Lord Hardlett! It’s all over!」

「I’ll save you now! L-let him go!」

Soldiers express their grief while Sekrit holds onto the clamoring Celia.

I grab the front leg of the beast with my left hand and use my right hand to keep the head away so its jaws don’t crush me.

「I see…… it’s more appropriate to call it a monster than a beast.」

It’s a 5 m tall creature with four legs and a body with considerable strength to match its weight.

If that was all, it would have resembled a large wolf, but it has three glowing purple eyes and, instead of a mouth that opens vertically, it has a round mouth with fangs growing on the perimeter.

Wanting to eat me, the monster brings its gaping mouth close, but seeing how it is struggling, tries to move the claws on its front leg to incapacitate me first.

However, I am holding both weapons tightly within my grasp and not letting the monster use them.

「Fumu, what an atrocious appearance.」

I lower my left hand so I’m grabbing the claw of the front leg and then pluck it off.

Unlike the fearsome roar earlier, this time the monster lets out a growl in pain.

「It’s not as scary as it looks.」

I exert strength in both arms and attempt to get up slowly.

In response, the monster applies pressure to push me back down while trying to clench its teeth, but I’m winning the power battle.

「Also……I don’t know how many people you ate.」

I suddenly relax my muscles.

The monster loses balance from the lack of support and falls forward clumsily.

「But your mouth stinks!」

I grab the snout with both hands and headbutt the monster with all my might.

It was a headbutt with my helmet on and it was strong enough to break its nose.

As it tries to run away with its bleeding nose, I grab both its front legs and bend them in the opposite direction.

Not giving it anytime to roar, I pull the monster down to the ground by its beard-like tuft of hair at the bottom of its chin, then wrap my arms around its bulky neck.

「What a thick neck. It’s hard to get a good grip.」

I twist its head with the help of my body.

Although the monster flails all four limbs, it really can’t do much to resist in its current position.

Despite hearing the neck bone crack, I don’t loosen my grip.

I suddenly remember the time I wrestled with Gildress.

Compared to that, I wonder which was worse.

In terms of stench, it has to be the monster, while there is nobody who surpasses Gildress when it comes to the unpleasant feeling of his oily sweat smearing on your body during grappling.

The level of repulsiveness increases as I squeeze tighter, and then I hear a dry snap.

All four of the monster’s limbs twitch twice and stop moving.

I stand up slowly and throw the limp body of the monster at the other soldiers.

「What ghost? They’re just big animals. You’re not going to say you’re scared of animals, right?」

「S-strangled with his bare hands……? Something of that size?」

「Only Lord Hardlett can do something like that.」

「But……it dies if you break its neck. It’s simply an animal. So there’s a way to beat them!」

Fear disappears from the eyes of the soldiers and their fighting spirit ignites.

That means it was worth fighting with my bare hands……

Then there was a loud screech.

A shadowy figure emerges from the darkness, revealing itself to be a beast several times larger than the earlier beast.

With a length of 10 m, a height over 5 m, and ears as large as the doors of a palatial residence, it walks forward while using its 5 m long snout to whack allied soldiers.

「……is that also a big animal?」

Allied soldiers look to me expectantly.

「……I already said so.」

There’s no going back now.

I draw my Dual Crater and run at the giant beast with my sword at the ready.

「Kuku, you can’t handle that one with your bare hands?」

「Shut up!」

Dammit Sekrit, I’ll fuck your brains out later.

The enormous beast swings its enormous nose toward me.

I planned to block with my sword and then cut it in half, but a bad feeling nagged at me, so I avoided it at the last second.


When I did, the monster’s nose hit another soldier, whose head and helmet exploded on impact.

That thing’s as hard as steel. It’s smarter if I don’t assume I can block it easily.

「In that case……」

I run at the beast, crouching to avoid the incoming nose from the right.

A swift backstep saves me from the return swing of the monster from the left.

Having missed twice, the beast, as if it lost its patience, swings down from above me.

「This is it.」

I roll out of the way.

Its nose slams against the ground.

I wrap my arms around as much of the nose as I can grab.

I couldn’t get close with that thing swinging left and right, but now it’s temporarily stunned from hitting the ground.

The beast tries to shake me off to no avail.

「In the end, it’s just an animal. After swinging left and right, it will……」

Exactly like before, the monster swings its nose straight down.

