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Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex-Novel

Chapter 1248. Sakurako - The Young Lady That Wants to do Prostitution / Troublesome Father
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Chapter 1248. Sakurako - The Young Lady That Wants to do Prostitution / Troublesome Father

「Well then, now it’s a closed room. Our conversation will not leak outside. This is Kouzuki’s place so I’m sure it will be, isn’t that right, Misuzu-kun?」

The old Kaan asks Misuzu inside the locked room.

The people in the room are;

The people who were in the room before us, the head of the Kaan house, Momoko-neechan’s grandfather…

Then, the head of the Kanou house, Sakurako-san’s father and mother.

The three of them are sitting.

Then, the group who entered just now. Katsuko-nee, and me, the Kuromori group.

Misuzu’s representing the Kouzuki house.

Kaan Momoko-neechan, and Mariko are here to attend on Sakurako-san.

Then, the perpetrator of today’s incident, Sakurako-san.

「Yes, it’s safe, Kaan-sama」

Misuzu answered the old Kaan’s question.

「There are no listening device nor recorders in this place」

「Yes, I had Taichi check the place before you came. He reported that there’s no problem so I think he’s right. It’s just that I want to hear Misuzu-kun convey Kouzuki house’s official viewpoint」

I’ve seen Shou-neechan go to places before Jii-chan to check if there are any wiretaps or explosives set up.

Jii-chan’s the head of the Kouzuki house, and so it’s common in his daily life.

Yamada Taichi-san is the bodyguard of the old Kaan, who’s also from a family in equal status as the Kouzuki house, so, naturally, he checks the room.

Kouzuki and Kaan house are friends, but…

They’re no on the level where they’d say “The other party might take offense from doing that so don’t”

「If Misuzu-kun doesn’t say it then Noriaki-kun can’t feel at ease and talk to their daughter」

He said and looked at Sakurako-san’s father.

Kanou Noriaki seems like he’s in his 40’s or 50’s, but he’s the head of the Kanou house.

The head from Jii-chan and old Kaan’s generation has passed away already.

「My Taichi, Noriaki-kun’s Shiranui-kun, and Kouzuki house’s Fujimiya-kun, the bodyguards have stepped away. I think that we can be frank with each other with these people. Don’t you think so, Noriaki-kun?」


Hearing old Kaan say that, Kanou Noriaki looked at Katsuko-nee and me with a displeased face.

Misuzu from the Kouzuki house, Momoko-neechan from the Kaan house, and Mariko, Sakurako-san’s cousin are here to be her strength, so he can’t deny them being here, but…

Katsuko-nee and I are outsiders from Kanou Noriaki’s eyes.

I can tell from his face that he wants us to leave.

「Well then, I think we should be clear why Kouzuki’s not here」

Old Kaan told us.

Right, this is a Kouzuki house’s owned hotel, and this is a special facility used by Jii-chan to have private talks with various people.

Why is Jii-chan not here and it’s just Kaan-san?

Jii-chan’s always considering the whole nobility.

Today, what Kanou Sakurako-san did…

It’s a family problem of the Kanou house, which is in equal status as the Kouzuki and Kaan house.

Normally, Jii-chan would be arbitrating this important case.

「Simply put, Kouzuki’s currently attending to a foreign VIP. This was scheduled beforehand so he can’t change it」

Old Kaan smiled wryly.

「Kouzuki’s still active even though he’s already past 80. Even though he could’ve left it to the face of the Kouzuki group, Shiba-kun, and yet, that’s just like him. It can’t be helped, he has no son to succeed him」

Jii-chan’s eldest son, Yoshiko-san’s father, was murdered in America.

The one who plotted the murder was Jii-chan’s second son, Ruriko’s father. His misdeeds were exposed and he was disposed of in front of us.

What’s left is Misuzu’s father, Jii-chan’s third son. However, that one is working hard in high-class country management. He has no intentions of succeeding the Kouzuki group.

