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Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 524 The Confession Amidst The Skyline View
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It wasn't that Xing Bi wasn't prepared for this moment to come. Ever since Nian proposed this date, she knew in her heart that there would be no place left for her to run away from him or her feelings.

Which she didn't realize when he made such a deep mark in her heart. In her quiet and peaceful life, he arrived like a storm who swept her away like a wind helpless before the wind.

But whether it was his humor, goofiness, chatter, fury, pastries, protectiveness or simply the sheepish grin on his face - everything about him started to make her life more and more colorful.

Life wasn't so bad for Xing Bi once she accepted her mother's death and moved on. But neither could it change the sense of dullness that all the bitter things left behind in her life.

She felt grey and stagnant until Nian broke through like a sparkling rainbow in the sky.

She realized she had fallen for him when Nian slyly stole a forehead kiss from her outside her apartment. It toppled everything within her upside down without any warning.

Ah…I am done for…

The same emotions vehemently flowed within her cells at present as Nian kissed her as if he would die if he didn't. It was a fervent kiss filled with the heat of his embrace as he pressed her body against his, yet in that seemingly confident stance, she felt him slightly trembling.

Is he…nervous too?

Which she found it unbelievable to process because in her eyes, Nian had endless enthusiasm and unshakeable confidence that made him chase after her despite her violent warnings.

Xing Bi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He is…so cute…

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Nian paused and pulled back, allowing Xing Bi to take a breath.

"Y-You are laughing!" Nian complained.

Xing Bi couldn't hold back anymore and burst into laughter at last. "Sorry…"

Nian felt his face burn with shame and embarrassment. "T-This is not a laughing matter!"

Xing Bi nodded as she still laughed. "I know. D-Don't mind me…"

"You…" he pointed his finger at her, aggrieved. "J-Just you wait! I will definitely become a pro in kissing! Then I would totally leave you awestruck and wanting for more!" He harrumphed.


"Say what? You think I am laughing because of your kissing skills?" She asked, speechless.

"What else would it be?" Nian cried and shot back as if none other reason could exist. He twirled his two index fingers around each other. "From my approach and stalking, it might have made you feel that I have experience."

Her brow twitched again.

So you do admit that it was stalking at some point…

Nian looked away, defeated. "But actually, I am not like that. People assume that I definitely had been in relationships before, but I had been single all this time."

Her jaw dropped in genuine shock. "Seriously? Not even in high school or college? Not even a crush?"

Nian shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. "Nope."

"...I don't need to explicitly state that you and Jian must be super popular, right?"

Nian's face gleamed with pride. "Naturally. Nobody could match up to us. Same with Jun, Nuo and Jin. Our genes are super powerful~"

"So you definitely got tons of confessions."

"Naturally. Our high school and college lockers were always filled with cards, flowers and chocolates," he chirped, making Xing Bi feel like strangling him for some reason.

Ah, a handsome man's life is so 'difficult and treacherous'...

"Jian had Leina and Jun…well he was devoted to Shui from long back. Nuo, too, was starting to have feelings for Siying. Jin honestly didn't bother with these things. But looking at the other three, I strongly felt that I wanted to have that one person in my life too. But I wasn't interested in trial and error dating. I wanted it to be like Dad, Grandpa and Uncle's! They knew at the first glance itself who they wanted to be their partner. I wanted to meet such a woman too."

Suddenly, she felt her cheeks heat up at such an indirect confession. "Do-Don't tell me that you really felt that woman was me at your parents' wedding banquet! I was totally dirty from head to toe with mud and leaves all over my dress and for God's sake, I was illegally trying to enter your house like a thief…!"

Nian cocked his brow. "First of all, you trying to break in was super interesting and entertaining."


"Then you dragged me away from my cousins like a knight in shining armor!" His black irises shone golden. "You were so cool and valiant and when I stared at your back, I realized how Dad must have felt when he met Mom. I just knew in my heart that it had to be you. Period."

Xing Bi could feel steam escaping the top of her head. "A-A normal person would have handed such a suspicious woman to the security…" she mumbled.

"When have the Liu's ever been normal?" He grinned.

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He coughed. "So the point being that even at twenty-six, I don't have any experience with dating and kissing…So…so…" he burst into tears as he smothered his face against her chest, "please don't think less of me! I will definitely improve and then we will have a super hot and romantic night one day!"


Xing Bi kicked him with her feet. "You pervert! Do you have any shame? We have just barely started and you are already thinking of so far ahead? Sh-shameless!" She scolded while her own face was blushing a furious crimson shade.

He wiped his imaginary tears. "But I have already thought of our super adorable children's names."

She smiled threateningly. "Should I hit your head to make you forget those names? I will be glad to."

Nian brightened. "But this means that you admit I am your boyfriend now?"


Wait, was that his agenda all along!?


Nian was shining brightly as he waited for her answer.

She coughed, feeling shy. "Well, it's…"

Nian was now sparkling even more as if he would blind her.

"That…" her eyelids twitched.

Now he radiated his glow to such an extent as if he would blind the entire earth.

"Damn it, yes I love you, and you are my boyfriend now! But can you please tone down that brightness setting!?"