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Prime Originator

Chapter 406 - High-Speed Traveling Idea
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Chapter 406 - High-Speed Traveling Idea

Crawford Kingdom, Lost Isle Alley.

Ever since Queen Elizabeth returned to the Capital with Aria and Lynne, the area around the Teleportation Array had been crowded with researchers.

"Have you still not figured out how this thing operates yet?! How old are you? And how old is son?! My son figured out how this thing operated in three days! How long has it been now? Three days! How much more time do you need?!" Elizabeth barked at the group of researchers that had been studying the mystical Teleportation Array for the past few days.

The head researcher bowed his head in shame and said, "My sincerest apologies, Your Majesty. I ashamed of my own incompetence."

"No, it's fine." After a moment, Elizabeth sighed and shook her head, despondently, "I'm just in too much of a hurry to see my son."

After calming down, Elizabeth seriously asks, "What have you found out so far about this thing?"

"It appears to be a type of spatial device capable of transporting people from one place to another. Although it is activated currently, something seems to be stopping it from opening the spatial portal from the other side. Perhaps, His Highness sealed it to stop others from following him over?"

After hearing this, Elizabeth furrowed her brows. What the head researcher said might just be the case. If so, no one would be able to travel to the other side even if they understood the mechanism of the Teleportation Array.

She sighed again and said, "Continue to study this Teleportation Array. Even if we cannot use it, we should learn how to reproduce it. If we can master this profound teleportation technology, we can effectively travel anywhere in the kingdom in an instance."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The head researcher and other researchers bowed in compliance. Shortly after, Elizabeth left the area and returned to the palace.

Within the king's study room, Heinrich was seen reading through some documents. Seeing Elizabeth enter the room, he placed the paper down and smiled, "How's the progress of the Teleportation Array?"

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"Still the same." Elizabeth shook her head and asks, "What about the girls?"

Heinrich glanced outside the balcony before shrugging and said, "See for yourself."

"Are you upset that even one of your daughters-in-law is being one step ahead of you in cultivation and advancing to the Transcendent Realm?" Elizabeth asked with her lips curled before she walked to the balcony.

Outside the study room, a person could be seen meditating on the palace grounds' open field while a dozen palace guards secured the perimeters. No one was able to get close to the person at the center.

Clouds slowly gathered above, and cold lightning crackled in the sky. It was the Transcendent Phenomenon of someone achieving Transcendence.

Nevertheless, the Transcendent Phenomenon was different from all the other Transcendent Phenomenons in the past. The appearance of a Transcendent Phenomenon depended on the element the Awakener was achieving Transcendence with.

Even so, Aria's Transcendent Phenomenon was unique even among Transcendent Phenomenons. It appeared to be the Transcendence of dual elements, but it was the Transcendence of a single element in truth. It was the lightning element, but with traits of the ice element in it.

"Once Aria succeeds, we will have an additional Transcendent in our kingdom. That girl… she never ceases to amaze me. Her talent is simply overflowing. Lynne, on the other hand, worries me." Elizabeth sighed with a concerned look.

"She's a little competitive, but she's also a good girl. I hope that she will be able to achieve her aim by going to the World Tree." Heinrich said.

Elizabeth nodded before saying, "Speaking of the World Tree, I heard from Amelia that you were planning to expand the railway and build a route to connect the World Tree to the Capital, dear?"

"That's right."

Heinrich admitted with a nod and said, "Now that the lumber city and stone city is connected to the Capital, we are getting a steady supply of construction materials. It is just a matter of time before the Capital is rebuilt completely."

"However, our kingdom's territory has expanded to triple its size after the assimilating the territories of the Durham Kingdom and the Valaran Kingdom. If we want to govern such a large expanse of land effectively, we will need to move our Capital somewhere more central."

While listening to Heinrich's explanation, Elizabeth nodded in agreement. What her husband said made a lot a sense. However, she had some doubts.

"You are planning to make the World Tree the location of our new capital? There are more central regions we could choose from to be the location of our new capital. Why the World Tree's region?" Elizabeth asked.

Heinrich smiled at her question.

"My wife, you asked an excellent question. Let me tell you about an interesting piece of news I recently learned about. You are also aware that the sky has a suppressive gravitational force that stops us from flying beyond a certain height, yes?" He asked.

Elizabeth nodded.

"What about it?"

"The suppressive force of the sky does not exist under the umbrella of the World Tree. This means that our airships can fly at least 10,000fts high within the vicinity of the World Tree, and even higher as the World Tree grows." Heinrich spoke with a profound look.

Elizabeth could not understand where her husband was getting at with this topic and furrowed her brows in confusion.

"Even if the airship can fly to such heights, it is still confounded within the vicinity of the World Tree. Why would that be important in deciding the location of our new capital? Once airships leave the range, it will plunge due to the suppression force of the sky."

Heinrich chuckled mysteriously and shook his head, "That's is where you are wrong, my dear. Although the airship will not retain the same altitude once it leaves the range of the World Tree, it will not be a steep plunge either. Rather, it will be a gradual decline while the airship is accelerated due to the suppression force. Do you understand now what this implies?"

Elizabeth was not stupid. Once her husband explained this much to her, she understood everything without further explanation.

"This means that the airship will be akin to a slingshot or plunging rollercoaster once it leaves the World Tree's zone, flying at an incredible speed. Considering the gravitational force applied on the airships, I suppose it is possible for them to accelerate up to multiple times their normal speed!" Elizabeth said.

"That's right! Whether it is deploying troops, sending supplies, or simply traveling, it will be possible for us to reach any parts of the kingdom within a much shorter period of time compared to any other available modes of transport."

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"It seems my husband already has plans to build a large airport near the World Tree." Elizabeth smiled before mentioning a critical problem, "However, how do you plan on solving the stress problem? I doubt any of our current airships will be able to withstand such high flight speed without falling apart from the resistance putting stress on the structural integrity of the airships."

"As the king of the kingdom, why do I have to be the one to solve it?" Heinrich laughed before proceeding to say, "I only need to provide an idea. It is up to others to realize it for me. I've already consulted Ignis on this matter, and he has already started researching a new airship design to bear the burden of high-speed flight."

"So my husband already has everything planned out. It seems the only thing left is to wait for the completion of the railway construction between the Capital and World Tree. I've been a bit free these days anyway. Maybe I will go speed up the construction process." Elizabeth said while preparing to leave.

Heinrich stood up from his seat and did a light stretch before strolling over and held Elizabeth's waist intimately.

"I've been cooped up in the palace and buried behind paperwork for so long that I could also use a little exercise. How about I join you, my dear? We've been so busy, we had little time to spend together these days." Heinrich suggested.

Elizabeth smiled and gave Heinrich a peck on the cheek before responding with, "If my husband wishes."

However, the palace maid, Lily, suddenly arrived by the open entrance and became slightly startled.

"Ahem, I'm terribly sorry for disturbing your intimate moments, Your Majesties. Marquis Haldir and Princess Faelyn have come to bid farewell." Said Lily.

"Oh? They've returned from the World Tree so suddenly? Seems like their business at the World Tree is finished. They should be planning to return to Elvengarde to inform their tribe.

"I will go first and leave you to deal with this matter," Elizabeth said with a smile before leaving from the balcony.

Heinrich shook his head with slight disappointment. After a moment, he recovered his regular expression and said, "I'll go meet them now. Where are they?"

"They are just waiting in the Great Hall, Your Majesty." Lily dutifully answered.

"Alright, I understand."

Heinrich nodded.