I release my grip at this time, making it so I’m left floating in mid-air.

After hitting the ground again and realizing I’m not attached to its nose anymore, the monster searches left and right frantically.

With its body shaped the way it is, the spot I am at……in other words, the air directly above it, is impossible for the beast to see.

I point my Dual Crater downward and let the power of gravity pull me toward the beast’s head.


There was a firm feeling of resistance that accompanied the strike as more than half of the Dual Crater’s blade penetrated the monster’s head.

A short yelp escaped as the giant beast gradually fell to its side.

「……it’s just a bigger animal than usual.」

I smile at the other soldiers.

「……t-that definitely isn’t the reason.」

「The scary one is rather Lord Hardlett……」

Although the outcome was slightly different than what I expected, the morale of the army has ultimately recovered.

I also noticed nearby monsters carefully distancing themselves.

「They can probably tell instinctively that Aegir-sama is stronger.」

Fumu. Is that so?

When I spread my arms wide and growl at them, the monsters turn tail and run.

I’m left with mixed emotions.

The disarray may have been solved here, but the chaos affects the entire Royal army.

I don’t have time to do the same thing for each sector of the battlefield. What should I do?

「Ah, something is approaching from the back! A-are those pigs? A bunch of pigs!?」

Myla suddenly spouts nonsense.

I turn around to confirm and……there really are a bunch of pigs running.

「Are those the ones meant for rations? Why do they have torches stuck to their backs……」

I can understand if they escaped in the confusion of battle, but why would they have torches attached to them?

Following them, even small pack horses are running with torches.

「Hey, those are just pigs! Don’t show yourself」

「Don’t chase! If you get close, the light will……」

As the pigs run through the darkness, monsters are revealed one after the other.

The monsters pounce on the pigs and horses to prey upon them, but because torches are attached to the animals, the monsters are illuminated in the process.

「Capitalizing on the fact they’re still animals?」

「Yes. Especially when they attacked this much and should be hungry……it’s easier for them to eat pigs than armed soldiers.」

Archers are able to concentrate their fire and spearmen are able to finish off the monsters now that they are visible.

What the countless torches also illuminated was the animal trainers hiding in the darkness and not participating in the fight, who when killed, gave the monsters free rein to start attacking without discriminating between friend or foe.

「Now it won’t be possible to sustain the night raid.」

「Yes, it is pure chaos……ah, Irijina-san just slayed one.」

At this point, a large majority of the beasts have either fled or been killed.

The Keysia mercenaries are then forced to fight in order to make their escape.

In typical mercenary fashion, when the situation worsens, they don’t fight to the death.

「Chase them all down……is what I want to say, but we’re pretty disorganized ourselves. We should avoid chasing in the dead of night.」

Celia says as she folds her arms.

She’s right. We should be satisfied with this small victory.

「All that’s left is to be careful for survivors……wah, hyaaa!!」

A monster jumps out from the darkness and confronts Celia.

Before it can open its creepy round mouth, I grab its tail and point to the enemy camp.


The monster’s ears fold down and it sadly wags its tail in the other direction.

「As expected of an apex predator.」

I jokingly tell her to shut up and grab another shadow that jumps out from the darkness.

It’s a man from Keysia.

His entire body is covered in strange tattoos and he wields a mysterious curved sword.

He lets out a peculiar battle cry as he attacks, so I break his sword with my Dual Crater, knock him to the ground and step on his neck. He doesn’t seem to excel in any individual skill.


A female Keysian soldier attacks next.

Her body is similarly covered in tattoos and she wields that same curved sword.

I leave my Dual Crater planted in the ground, break her sword with my bare hands, and smoothly transition into a hug, stealing her lips and squeezing her ass while pressing my dick against her.

「Surrender and become mine. Got it?」


That takes care of that.

We crushed the beasts that were the Keysia mercenaries’ greatest trump card.

Tomorrow, it’ll be a fight between proper armies.

――The Next Morning.

「……is what I thought.」

We made it in front of Alteria by the time the sun rose.

Meanwhile, South Yuguria does not intend to stay holed up in their city and have deployed their army on the open field, ready to fight.

That’s just fine. We welcome it. The problem is……

There is a giant cage placed in the space between the two armies……large enough to be called a structure.

It doesn’t appear to be movable.