「In that regard, I’ve been blessed with children, I may have not yet handed over the family headship, but I’ve left most of the public work to my son and I’m living comfortably. I’m retired. That’s why I’m free, unlike Kouzuki. But on the other hand, my son has better guards and I only have Taichi with me. But at my age, I’d rather have someone young as my bodyguard as I’ll have to see them every day. I don’t care how good their career is, I don’t want to walk around with an old guard. It feels gloomy」

Old Kaan said and looked at Kanou Noriaki.

「You’ve brought Shiranui-kun. If it were me, I wouldn’t let such a man whose stamina is in decline go out. I’ll put him in charge of the security at the mansion and let him mentor the younger generation. Just like Yazawa-kun in Kouzuki’s side」

Chief Yazawa from the Kouzuki SS is now overseeing all the guards employed by the Kouzuki house.

He’s letting Shou-neechan take care of everything on-site, and he’s working behind the scenes.


「Yazawa-san’s still an active escort. He hasn’t lost any of his alertness, concentration, or judgment required as a guard. His fighting ability is strong enough to knock out the young ones in the Kouzuki SS if he fights seriously

I speak of chief Yazawa’s honor.

「Oh, Is that so?」

Old Kaan asks me with a smile.

Kanou Noriaki’s terrified as I interrupted old Kaan.

「I am not strong, but I’m with my guards all the time. So, I can tell how strong a person is」

The Kudou arts I learned from Michi is a martial arts that deal with Qi.

We train to be able to feel our opponent’s strength from experience immediately.

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「Hmm. So, how do you appraise Shiranui-kun?」

Shiranui-san, Shiranui Shie-san’s father.

「He’s already in his retirement age I believe」

I replied honestly.

Kanou Noriaki glared at me sullenly.

「Why do you think so?」

Old Kaan asks me.

「Bodyguards who lost their confidence in their ability shouldn’t be working anymoer」

I answered immediately.

「What do you know?! I know that you’re Misuzu-kun’s fiance, but you’re not someone from the nobility!」

Kanou Noriaki spoke to me bitterly.

「What can a child like you know about the bodyguards of the noble world!!」

His daughter, Sakurako-san ran away from home.

Then, Jii-chan and Kaan-san called him to this hotel for this case.

Despite that, old Kaan’s taking it easy, not encouraging the conversation to get to the point.

In the end, he’s asking a kid like me for my opinion on the skills of bodyguards.

Kanou Noriaki’s frustration is tossed to me.

「No, I don’t think so」

Old Kaan looked at Kanou Noriaki with a smile.

「Noriaki-kun probably doesn’t know so I’ll tell you, this boy is the owner of the Kouzuki SS」


Kanou Noriaki doesn’t seem to understand what Kaan-san is saying.

「Kouzuki gave all his stocks on Kouzuki SS to him. Meaning, this boy is the boss of the best security you can have」

「That’s crazy」

Kanou Noriaki’s surprised.

「He’s not lying. It’s the truth」

I replied with a straight face.

「Besides, he’s quite close with Kouzuki’s bodyguards. Even now, he knows about the bodyguards of the nobility more than Noriaki-kun does」

Compared to Kanou Noriaki who only has Shiranui-san as his bodyguard.

I’ve seen many professionals at work.

「So, what’s your specific reason for noticing that Shiranui-kun’s decline? Explain it so Noriaki-kun could understand」

Kaan-san asks me.

「Well, that’s because Shiranui-san’s not confident in his strength right now, and that’s why he brought three subordinates with him」

I replied.

「Not yet detailed, make it easier」


「What I mean is that this hotel is a fortress of the Kouzuki house, see? We have Kouzuki SS personnel working in this hotel」

I choose the words in my head and talk.

「What about it?」

「Then, uhm, Kaan-san, don’t you usually bring more bodyguards with you than that, do you? Even if you’re retired, you’re still the head of the Kaan house, so you should have at least ten guards with you 」


「As mentioned by Kaan-san earlier, I’ve learned a lot from the guards」

Shou-neechan and Rei-chan, these two professionals have taught me.

「Therefore, for someone in Kaan-san’s standing, I can roughly guess the scope and mass of actions」

「Yes, you’re right. I used five cars to come here」

I thought so. Just like Jii-chan.

