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Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 287 Battle Of The Century; Master Vs Student! [2]
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"Clown Specialty: Psionic Energy Recycling!"

"Clown Specialty: Core Energy Control!"

"Clown Specialty: Energy Conversion and Combination!"

"Clown Specialty: POWER BLAST!"

For a brief moment, the world seemed to be coming to an end.

Like every single one of his beast test subjects that Clown subjected to his crazy experiments, this Elementalist was ruthless enough to also treat himself like a test subject, he enjoyed most things that they enjoyed.

Like them, he also had access to psionic and the residual pure core energy from the planet core augmentation that lingered in his body.

By activating special abilities to recycle his psionic energy and control the pure core energy, Clown seemed to turn into a ship-grade power reactor.

The power and light from him were blinding and powerful.

This was why when he finally lashed out at his master, it was through another special ability that he created, it was a literal explosion of power, it was a literal Power Blast that broke all the conventions of physics and super energy.


Newton felt like he was hit by an alien sledgehammer.

The impact was powerful, lethal, and groundbreaking. This Elementalist could not withstand it, despite his Chemical boundaries, despite his preparations and calculations, when faced before absolute might, he stumbled.

Newton crashed down from the skies.


This Elementalist barely fell before Clown unleashed hell from above.

"Clown Specialty: Fiery Spears!"

"Clown Specialty: Atomic Explosion!"

"Clown Specialty: Hell's Destruction!"

"Clown Specialty: Wind Dissection!"

Clown was not holding back at all, he went at it with gusto with the sole intent of eradicating his master from existence and for a few seconds, he became a literal unstoppable force of nature.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The booming sounds reverberated like exploding dominoes.

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Newton's fate seemed to have been sealed as from the skies descended the hail of attacks. They tore the ground open; the active volcano became even more active and volatile as the fire and wind dissected it apart piece by piece.

Clown's momentum at this moment was unstoppable.

He literally carved deeper into the earth just to deal more damage to his master but Newton was not an Elementalist that was content with staying idle.

This could be referred to as the prime age of the new generation but this did not mean that the old generation were content with relegating to the back. During their own time, they were once youths, they were once crazy and excited.

Challenged by his student's aggressiveness, Newton returned to his youth.

"You want to rumble?!"

"We shall rumble!"

"You and I, today, one of us dies!"

From the torn crust of this volcano, Newton charged back up with power even as he accessed his storage ring to unleash even more Chemicals.

As the chemicals were discharged, unleashing different effects, this old Elementalist let himself loose as for brief moments, he returned to his youth.

He returned to that chaotic state of youth when he gained the nickname, The Magician. He became a literal force of chaos and magic on this battlefield.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Neither Master or Student was willing to let a single opening to each other.

They attacked and forfeited defense; they became like 2 rabid Wolves who were only concerned with dealing as much damage as possible to each other.

Neither of them expected each other to be this strong, they both originally thought that they could steamroll through the other and determine the best instantly thereby driving their ideals into the head of the other.

They never expected so much power from their opponent, the incredible power wielded by each of them pushed themselves to heights they had never attained before in their history.

These heights were unprecedented for Grade C Superhumans.

Today, Newton and Norman redefined the power of Grade C Superhumans.

The exploding sounds kept on growing higher and higher in pitch, even the sound alone was now dealing additional sound damage to the spectators.

The shockwaves of their battle were crazy and destructive.

Both warriors pushed each other to a level that originally seemed humanly impossible for Grade C Superhumans. They pushed themselves so much that they lost themselves in the passion, they were drowned in it.

Legends say the greatest friendships are made in war, this was true because during the tension of war, the real nature of humans are brought out.

At this tense moment, Newton and Norman were laid bare to each other.

Their mind became vulnerable and was now as bare as bare could be.

They occasionally caught glimpses of each other's mind now.

The battle did not stop but now, a battle of their mind also started.

"WHY?!" Clown exploded.

"Why were you so adamant in protecting me?"

"I never told you that I needed protection".

"All I ever wanted was your trust and unflinching faith, I hated your control, why do you have to spoil it all because you were adamant in controlling me?"

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" Newton could no longer hold his emotions.

"I love you Norman, you're my best student".

"From the first day that I took you in, I knew that you were set up for success and legendary feats, I wanted to supervise your success to your peak".

"I didn't want you to go astray".

"I never wanted you to fall to the schemes of the world so early".

"That is why I protected you, that is why I prevented you from studying alien technology, it is because I love you".

"AHHH…!!!" Clown was literally tearing his hair out as the battle tempo and intensity increased, both warriors seemed to now be venting their regrets and anger.

They used each other as outlets to vent their frustrations and regrets.

The spectating Superhumans were stunned at these reveals.

Clown yelled at his Master. "I HATE YOU!"

"I never wanted to leave, I wanted to stay with you forever".

"I thought one day you would finally respect me for who I am and take me as an equal. My fantasies were me and you spending the rest of our lifetime locked inside a research lab studying the elements of nature till we die".

"This never happened though because of your stupid love".

"Ahhh…, I hate you!" Clown attacked even fiercer.

Tears were already flowing down Newton's eyes even as he fought fiercely.

"They were the ones who enticed you right?"

"Yes, I communicated with the aliens". Clown admitted. "They are not as evil as you portray them to be, they offered me their technology for consents".

"FOOL!" Newton was furious and sad.

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"They are evil, they are responsible for the cataclysm every few centuries".

"They intend to conquer our planet".

"They intend to turn our planet into a giant mineral-resource industry to harvest all our natural resources to the last of them without any hindrance".

"They intend to turn us into their mining slaves!"

"They intend to domesticate us!"

"They are selfish bastards!"

"You should never deal with them!"





Newton clutched his hair in frustration. "ARGHHH…!!!"

At an impasse already, Newton was extremely frustrated. Though his heart really wanted to, his ego did not let him, he didn't want to apologize completely yet, he still wanted his student to apologize first.

The fact that Norman could not admit his mistakes frustrated him.

His emotions got the better of him as he unleashed his ultimate chemical.

"Ultimate Chemical: Atomic Acid!"


Instantly after this chemical smashed against the ground, the airspace shook!

Even as Newton felt an incredible surge of energy and as he tried to go fight his student to submission, another energy reaction suddenly took place.

The concentrated dose of Uranium inside the Atomic Acid stimulated this Volcano in the Hellfire Mountains that had drank super energy for decades.

The Uranium stimulated the active volcano for eruption.

Volcanoes in Planet Darvis were different from those on earth. Having absorbed super energy for years, they were much more volatile and dangerous.

This Volcano was even more OP as soon as it drank Uranium energy.

After decades of dormancy, this Volcano erupted!

Hell descended on Darvis!



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