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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 83
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Chapter 83

“Dexter sticking up for Melody like that...” | let out a chuckle laced with sarcasm. Getting Dexter to give up on

Melody? As if that was ever going to happen.

“Dexter's been knocking on Hank's door, but word has it Hank’s gone into hiding, scared out of his wits. | reckon

Dexter doesn’t completely disregard our video evidence; he just went to check. on Hank afterward and cup

empty-handed,” Stella said with a grave tone. “I know where Hank's holed up. | need you to send Dexter the

location. He's blockedand doesn’t trustanymore.”

| couldn’t help but be surprised.

Dexter was on the move already?

Was he starting to doubt Melody?

Well well, well...

“I'll get in touch with him.” | remembered Dexter had givenhis business card. Though I'd tossed it, his cell

number was still etched in my mind.

“Meetat the corner of SeaWall Boulevard and Horizons Avenue.”

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Stella hung up abruptly, clearly in a rush.

Scanning the news on my phone, | wasn’t surprised to see the serial killer had struck again, the story blazing

across the trending charts.

Who's trying to kill me?

And just what is Colin's deal anyway?

| glanced over at Colin, still comatose on the bed. When | first cto and saw him, fear gripped- waking

up to find a murderer at your bedside isn’t exactly comforting.

But as tpassed, my fear gave way to doubt, hesitation, and even second-guessing.

Was he really a killer?

But if he wasn’t, why turn himself in?

If he wasn’t, what was he doing at the orphanage after | was abducted?

Colin was a man of secrets, undeniably linked to the murderer in sway.

| couldn’t bring myself to believe in his innocence.

Rubbing at my temples, | got up and walked out. “Eric, take care of Caleb for me, will you? I'm going out to pick

up sessentials, and | don’t need anyone tagging along.”

Eric hesitated but eventually nodded as if a thought had struck him. “Of course, ma’am. Just give us a call should

you need anything.”

Chapter 83

| nodded and had the driver taketo the place where I'd arranged to meet up with Stella.

“Dexter?” | dialed Dexter's number as we drove.

“Who's this?” Dexter's voice was cold, guarded.

“Heard you've been looking for Hank?” | kept my voice low.

“Who are you.” He sounded annoyed. | could tell he was on the verge of anger. | knew him too


“SeaWall Boulevard, Azure Residence. He's there. You know where to find him now, don’t you?” | kept prodding


“Tellwho you are.” His insistence on my identity grew.

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“Show up, and you'll find out. You have thirty minutes. If you don’t make it, you'll never know what Phoebe went

through before she died.”

I hung up the phone, leaving him to call back in vain.

| understood Dexter all too well. Arrogant and self-centered. To him, | was nothing more than a possession he

had labeled, and the murderer had defied him by taking my life without his consent. An affront to his ego.

Dexter was good to Melody, they say, because she'd once saved his life. He saw her as pure and untainted,

unlike me, with all my hidden dirt.

But | was determined to rip away Melody’s facade and let him see just how venomous his beloved really was. |

wanted him to regret, to suffer!

What would he do then? Keep shielding Melody, or continue in his deluded love for her. protecting her?

| was looking forward to finding out.

Stella and | met at the entrance to SeaWall Boulevard. She was dressed all in black, with a little white flower

pinned to her attire, looking quite the part of a mourner.

Part offelt sympathy, and another part wanted to laugh. Here | was, standing right before her, and yet Stella

just couldn't bring herself to believe in me.

“Watch where you're going,” | called out as she nearly walked into a lamppost, her mind clearly somewhere else.