「But Kaan-san, coming to this room, no, even coming to this floor, you had no one else with you apart from the bodyguard in charge of you, Yamada Taichi-san」

Since coming to this floor from the elevator, I haven’t seen any other people.

I haven’t felt any presence around.

That’s why I’m sure that Kaan house’s bodyguards aren’t on this floor.

「You had to check the room arbitrarily, but you only brought Yamada Taichi-san with you in the end. You limited it to one person. Isn’t that right?」

Kaan-san looked at me and laughed.

「Indeed. That’s the rule in this hotel. Think about it, this hotel is a place Kouzuki use to bring people to private talks. Don’t you think it’s inelegant to bring multiple bodyguards with you?」

「That’s true」

I nodded.

For example, you consider it a private talk between only three people.

Then each one brought three, or four bodyguards with them.

The room will be filled.

If everyone’s being cautious of each other’s bodyguard, then you can’t have a private talk at all.

「That’s the reason why when Kouzuki built this hotel, he included all sorts of mechanisms, including an underground parking garage for us, and an elevator that leads directly to the private talk floor. Kouzuki purposely offered this safe place, and so you can’t be inelegant to him. It’s our rule to bring only one bodyguard each when coming to this hotel. That’s why I only brought Taichi and left all the other guards underground」

Old Kaan said.

「When I met you the other day, I left Taichi downstairs too」

Right, in this hotel, just recently…

I met Kaan-san for the first time.

This man had no bodyguard with him at that time.

「I didn’t want to alarm you. I wanted to see what kind of a person you are in your daily life」

Yeah, back then, I thought of him as Jii-chan’s friend.

Sure, if Kaan-san brought his bodyguards, then I would’ve been more cautious.

「However, Shiranui-kun brought three people with him. I wonder what happened?」

Kaan-san turned to Kanou Noriaki.

「I-I was unaware of such rules in this place. Please believe me」

He didn’t answer the question but gave excuses instead.

But that’s…

「Oh, of course, Noriaki-kun is unaware」

Kaan-san said.

Meaning, he’s the current head of the Kanou house, but…

Jii-chan never invited him to this floor before.

That’s how it is.

「However, Noriaki-kun may not be aware but Shiranui-kun should be. He should’ve been in this room several times as a bodyguard when Kanou was alive」

The previous generation head of Kanou house came here as Jii-chan invites them.

Therefore, Shiranui-san should know the rule where only one bodyguard can come.

「Even if this is a violation of the rule, Shiranui-kun’s brought subordinates with him, meaning, the boy is right, he’s not confident in his current abilities. His mind and body have declined that Shiranui-kun himself decided he can’t compete with my Taichi-kun or Kouzuki house’s Fujimiya-kun」

I think so too.

The only way to pay attention is to increase the number of eyes and ears.

He’s trying to counter the pressure from Yamada-san and Rei-chan with more people.

Even though he gave up on his pride as a bodyguard, it would be a disgrace to the Kanou house if he can’t compete in power with the bodyguards of the Kaan and Kouzuki house.

「Even so, the quality of their temporary bodyguards are quite poor」

Momoko-neechan told her Grandfather.

「They’re not even going to be much help. They’re only a hindrance」

Shiranui-san as of the moment is incapable of giving instructions to lead those three men in black suits.

「That’s inevitable. That’s the best that the Kanou house can hire」

Old Kaan said and turned to Kanou Noriaki.

「I don’t think Shiranui-kun will ask you to take him off. With his personality, I don’t think that he would willingly admit even though he can feel that his body can’t keep up」

His mind and body have been lagging behind and so he’s pushing himself harder.

That’s his case.

「So, it’s better if you let Shiranui-kun retire from the field naturally so he doesn’t take offense from it. That’s what I believe」


Kanou-san falters.

Shiranui-san can’t quit his job even in that state because Kanou house has no more personnel.

Kanou house doesn’t have the money left for them that only Shiranui house, who served them for generations, are left behind.

「That is my advice for you, Noriaki-kun」

Kaan-san speaks with a heavy tone.

「I know. I’ll listen to Kaan-sama’s advice. But in exchange, can you send a good guard to my house in replacement for Shiranui?」

Dispatching a bodyguard?

