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RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse-Novel

Chapter 420 Ishtar Part 2
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"Tch! Such a weakling can't even handle this little bit of power." Ishtar really disliked how weak Blake was. She did not want her daughter to be with a weakling!

"Sorry for being weak, but does that mean you have to go and harm those around you? If you had hurt my children, I would have used my life to take you down." Blake's voice was horse, but he meant every word he said.

"Oh? You got guts to threaten this goddess. But even if you have guts with how weak you are, it is impossible for you to be with my daughter." Ishtar actually had a bit of respect for Blake's bravery. But she also felt he was lucky. If he had chosen to threaten another one of the goddesses or gods, he would have been killed on the spot. It was then, as she looked at Blake, that she saw two sets of eyes peer out at her that were filled with hate. The cute angry faces made her expression soften a bit. She looked around the room and saw there were five other women who were also looking as if they were ready to fight. One had even transformed her arms into claws and was being held back by another.

"Tch. You are all weak!" Ishtar yelled out before walking over and grabbing Nanaya by the arm. "Come, we are going back. You will not be together with this weakling."

Nanaya could not resist as her mother pulled her arm and pulled her away from Blake. "I do not want to go! Why can't I be with the one I decided on!? Why are you, the goddess of love, actually forcing your daughter to part with the man she has come to love!?"

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"Love my ass! You have only known him for a few motions of the sun. how  can you fall in love with him!?" With a loud snort, she pulled Nanaya through the golden square in the ceiling and disappeared.

"Blake!" The girls all ran to Blake's side and began to check his body. Blake slowly relaxed and ended his transformation. He held his daughters in his arms and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Sorry…. If I did not help that girl, this wouldn't have happened." Blake  looked up at his wives and asked: "That last outburst of power did it affect you girls at all?"

"We are fine. It was only directed in your direction." Gemini replied as she looked worriedly at Blake. "Just now, you force transformed, is your body okay?"

"It's fine. More importantly, I will bring the girls to lie down." Blake lifted his daughters into his arms and held them close. He was so scared just now. He did not know what he would do if he had lost them.

"Mmm… Let's get them to bed. I will check them for injuries." Lillia nodded. Blake walked into one of the bedrooms and laid the girls on the bed. They were wide awake, just staring blankly at their papa.

"Papa, okay?" Destiny finally asked in a small voice, tears streaming from her eyes. When her papa covered her and Joy to protect them, she thought her papa was going to die, especially when she saw the blood. It had put her in a state of shock. She could only glare at the mean woman who dared to hurt her papa.

"Yeah, I am fine. While the mother is a bit over the top, the daughter is quite kind. She healed me back to new. But this is nothing as long as you two girls are fine." Blake said as he wiped the tears from Destiny and Joy's eyes. "I will sleep here with you two tonight."

"Mm…." Blake felt tired. The force transformation took too much of his mana and energy. He laid down between the two girls, slowly closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

"He's out…." Josline bit her lip. None of them reacted. No more like they couldn't react. Everything happened way too fast. "Is that the power of the people of this world? What is this astral power?"

"I am not sure. But the mother called herself the goddess Ishtar. Her strength was unfathomable." Gemini shivered just thinking about it.

"Gemini, could this be the plane of existence higher than Earth?" Noa asked.

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"I do not think so. I think this might be an ever higher realm…. But then again, we can not rule out that this is just another planet yet." Gemini took a deep breath. She learned a lot about the planets and things that the new era humans had learned about. So she could not rule out things until she had definite answers.

"Mina, how is he?" LIllia asked. Her scanning showed he was fine, but she also had Mina check as well.

"He is fine. His organs are fully healed. The young woman who was here, what was her name, Nanaya, really healed him completely. I think he is just exhausted from the forced transformation." Mina replied.

"I see. That is good, then." All the girls let out a sigh of relief. "The girls are also fine as well, so we can relax for the time being. For now, we should look into this astral power. If we can learn something about it, then maybe we can gain some of this power as well."

Lillia, since her evolution, had not felt this weak in a long time. She looked up at the ceiling that was protected by many barriers and frowned. The barriers were still intact, but that woman passed through them with ease. "We also need to think of a better defense system."

"We should have two people on guard. I will take the first shift. Who wants to join me tonight?" Noa asked.

"I will…. I might not be as strong as the rest of you, but I am durable." Josline was the weakest in the group when it came to fighting prowess.

"Then it will be the two of us." Noa smiled and took out her bow. She wanted to be ready for anything.

Lillia looked at her sisters and then at Blake and her two daughters on the bed and sighed. Today she was held back by Gemini. But if Gemini had not kept a cool head and she really did attack, all of them might have died today. Lillia clenched her fists. She wanted to grow stronger. Strong enough to protect everyone she loves. This was not only her who felt this way but everyone present. Even Destiny and Joy wished they could have protected their Papa, who was willing to protect them with his own body.