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Reincarnated With A Glitched System: Why Is My MP Not Running Out?

Chapter 1087 Hero Unit Stats
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The ticket did say they would be loyal to me, so I guess this means she instinctively wants to help out? I guess I am fine with that. She's also grateful I revived her, so she wants to repay the favor. Also, she somehow is bored of hardships in life, so she wants to relax. This dungeon world seems much laxer than the outside world, that's for sure.

"Alright, if you really want to stay, sure." I shrugged. "Do you want to help this city grow stronger and larger? I won't ask you for anything impossible, and you can also take as many days off as you wish after a job."

"Sure, do I get paid?" Ivy wondered.

"There isn't a currency in our city yet, we only do trades." Selene said. "But I can handle this myself. We can pay you with food, equipment, a house to live, medicinal herbs, materials, or anything, I suppose?"

"Alright I'm in." Ivy nodded. "You're cute too so that helps. Is she also like me?" The blunt goblin girl asked me.

"Yeah, kind of. Unlike you she was naturally born from the land. Special People like you usually appear naturally, or summoned by that ticket I used." I explained her. "Anyways, take this."


I decided to bless her right away, because why not. She was a new Hero so I might as well make her stronger while we are at it. Her eternal loyalty also makes it possible forto trust her without much to think about.

"Woah… What's this power?!"

Ivy was surprised as she looked at herself, her hair suddenly turned red, like autumn leaves, and her bark armor around her shoulders, legs, and chest becfirmer, with red and orange leaves decorating it. She gained a pair of small wooden horns coming from her forehead.

Her size remained the sbut the knives she cwith were upgraded too, gaining a fiery aura and red jewels. This was amazing. I don't think my blessing can change someone so much if it's a normal person in the outside world.


[You have activated the [Minor Blessing of Sunlight and Holy Fire (2)] on [Ivy, Huntress of the Poisonous Forest (Rare+ Grade)]!]

[The Huntress has received your Blessing and has reacted positively to it! The effects of the blessing have helped her evolve into her next stage from [Hunter: ★] to [Monster Hunter: ★★]!]

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[Her Grade has increased from Rare+ to Unique+!]

"I just gave you a Blessing of Holy Fire and Sunlight, it'll give you affinity with Fire, Light, and Life Attributes of Magic." I told her. "Your original Attribute is only Poison and Nature, but with this you got more room for coverage."

"Amazing! You're pretty cool, goddess! You're going to makefall for you too!" She laughed, patting my shoulders. "I can't believe I got revived by such a cutie, and there's another cutie here! I'm definitely in heaven right now, hahaha!"


I was still feeling awkward about having summoned someone from another world just like that god did to me. But I'm glad she adapted quickly. Though she's a bit too touchy, she likes girls it seems. I guess she'll have Selene as her eye candy.

"Cto think of it, what's your stats?" I wondered. "Alice, Civilization, can I give them System Seeds?"

"No, that's impossible." Alice said.

[The [Civilization System] explains that all Heroes are bound to it, and already possess status of their own, very different from those that have normal System Seeds.]

Their status showed up as small cards made of light, very small in comparison to the detailed status of my friends or mine.


[Hero Name]: [Ivy, Huntress of the Poisonous Forest]

[Hero Grade]: [Unique+]

[Hero Type]: [Poison] [Nature] [Fire] [Light] [Life]

[Life]: [4.000/4.000]

[Magic Power]: [2.500]

[Attack Power]: [3.500]

[Movement Speed]: [4.000]

[Hero Trait (1)]

[Monster Hunter: ★★]: [Knows how to find Monsters, Make Traps, and Teach others how to do it too. Deals +25% Damage to Monsters. +20 Bonus to Military and Production.]

[Hero Abilities (2)]

[Agile Huntress]: [Ignores Movement Penalties in Woods and Rainforest Terrain and Increases Movement Speed in these Terrains by +50%]

[Poisonous Attack]: [Any attack deals Poison type damage that slowly weakens a foe.]

[Hero Blessing (1)]

[Minor Blessing of Sunlight and Holy Fire (2)]


Wow, alright, yeah, it was very different than the others. The stats seemed compressed too. There were Traits, Abilities, and Blessings. Also there were new terms I didn't knew about such as "Terrain". Is this part of the Civilization System?

"Huh? So these are my "stats" or whatever? Weird! I have abilities? That's crazy." She said while reading it. "Can I get more?"

"I think only when your Grade increases or you receive a blessing, so not too soon." I said. "Sorry."

"Ah, don't sweat the details." She shrugged. "What's the cutie's status though?" She pointed at Selene.

"I also want to know, goddess." Selene nodded.



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[Hero Name]: [Selene, Saintess of the Arboren]

[Hero Grade]: [Saint]

[Hero Type]: [Nature] [Holy] [Fire] [Light] [Life]

[Life]: [3.000/3.000]

[Magic Power]: [7.000]

[Attack Power]: [2.500]

[Movement Speed]: [4.500]

[Hero Trait (1)]

[Elemental Saintess: ★★]: [Can conjure elemental magic based in their Hero Type and can also teach it to others with similar affinities or talent for magic. Increases Magic Power by +100%. +30 Bonus to Faith and Research.]

[Hero Abilities (2)]

[Holy Aura]: [While being within 10 Tiles of an Ally, lifts their mood, makes them feel better, restores 0.5% of their Life per second, and increases their Magic Power and Attack Power by +1000]

[Nature's Gift]: [25% Chance to spawn a Gift every day. This Gift can either be Medicinal Herbs, Rare Materials, or Food.]

[Guidance]: [Grants a +50% Bonus Effectiveness to Speeches, and a +100% Bonus to Learning and Teaching Speed.]

[Hero Blessing (1)]


Selene was in another level completely!

Her Abilities looked very useful too.

"Woah, so this is what I am capable of?!" Selene gasped. "Magic! I should definitely try to learn snow…"


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