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Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 373 Mechanic Suit- Berserker!
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The gigantic bright silver mechanical suit attracted a lot of attention from the Space Bugs. From their behavior, Onana already detected another fact about them, they were attracted to energy which likely meant they fed on it.

This discovery didn't matter at this moment though because he needed to fight for his life and that was exactly what he focused on.

During his integration with Berserker, the mechanical suit also took his Cutting-Edge Rifle into account as the mech now wielded the powerful Rifle.

"Special Mechanic Ability: Mech Resonance!"

Instantly after Onana activated this mechanic ability, his magnetic energy moved and cackled across the surface of the mechanic suit. Again, he regained access and familiarity to the myriad weapon systems that he created.

He no longer held back; he pulled the trigger.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Instantly, the millions of Space Bugs were washed with a wave of fury.

From the back of the silver mechanical suit, hidden ports were opened as loaded missile warheads were launched at the Bugs. They exploded on impact and amplified by Onana's mechanic energy, their blast radius was massive.

Hundreds of thousands of Space Bugs were wiped out by this attack and yet, this was not all, this was just the start.

The mechanic suit geared to life as on it's pilot's will, it moved. Even as it moved, a massive port also opened at its side through which another weapon came out. This time, it was a gigantic mech-grade flamethrower.

With the Cutting-Edge transformable Rifle held on the mech's right hand, the left was free to wield the flamethrower as it unleashed fire on the Bugs.

Like was proven with the missile warheads, the Space Bugs were slightly more vulnerable to fire. The extremely hot wave of fire that came out melted and incinerated them in the thousands as Onana went on a rampage.


[Analyzing Space Bug strengths and weaknesses…]

[Slight weakness to fire detected!]

[Effective weakness to physical impact attacks!]

At this moment, Onana was not the only one battling against the millions of Space Bugs that swarmed at him. Berserker also fought alongside him as the mech suit's powerful A.I made use of it's processors to aid his battle.

Together, they formed the perfect synergy.

This allowed Onana to improvise mid-battle, increasing his efficiency and effectiveness as the battle dragged on and the results were apparent.

He became a Space-Bug slaughtering machine!

By the time that the flamethrower finally became spent, he already killed over 2 million Space Bugs with it. A large void in this planet's sphere was instantly opened devoid of Space Bugs as the spent flamethrower returned to its port.

Millions may have died, but there were millions more charging at him.

His situation was just not as urgent anymore after this.

Through the sensors of his mech suit, Onana observed the millions of normal Bugs still mindlessly charging at him and the others below.

'These guys are clearly canon fodder'.

'Those remaining 2 variant Bugs are the real catch here'.

'Should I descend back to the Planet? No, it's too dangerous'.

'Then I have no choice, I must capture one of them for research purposes'.

Instantly after making his decision, he acted. Another weapon slot opened in the mech suit and this time, from inside it came out a Cutting-Edge mech-grade Shotgun, a weapon highly effective at wiping out hordes of enemies.

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After pulling the trigger, the powerful weapon boomed to life, unleashing its shotshell as destructive pellets were shot at the advancing Space Bugs. Thousands of other Space Bugs were wiped off its path.

It was like they were drenched in a rain of destruction.

"Mechanic Ability: Mech Amplification!"

Under Onana's deliberate control, more of his power was diverted towards the mechanic suit's flight systems as it accelerated rapidly downwards.

The 2 Special Space Bugs immediately detected the threat.

Chirp! Chirp!

They started making strange panicky sounds like birds which sounded extremely unnatural. Onana paid no attention to them though, while still killing with the Shotgun, he aimed with the Cutting-Edge Rifle again.

"Mechanic Ability: Rifle Transformation!"

It transformed again, this time, into a long-ranged Positron Sniper Rifle.


The atomic laser-shooting Special Space Bug did not survive it, the positron beam from Onana's Rifle was pure destruction as it tore it apart inside out.

Inside Berserker, Onana was at his peak strength, one shot was all it took to eliminate this Special Space Bug that originally proved to be a nuisance.

With the 2nd Special Space Bug eliminated, only the last one with Psychic abilities remained. Onana was about to employ measures to steal it away when his sharp instincts as a Grade B Mechanic suddenly screamed towards him.


Not even taking a moment to think, he did a sharp curve with the mech suit, narrowly dodging the powerful magic blast that came out of the Planet's surface.


[Breaking Radioactive interference…, please wait…]

[New Space Bug detected!]

[Energy Signatures: Grade B!]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Dangerous!]

"A Grade B Space Bug?!" Now, Onana was finally horrified.

Through his mech suit's sensors, he looked more closely, this was when he saw it. With a body almost 10 times as large as the others, this Space Bug stuck out like a sore thumb, and 3 distinct energies hovered around it.