「What do you think?」

「Let’s see……I’m guessing it’s meant to contain a living creature of a corresponding size?」

Myla gives a sensible reply.

The cage is roughly 20 m tall, surrounded on all sides by metal bars in a grid pattern which can be seen through the cloth covering the entire thing, and are as thick as the pillars of a palace.

An earth-shaking roar comes from the cage to affirm Myla’s answer.

「Release it――!」

An enemy soldier provides the signal.

The lock on the cage is removed and the Keysian mercenaries nearby step back together.

「Ah, one person got caught.」

Unfortunately, someone moved a second too late and ended up in the grasp of a purple creature.

Slowly crawling out of the cage was――a rather large lizard.

The lizard swallows the screaming man whole and then roars at us.

「It’s 12…… no, 15 m……it’s a beast of the magical variety.」

「I-it’s also wearing armor.」

Metal plating protects almost all of the monster’s body.

The only parts which expose skin are the mouth, the eyes, and the extremities.

Is this the Keysian mercenaries’ trump card?

It’s understandable for the Goldonian soldiers to be scared and let out frightened cries.

On the other hand, the South Yuguria side doesn’t cheer.

They probably know best not to make a sound that would attract that monster’s unwanted attention.

「Hey, what do we do?」

I look at Leopolt.

「Based on its physique and armor, it’s obvious arrows and spears won’t work. We have to lure it to our cannons.」

「That armor looks pretty tough, will it work? It might be possible if it’s slow enough……」

「Ahーー!? That lizard!」

The one who interrupted Leopolt and Tristan was Natia.

「You know it?」

「Yeah. If I’m correct, it’s a rare species that only lives in the very depths of the dense forest region to the south of the empire―― a tropical smooth-scaled monitor lizard! It’s a ferocious monster that doesn’t get attached to humans and eats whatever is in front of it…… how did they get such a creature……」

The name is not what I expected, but it matches its appearance.

「By the way……are they fast?」

「……quite fast.」

The lizard snarls and wiggles its body at a tremendous speed towards us.

It occasionally hops left and right nimbly.

This means our cannons will have trouble hitting it.

「What do we do?」

「I don’t think the enemy believes that one lizard will annihilate us. They will launch a simultaneous attack while that thing wrecks havoc on our troops. We’ll use several thousand of our vanguard.to face it and save the rest of their army――」


Pipi cuts in before Leopolt could finish his sentence.

I don’t see her when I turn around.

A large shadow soars over my head.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Pipi flies above both armies on Pochi’s back and slowly descends from the sky.

Allied soldiers were in shock and simply watched blankly, unable to cheer or scream.


It responds with a familiar growl.

I was almost certain the flying creature was Pochi, but I asked anyway because I couldn’t see its face.

「What are you doing like that?」

Even Pochi is wearing armor.

With that said, the armor is not as beautiful as the enemy lizard’s armor. Pochi’s armor is a mix of iron, leather, and wooden materials, giving off a very handmade feel.

Pipi instructs Pochi to land in between our allies and the enemy lizard and it roars menacingly after it touches down.

「I will stop the monster.」

The enemy monster also recognizes Pochi as the biggest threat and stops moving to focus on the opposing lizard.

「This is something else…… ahaha.」

Tristan shrugs, not caring what happens next.

When I look over to headquarters, Erich’s jaw has practically dropped to the floor.

I’m sure he’ll have much to say to me later.

「I-it’s a battle of monsters……」

Celia, lower your voice a bit more.

If Pochi hears you calling it a monster, it’ll go into hiding for a few days.

「Go for it, Pochi!」

Pipi acted as the gong for both Pochi and the monster to approach each other one step at a time.

Everyone else, including me, watched to see the outcome of the battle.

At the Same Time – Headquarters.

「Fuwaah, things are getting crazy. What’s that?」

Benel watches the battlefield in amazement from the empty camp.

「I want to get closer……but it would be problematic if they suspect me……yet I have to ensure my nation’s victory…… hmmm.」

A soldier guarding the base, thinking Benel seemed fishy, approached her.

「Hey you. What’s a prisoner like you wandering around for……don’t tell me you’re a spy or――」

The soldier’s words stop abruptly and he dies as his eyes roll to the back of his head.

The cause was a tiny dart that stabbed him in the neck.

