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Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 330: Cultivating Chimera Buds and Maintenance
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“It seems that I must further research on Chimera Buds!” – muttered Kuroto.

The cultivation and plantation of Chimera Buds are more difficult than Kuroto’s initial expectations.

And Kuroto dare not experiment with his main body.

After all, his main body will be the core of everything, if his body were to face damage or injury beyond recovery even before the ritual then attaining Kekkei Mora will only remain a dream never to be fulfilled.

So research of Chimera Buds is very necessary.

“Fortunately, Shinno had collected all sorts of material.” – Kuroto muttered as he resealed the scroll of Chimera Technique inside a Storage Scroll.

This time, Shinno has obviously prepared to go into hiding for a long while to escape from Akatsuki’s radar, so as to not be found by Akatsuki during his hiding he made sure to collect all that he would need for his research and experimentation.

And since Kuroto has taken over Ancor Vantian, so these things have obviously fallen into Kuroto’s hands.

With a large amount of experiment material in his hands, Kuroto’s troubles will obviously be reduced.

The cultivation of Chimera Buds will also take some time, so it has to be put on the agenda.

After making up his mind, Kuroto went out of his house and his direction was the base of the Anbu Department. After confirming the situation of the Land of Fire and other nations as well, and also making sure that no important task was at the commission. Kuroto sneaked out after leaving a Shadow Clone back at the village to cover for his absence.

Coming out of the village, Kuroto used the Tenseigan Chakra Mode and flew in the direction of Ancor Vantian hovering several kilometers above the Shami Mountain Range.

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While walking through the Corridor of the Flying Fortress, Kuroto couldn’t help but frown.

The last time he did not pay much attention because of the hurry, but now that he looks around, he can’t help but discover that many areas within the Flying Fortress are damaged to a varying degree.

Be that the current corridor he is walking through leading to the Main Compartment. The walls on both sides are damaged and broken to a certain extent, even the flooring is broken in many places.

In addition to the obvious structural decay and damage, even the power transmission system (the system responsible for generating mechanical power and make the fortress fly) within the core part of the fortress is also not working appropriately.

In particular, the output power from the two jets that levitates the fortress in the sky shows inconsistent power. Basically, the jet on the left side of the fortress is giving out more pressure compared to the right side.

This irregularity has changed the overall inclination of the fortress, which is making this fortress a bit unstable and shaky.

Then there is some turbulence. The navigation mechanism of the fortress is impacted making it so that it is not working accurately.

The result is that there will be some deviation in the predetermined trajectory, therefore, someone is regularly needed to correct that deviation and ensure that the fortress keeps flying as per the predetermined course.

“It seems that the maintenance of the fortress must also be put on immediate agenda.” – Kuroto thought while rubbing his chin.

Now that this fortress has become the secret base of Amatsukami as well as his secret laboratory, there can be no mistakes, so proper maintenance is essential. Kuroto does not expect Ancor Vantian to become a superweapon capable of destroying countries in a short amount of time, but he does hope the fortress to not drop from the sky all of a sudden because of lack of maintenance and malfunctioning.

So, the expense here is necessary.

With this thought in his mind, Kuroto continued to walk and arrived in the room where his personal laboratory is placed.

The first thing he did was to read and check the list of materials Shinno has collected with him in the warehouse of this fortress and then sorted them out according to his liking.

After everything was rearranged, Kuroto immediately started the experiment involving the cultivation of Chimera Buds.

Because a lot of unfinished buds were already present here (Shinno probably cultivated them before he left Akatsuki), so all Kuroto had to do was to extract his own cells and then merge them with the unfinished Chimera Buds.

The ones surviving will be the ones that will match his genetic combination.

Of course, this is a wrong approach. Based on Hiruko and Shinno’s experimental records, the correct approach is to directly implant the Buds seed into the core body, and then cultivating those buds with your own chakra increases the success rate of the right genetic combination match as much as 99.99%.

Despite this, Kuroto decided to continue with his approach.

After all, there is a risk with Hiruko and Shinno’s approach of directly implanting those Buds within the body. No one can say that a mutation will not occur because of the Tenseigan Chakra and Ryuumyaku Chakra, and inevitably damage his body.

So to increase the safety Kuroto continued with his own approach.

Besides, he is still experimenting and researching so taking such risks at this early stage is unwise. And Kuroto does not lack time. He still has at least a decade in his hands before Juubi is recovered.

Anyway, in order to increase the probability of the success rate with his approach, Kuroto started with 100 samples.

And he believes that as long as his luck is not too bad at least one or two samples should result in success.

As for the subsequent implantation? There is no need to worry about it, as mentioned before, there is a long time in his hands for this thing, Kuroto still has to cultivate all the six clones before implanting the Chimera Buds within his body.

After starting the fusion process, Kuroto spent next week monitoring the cultivation of Buds and investing all the damage within the Flying Fortress

As per Kuroto’s approximations, the Cultivation of Chimera Buds will take somewhere around three-to-four months, so no result can be seen in just one week.

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Therefore, he decided to focus his attention on the repair of the Flying Fortress. And his careful investigation uncovered that the condition of the fortress was much poor than he initially expected. It must immediately be landed somewhere isolated and undergo immediate maintenance to ensure that no accidents happen.

For that Kuroto disguised himself with several different identities and traveled all over the major nations of the Shinobi World, in order to purchase the necessary materials required. With everything bought, he then transferred Ancor Vantian to the deepest and the most isolated deserts (areas where no one ventures) of the Land of Wind and started with the repair work.

The maintenance of this kind of structure involves many fields, just to investigate what exactly is malfunctioning and what is wrong alone requires a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of machinery.

Kuroto is not and was never an engineer, so it is obvious that he has no such relevant knowledge or experience, but he has Byakugan. Additionally, he has training as a Shinobi, and he has the ultimate learning technique the Shadow Clone Jutsu. When you combine all of these things you get someone who is capable of learning everything as long as that can be learned.

As a start, all he needs to do is to carefully check the mechanism and working of the machinery based on the blueprints then observe those working machinery with his Byakugan then determine the errors.

This three-step process when conducted by hundreds of Shadow Clones at the same time the work becomes possible.

Additionally, there is also the Kazekage puppet with his Magnet Release in assistance making Kuroto’s work easier.

So, things became much easier and more possible.

Of course, not everything is possible, and Kuroto dared not touch the main machinery with his half-baked knowledge.

It will take some time for him to learn the working mechanics of the main machinery and Kuroto will leave that part for the end or probably the next time.

For now, long-distance travel would be difficult but it is ensured that the fortress will not suddenly fall while hovering at one place.



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