「If possible, uhm, it’s embarrassing to ask, but as you know, Kanou house cannot hire bodyguards that could serve Kaan-sama due to our circumstances. Therefore…」

So he’s asking the Kaan house to help with the wage of the guards they’re hiring.

Or maybe, he’s asking Kanou house to lend a bodyguard free of charge?

「I do not have any extra guards at the moment. Rather, I’m in a situation where if I find a good one, I’d hire them」

Kaan-san smiled wryly.

「If you need one, then ask him. If it’s bodyguards, then Kouzuki SS has a lot」

I mean, sending bodyguards to the nobility is the main business of the Kouzuki SS.

「We don’t do them for free. We can send as many bodyguards as you want but for the full price」

I replied.

「K-Kanou house is a family that has higher standing than the other families!」

Kanou Noriaki is perhaps annoyed by my attitude so he shouted.

「So what? Are you saying that we’re going to send our bodyguards for cheap because you’re from the nobility? Or are you suggesting that we just give them away for free?」

「I-I didn’t say that far!」

Kanou Noriaki’s flustered.

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Bull’s eye.

「I don’t make exceptions」

「Yes, Kou-chan’s running a business, so he can’t just give Kanou house a special treatment」

Momoko-neechan said.

「If he does that, other families will surely ask the same treatment as the Kanou house」

If we charge Kanou house cheaply…

Then the other families would also ask for discounts, just like the Kanou house.

Or like ask for security for free.

That’s how it goes.

It’s much easier to complain to me than when Jii-chan is the owner.

「But, I have to retire Shiranui at the behest of Kaan-sama」

Kanou Noriaki starts his crazy theories.

「I didn’t order you anything. I only gave you advice 」

Kaan-san said.

「The head of nobility doesn’t take orders from other heads. Noriaki-kun, you are now the head of the Kanou house, so you must figure out your role as the head, and fulfill your responsibilities」

In the end, it’s the master’s job to tell their subjects to retire.

He shouldn’t do it reluctantly because Kaan-san ordered him.

「However, our house…」

Kanou Noriaki desperately tries to explain the distress of his house.

「I don’t care. You take care of your clan」

Old Kaan thrusts Kanou-san with a loud voice.

「Well, I think we now have an idea of what kind of people we are to each other」

Kaan-san changed the topic right away.

「Yes, I now have a grasp of it」

I replied to Kaan-san.

I can now understand Sakurako-san’s father’s personality.

This man is the type who would blame others.

Ever since earlier, he keeps making excuses, saying all buts.

He’s aware that the current situation of the Kanou house is quite poor, but…

That said, he will never be constructive and forward-facing in conversations.

He’s bothersome.

Even if he has huge pride as the head of the Kanou house…

On the other hand, he’s a man filled with such tiny pride.

「What do you mean?」

Kanou Noriaki doesn’t seem to understand what Kaan-san meant.

「Noriaki-kun, this boy, and you can’t have a proper conversation unless you understand each other」

Kaan-san told Kanou-san.

「Why do I need to have a conversation with a child?」

Kanou Noriaki speaks with a disappointed tone.

「I came here to bring back my daughter, Sakurako. There’s no reason why he and I should understand each other, is there?」

This old man.

He’s lacking in imagination.

「Well you see, I think that this boy has something to tell Noriaki-kun about Sakurako-kun」

Kaan-san said, then to me…

「So, how was it? Did you do it?」

Well, that’s quite…

That’s a straight ball.

「Yes, we did it」

So I caught it straight up too.

「It’s done without fail. One in her mouth and three times down there」

「W-What are you talking about?」

Kanou Noriaki asks me with a dumbfounded look.

Oh yeah, I thought so.

He had no idea.

He hasn’t even imagined that Sakurako would sell her body to me.

He thinks that his daughter would never do that.

Or maybe, he believed that Momoko-neechan or Mariko would stop Sakurako-san from going that far.

This old man seems to think that everything will turn out conveniently for him.

「I had sex with Kanou Sakurako-san. She was a virgin. And I took that virginity」

I speak as loud and clear as I can.