「Who’s there!? Wakyaa!」

Immediately after turning around, Benel was dragged into a nearby tent.


「Relax. I am also part of the intelligence agency.」

A woman dressed in Goldonian armor explains as she covers Benel’s mouth.

「I-I knew that, but you didn’t have to kill him. I’m going to be suspected even more now…… here is the additional intelligence report.」

The woman doesn’t take the notepad offered by Benel.

「You don’t need to continue the undercover infiltration anymore. We were ordered to execute a special mission―― assassination.」

Nervousness colors Benel’s face.


Benel’s body trembled briefly, then she gazed at the target in front of her.

After some consideration, she hesitantly looked at the woman.

「Can’t we wait a bit longer? It will seem strange if I went to the frontlines and I can’t just carry a blade with me…… and also……that’s right!」

Benel softly pounds her open palm with a fist.

「Hardlett has become quite fond of me and seeks me out every day. He’s probably deeply in love……if you give me some more time, he’ll change sides for me. Assassinating him now is premature……」

The woman nods twice.

「I understand. So it’s like that after all. Everything is exactly as predicted.」

「Y-you agree!? Leave it to me, I’ll charm him tonight in bed and persuade him to join――」

In an instant, the woman closes the distance between her and Benel until she’s right up to her face.


Benel twitches and slowly lowers her eyes in disbelief.

A dagger was stabbed deep into her body. Dark crimson liquid oozes out around the hand holding the weapon.

「Eh? Why?」

The woman doesn’t reply.


Benel looks back and forth from the knife in her stomach to the woman’s face, then slowly collapses to the ground.

Protagonist: Aegir Hardlett. 25 years old. Autumn.

Status: Goldonia Kingdom Margrave. Great Feudal Lord of Eastern Area. Mountain Legend.

Friend of the Dwarves. Friend of the King of Aless. Dragon Slayer Hero.

Elf Mediator. Sex King of White City.

Condition (Evil God Mode)


Myla (spectating), Celia (spectating), Irijina (spectating), Luna (rest)

Gido (insane), Pochi (armored), Leopolt (bewildered), Tristan (given up), Agor (not guilty)

Yakov (bewildered), Mack (guilty), Jim (wife love), Christoph (combat), Guigue (scum)

Altair (small happiness), Remia (climax)


Sekrit (spectating), Ivanna (sailing), T-99 (standby), Brynhildr (discovered, returning)

Natia (ecological observation), Felteris (bored), Ijaris (fruit), Yularen (fruit)

Annette (rest), Piris (shaken), Baroness Rukino Escaote (bashful), Seika (♪), Naesys (playing), Nasis (playing), Busco (low-life)

Zillia (astonished)

Army – Southern Goldonia

Under Protagonist:

Escort Unit: 55 ⇒ 53

Infantry: 4500 ⇒ 4000

Cavalry: 540 ⇒ 500

Archers: 580 ⇒ 530

Cannoneers: 360

Bow Cavalry: 7100 ⇒6800

Independent Celia Squad: 400

Conscripts + Security Unit: 9700 ⇒ 9500

Cannons: 40, Large Cannons: 21, Dwarven Cannons: 15, Field Artillery: 15, Chariots: 35


Reinforcements / Friendly Forces

105 Army Corps: 3700 ⇒ 3500

Elves: Black: 200, White: 200

New Penal Unit: 200 ⇒ 150 ⇒ 300 (incorporated all army members who violated the rules)

God Altair’s Army: 230

Teries Fleet: Battleship Suvorov, Battleship Leviathan IV (temporary), Large Combat Ships: 3, Medium Combat Ships: 7


Ally Forces:

Western Front:

Royal Army: 39 000 ⇒ 35 000

Conscripts: 46 000 ⇒ 40 000

Eastern Front: ???

Enemy Force: Regular Soldiers: 20 000?

Conscripts: 70 000? + Young Male Soldiers: 30 000

Cavalry Army: 10 000 ⇒ 6000

Frontier Mercenaries: 30 000 ⇒ 10 000

Land Beasts: 600 ⇒ 100, Air Beasts: 300, Tropical Smooth-scaled Monitor Lizard

National Volunteer Corps: ⇒ ∞

Assets: -10 000 gold

Sexual Partners: 797, children who have been born: 69 + 567