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Re: Evolution Online-Novel

Chapter 881 Run And Hide, You Little Bitch!
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"Master!" Luna was here, and behind her, the ten wyverns dropped down one after the other.



The entire place became instantly filled with a volley of all sorts of magic attacks. Both the vampire lord and the spider beast man were taken aback by surprise as they quickly maneuvered to protect themselves in the rowdy rumble.

Meanwhile, Liam used this chance to back up several paces and regain his footing quickly. However, he did not act in coordination with Luna and the soul minions to further put pressure on the two.

Instead, he stealthily signaled Luna, which caught her by surprise. But she did not have to be told twice. The clever fox understood what the plan was and immediately acted accordingly.

While the three-headed wyvern and the other wyverns were wreaking havoc inside the small, confined space, she blurred and arrived next to Liam.

Using this distraction which probably wasn't going to last for long now, the two of them flew out of there, hidden amidst the dazzling attacks that rained everywhere.

The moment Luna got out, she then instantly started running away at top speed. Her nimble and elegant figure blurred in and out, and she did not stop for anything.

At the same time, Liam immediately dismissed the wyverns. They were too precious, and he did not want them to get destroyed.

Also, he had a feeling that the vampire lord and the spider wouldn't chase after him.

From atop the fleeing white fox, he looked down to see the spider beast man skittering upwards and standing atop the ruined building.

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Liam was correct. He, indeed, did not chase after them. He stood there, rooted to the spot, and stared at them with a proud, arrogant grin, giving him a disdainful look.

The spider then unexpectedly even gave him a flying kiss and waved goodbye with mocking glee.

Liam smiled bitterly. He could tell what the goal of the other party was, but rather than getting angry, he only felt disgusted upon seeing the reaction.

This confidence… He wondered where they were getting this confidence from. Just from the level difference? Or was there something else that made him so confident about his superiority?

He fell back onto the white fox and let out a tired breath. For now, at least, they were out of danger.

However, it looked like Luna wasn't quite happy with this outcome. "Master! I could have bitten that spider in half!" She snarled.

Liam chuckled. "Mmmm. No doubt."

Though the danger back there was the spider beast man as he had more power and strength than the vampire lord, there was something else also at play.

It was the unusual power of the vampire lord!

If he was not wrong, this specific vampire lord had the power to cast debuffs!

As soon as the vampire lord finished casting his skill, even Liam, who had his stats boosted because of several small buffs here and there like the gemstone fruits, felt his strength drain rapidly.

His overall stats and abilities took a hit of about 25%, which was a critical hit, especially because he was already fighting against someone who was 30 levels above him.

This was mainly why Liam decided to flee instead of staying back and fighting. 

He could continue to take chances and play out all of his cards and gamble on the outcome, but on the off chance that one more spider skittered out of that hideout in the next second… he did not want to do that.

If something unpredictable like that happened, then it would be game over for him permanently. After all, this was not a game anymore.

He first needed to know what he was dealing with. So Liam decided to take a step back.

But that did not mean that he was giving up on the task once and for all. His gaze turned cold as he turned to look back at the distant location where he had just now run away from.

He would be returning there soon, and when he did… the next time won't be the same.

"Master, where are we going now?"

"Go to that magic shop again." Liam calmly said.

Kyuuu! Luna kicked up her speed by a notch and then dashed in that direction with all of her energy.


On a distant island that was away from the main landmass, a little kid flashed open his bright crimson eyes that shone like the most beautiful gems in the entire universe.

He had a big amused smile on his face as if he had just now received the most wonderful news in the world. "That's right. That's how you should run and hide, you little bitch."

"Ba ha ha ha!"

"Know your place! Ha ha ha!"

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"Did you think you could so easily defeat my playthings? Ha Ha Ha!"

The little kid burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter as a certain vampire filled him in on the details of the event that had just now transpired.

Though he was not able to set foot on the mainland for now, he was still able to maintain a mental link with his underling and was strong enough to communicate through this distance.

However, the so-called vampire lord was not a tamed soul link beast or his sired follower. To be able to maintain a mental link with a random underling… who was thousands of miles away…

If any other being came to know about this kind of mental strength, they would be instantly shocked to their core, and to think that a small kid wielded such power, their world beliefs would be completely shaken.

However, the little kid did not seem to care about any of that. 

He hummed in amusement as he paced back and forth on the sandy shores as if he was waiting for something extremely important, much more important than the news he had received just now.

And soon… the thing that he was expecting arrived.

A demon appeared in front of him carrying a huge stack of magazine-like books, except on every single one of these books, there were big busted women displayed from cover to cover.

"Sir Elmis…" The demon handed over everything to the little kid. 

It was clearly written on the demon's face that he was extremely embarrassed to be doing such a thing, but he did not dare to take the task lightly. After all, a vampire lord had issued the task.

And unlike the ones that paraded around this insignificant world at the moment, this was a real vampire lord, a vampire lord of the blood moon clan.


Mass Release chapter 2~

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