'A Space Bug integrating magic, psychic, and summoner abilities?!'

Onana was horrified at what he was seeing.


It's croaky voice like a fantasy Toad reverberated loudly across the planet.


Now, Onana was even more shocked. "It can speak the common tongue?!"

"Mechanic Ability: Suction Force!"

Onana dared not hesitate anymore, but he was still not resigned to leave without his price. Instantly after he activated this ability, from Berserker's both metallic feet, a powerful suction force was generated.

Easily beating the gravity of this planet, the last of the first 3 Special Space Bugs was sucked up towards the mechanic suit with speed.

Not waiting for its arrival, Onana turned to flee.



The new Space Bug with Grade B energy signatures spoke again angrily before moving. While its body levitated into the skies with speed, it was its summoner energy that moved faster as it spread like a plague.

In no time, this Bug's summoner energy already covered over a hundred thousand Space Bugs. He override their mental defenses and took over them.

Like a real summoner, he augmented the Bugs and ordered them into battle on his behalf. These hundred thousand Bugs became elite Bugs.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Their combined attacks was powerful but it only nicked Berserker's energy shield, it was not enough to break it yet but this slowed him down.

And yet, this was not the real move.


The powerful and gigantic Space Bug roared in an unknown language, muttering some powerful words as its magic energy was finally aroused.

What appeared like a Spear solely created out of magic power materialized in the air. The next moment, this magic Spear was thrust towards Onana and his mechanical suit as the mech suit's sensors immediately rang alarms.


[Warning! Incoming Magic Attack!]

[Damage Potential Assessment: Lethal!]

[Advise: Evade!]

[Warning! Psychic Attack detected…]


This time, Onana almost lost consciousness completely from the attack. When he fully regained his vision, his mech was already surrounded again by millions of Space Bugs and the Grade B Space Bug rapidly closed the distance.

And the most dangerous of all, the Magic Spear was here.


The Spear cut through Berserker's energy shield like a hot knife through butter. Instantly, the Cutting-Edge mechanical suit erected 2 more layers of defense shields yet the best that they could do was slow the magic spear down.

After 5 seconds where Berserker was locked in place in the air by the spear's dilapidating magic effects, it finally pierced through as metallic particles fell out.


[Warning! Critical Hit Received!]

[Armor breach detected!]

[Triggering redundant energy distribution!]

"This…!" Onana was shocked.

He dared not ignore it anymore, ignoring everything else, he oriented his mechanic suit towards the new Space Bug that was now dangerously close to him.


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"You're not worthy to decide my fate!" Onana growled.

"Specialty Mechanic Ability: Willpower Baptism!"

"Special Mechanic Ability: Overload!"

The Cutting-Edge transformable Rifle and the Shotgun were instantly overloaded with crackling magnetic energy, instantly increasing their parameters by a crazy margin as with eyes blazing with fury, Onana pulled the trigger.

The Space Bug did not remain idle, triggering all it's 3 different types of energies, it launched psychic, magic, and summoner attacks at the intruder.

For a brief moment, World War 3 was fought between 2 supremely powerful beings as this region instantly became a death zone of destruction.



[Warning! Further Armor Breach detected!]

[Congratulations! You have breached your opponent's metal shell!]

[You have injured the Unique Space Bug!]

[Detecting spatial fluctuations…, reading energy signals…]

[Energy Signal Read: Unchartered Detected!]

"Protect the Champion!" The Captain of the Frigate ordered.

This lightweight Battleship did not hold back, drawing into it's reserves from its mighty power reactor, it overloaded its primary weapon armaments and pulled the trigger. Instantly, pure destruction was unleashed.


More than a million regular Space Bugs were wiped out instantly.

As for the Unique Space Bug, it was injured even more after a combo of targeted attacks. Onana did not hesitate seeing the current situation, with his suction still active, he pushed his flight system as he rapidly accelerated.

In no time, he arrived beside the Frigate.

He threw his new test subject inside as the crew of the Frigate worked to subdue it, as for himself, piloting Berserker, he mounted on a port in the Frigate.

There, he became akin to an Artillery Mech.

"Retreat!" The Captain of the Frigate ordered.

As they retreated, and even as all the Frigate's weapons fired, settled on top the Frigate, Onana was comfortable as he also opened fire.

With his overloaded weapon systems, each attack from him packed punch.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

They left destruction in their wake as they lifted off the planet. The only problem was, the already injured Unique Space Bug didn't let them off so easily.

Just before they escaped the planet's gravity, the vengeful Space Bug gathered it's 3 energies to unleash a mighty blast comprising 3 different energies.


The hull of the Unchartered was breached right after it escaped Planet Titania's gravity. Instantly, they were put in a difficult situation.


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