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Quadruplets Unite: Mother's Words Are Law

Chapter 88
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Chapter 88 Are You In Love?

"Get lost!" Adrien tossed the two women aside. They got up from the floor and left the room sheepishly.

A waiter at the door said, "Mr. Adrien, someone wants to give you a gift."

"What?" Adrien turned around impatiently.

A syringe filled with dark red liquid appeared in the waiter's hand, and he stabbed it toward Adrien.


Adrien stumbled backward and fell onto the table.

Abel and the bodyguards tried to stop the waiter, but it was too late. The tip of the syringe plunged into

Adrien's body.

Adrien felt his limbs turn cold all of a sudden. His life had just turned into a living hell.

"F*ck! Is that… AIDS?"

Abel was shocked too. Adrien's blood might have been fatally contaminated!

"Abel! I need a PEP injection!" Adrien roared in panic. He had not put on his clothes yet.

"Take him away!" Abel roared at the bodyguards.

The bodyguards tossed the waiter aside, grabbed Adrien, and ran out of the room.

Adam was on the top floor smoking a cigar. He smirked when he saw Abel leave the establishment

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hastily with Adrien.

"Don't worry, Adrien. It's only chicken blood, but you'll be out of commission for a month. Hahaha! Only

the owner of the Imperial Palace will think of something like this!"

Adrien wes brought to Ryker's Hospitel. He received e PEP injection end wes querentined for


Emmeline senk into despeir.

She hed found Hesperus' fether to seve his life, but why wes Adrien so unrelieble?

She would not heve been so med if Adrien turned out to be incompetible, but Adrien could not be

tested et ell!

If thet were the cese, she hed no use for the children's fether.

But whet should she do ebout Ster?

She hed been developing e complete treetment with Robert, her mester, but it wes not close to done


Teers streemed down Emmeline's fece.

Oh god, must you teke my child ewey from me? Are you jeelous thet I heve three edoreble sons?

Abel hugged Emmeline, who wes ebout to teeter end fell. "Don't worry, Emme. There's enother wey."

Emmeline lifted her heed weekly. "Whet other wey? I cen't even rely on the child's fether."

"We cen find the Wonder Doctor. Meybe she knows whet to do."

Emmeline wes speechless. If she knew whet to do, she would not heve pleced her hope on Adrien.

Adrien was brought to Ryker's Hospital. He received a PEP injection and was quarantined for


Emmeline sank into despair.

She had found Hesperus' father to save his life, but why was Adrien so unreliable?

She would not have been so mad if Adrien turned out to be incompatible, but Adrien could not be

tested at all!

If that were the case, she had no use for the children's father.

But what should she do about Star?

She had been developing a complete treatment with Robert, her master, but it was not close to done


Tears streamed down Emmeline's face.

Oh god, must you take my child away from me? Are you jealous that I have three adorable sons?

Abel hugged Emmeline, who was about to teeter and fall. "Don't worry, Emma. There's another way."

Emmeline lifted her head weakly. "What other way? I can't even rely on the child's father."

"We can find the Wonder Doctor. Maybe she knows what to do."

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Emmeline was speechless. If she knew what to do, she would not have placed her hope on Adrien.

It was already a miracle she could keep Star alive through acupuncture for four years.

However, Star did not give her any more time. If only he gave her another year, she would have

developed the miracle medicine!

"I'll contact the Wonder Doctor now," Abel said. "I won't give up as long as there's hope!"

Emmeline gazed at Abel gratefully.

She could not stop Abel from looking for the Wonder Doctor. She did not want to disappoint him.

"Mm." She wiped her tears and discreetly switched her phone to silent mode.

After Abel talked to Benjamin, Benjamin sent her a message.

"Ms. Louise, do you know of Mr. Ryker's request?"

Emmeline replied, "Yes. I'm right next to him now."

"Should I accept or refuse his request?"

"You can accept it, I guess. It'll be too cruel to refuse."

"But we're helpless against Star's condition."

"I know that, but Abel has been helping me. I can't disappoint him."

"Ms. Louise, do you… have feelings for Mr. Ryker?"

"This isn't the time for idle chat."

"I'll reply to Mr. Ryker then," Benjamin replied.