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Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 13
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#Chapter 13 – Dual Relationship

Finally, after what feels like an endless list of my credentials, I get Victor talking about his goals for the

sessions use the opportunity to quietly freak out.

I put my hand over the phone’s receiver and turn my face away, breathing deeply as my mind spins,

trying to figure out my next step. I should, of course, immediately end the call before Victor tells me

anything real about his life, his relationships, his intimacies.

This is a textbook case of a conflict of interests. I definitely shouldn’t be Victor’s therapist because I’ve

figured out his identity but he hasn’t figured out mine – it creates a power imbalance.

Oh, and because we’ve slept together, and because he’s trying to steal my children, just to name a few

other reasons.

“s**t s**t shit…” I mutter under my breath. I know I should hang up the phone but…

Something inside me nudges me, telling me that fate has delt me a sweet hand here. Perhaps, just

perhaps, I shouldn’t ignore this so quickly.

Everything in this custody case is weighted in Victor’s favor – at least in legal terms. The minute it

becomes clear that I intentionally kept Victor’s children from him, not giving him a chance to

acknowledge Ian and Alvin as his sons and heirs, the court will turn in his favor.

But now, suddenly, I have access to Victor’s deepest secrets, fears, even his plans for the future. It’s

unethical, of course, but…are ethics really the most important thing when he’s trying to take my kids?

If Victor were in my place, he’d take every advantage that came his way. Alphas like Victor don’t think

codes of ethics apply to them, swiping them away like cobwebs whenever they pose an inconvenience.

My eyes narrow as my heart hardens. Fine. I’ll play by his rules.

“Hello?” I hear the gruff voice echo from the phone, which I’ve forgotten is in my hand. I return my

attention quickly back to the call.

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“Mmmhmmmm…” I say, pretending to think deeply. “That DOES present a…conundrum for you…” I

say, grimacing and hoping that I’ve responded coherently to whatever it was he just said.

“I agree,” says Victor, sounding satisfied, “I’m glad you recognize that it’s a complicated issue.”

“Certainly, certainly,” I confirm.

“Wonderful,” Victor says. “I’m glad that we’ve had this chat and that we’re on the same page. I will

consult my schedule and arrange a call for later this week. Thank you.” Victor hangs up without waiting

for my response.

I stare blankly at the receiver in my hand. My mind is conflicted, half greedy and victorious, half anxious

that I’ll get caught, lose my license, lose my kids…

I take a deep breath and exhale slowly, gently returning the phone to its cradle. God, only twenty-four

hours, and my world is completely upside down.

The door cracks open and Tyesha pokes her head in, flashing me a questioning thumbs up.

“Come on in, Ty,” I say, smiling. “It all went fine. I think he wants me to take the case!”

“Awesome!” she says, offering me a high-five. “I think it’s going to be an interesting case for you, and

that you have exactly the skills and expertise necessary to really help him.”

I flash her a small smile, guilt still rolling in my stomach. Ha, if only she knew. But this will give me

leverage, information I can use to turn the tide my way. It’s the smart thing to do, even if it’s not right.

The alpha spirit within me begins to growl softly, and I feel a small pleasure at this new adventage.

Victor should not forget that I, too, can be ruthless. Joyce certainly never forgot.

Tyesha senses my strange mood and c***s her head to the side. “You okay, Evelyn? I thought you

would be more excited about this.”

“Yeah!” I say, putting on a false cheerful front and stretching to demonstrate that I’ve been tired. “It’s

just been…a long couple of days.”

“No worries,” she says, spinning my armchair and sitting down in it to face me. She checks her phone

for a moment, and then gives me a big smile. “Great, the client has confirmed that he would like to

move forward to the next step with you.”

“Awesome,” I say, folding my hands in my lap. “I’m in.”

“The client wants to stay remote for the foreseeable future, and anonymous, until he feels really

comfortable. Some of these celebrities never want to reveal their identities, despite all the

nondisclosures you’ve signed and will continue to sign.” She tucks her phone away and shrugs. “I get

it, they’re a secretive people. But we know we can trust you.”

I smile at Ty warmly, letting her believe it. I also say a quick prayer that this doesn’t ruin my career – I

love my job. But again, my kids are more important.

“So, now that he’s confirmed, is there anything…else you can tell me about the case?” I say, carefully

prying. “He spent most of his time interviewing me about my credentials. I didn’t get much out of him.”

“From what I know,” Ty says, “it’s a pretty standard relationship crisis, only made particularly

complicated because he’s powerful and famous.”

“Hmm,” I say, nodding and letting Tyesha continue without too many interruptions. People tend to tell

you more if you give them the space to talk.

“Yeah,” she continues, “apparently a lot of quarreling, almost every time they talk. He’s having trouble

controlling his emotions, she’s breaking her commitments, especially her promises about their timeline

for having kids.”

“Oh, tough one,” I say softly, vaguely, letting Ty continue.

“I get the sense that there’s some self-loathing in there too,” she says, looking off into the distance and

letting her mind wander aloud, as I hoped she would. “He let something slip, in his intake interview –

something about losing his temper and becoming the person hates – someone from his past, I think.”

She blinks and comes too, shrugging and giving a little laugh.

“Who knows,” she says, smiling. “I’m sure you’ll get into it all soon.”

I raise my eyebrows and smirk. “Can’t wait to dig in. Hey!” I say suddenly, thinking of something. “I

have the rest of the day off and, for once, I have no kids on a Friday afternoon. Do you want to stay for

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a bit? Have a glass of wine with me before my date tonight?”

“Hell yeah!” Ty says, getting to her feet. “Who is this date with? Is it Andrew, that guy –“

“Nah, he’s old news,” I say, interrupting her and leading the way into the kitchen where I have a bottle

of white wine chilling. “This new guy is Mark and oh my god, you should see him Ty. He –“

Suddenly I feel my phone buzz in my cardigan pocket. I pull it out, suddenly anxious as my mind jumps

immediately to my boys.

I don’t know the number displayed on the screen, but beneath it the phone reads “Kensington

Enterprises.” Victor’s company. s**t. s**t s**t. Is something wrong with the boys?

I hold up a finger to Tyesha, who nods as I take the call. “Hello?”

“Evelyn?” It’s Victor himself. My heart rate speeds up.

“What’s wrong,” I demand, careful not to let Ty know who is on the phone.

“Evelyn, you need to come as soon as possible,”

“What’s wrong,” I say, urgent, “are the boys all right?”

He huffs a huge sigh. “They’re fine, Evelyn, of course. They’re just…they’re tearing my house apart.

Everything is…covered in marshmallow…I don’t even know where they got…” his voice fades out,


I laugh, and press a palm to my chest, where my heart is returning to its normal rhythm. Oh, thank God.

“Okay, fine,” I say, a little smug. “Just text me the address, I’ll be right there.”

I hang up the phone and give Tyesha a little grimace. “I’m sor-“ I begin, but she waves a casual hand at

me, interrupting.

“No apologies, babe,” she says, patting me on the back and stepping towards the door. “Let’s get your

car cleaned off and get you on the road. I’m a mom too – I get it, kids come first.”

I nod at her, genuinely appreciating her understanding. “I’ll meet you out there,” I say, picking up my

phone again. “One more call.”

Tyesha nods and heads out the door as I dial a new number. “Heyyy, Mark,” I say, lowering my voice

into the velvet tones I know he loves. “Sorry baby, I’m going to have to take a rain check on tonight…”