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Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System-Novel

Chapter 179 Negotiations (Part 2)
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The erudite looking guy which's name is Lars Farens frowned at Aura's words, but he still decided to clear his doubts.

"If we accept your deal what will the conditions be?".

Aura inwardly smirked but on the surface, she kept her calm expression.

"Of course, you'll have to pay beforehand, as it is normally done between half emperors, the one asking for the favor has to show some "goodwill", I'm sure even a sly serpent like you know that, Lars".

Lars felt a vein popping on his neck but he endured the urge he had of start a fight and instead simply shook his head.

"Forget it then, I will wait for the captain of the team to be decided", he said as he coldly snorted.

The brown-haired muscly guy, Maxim Limestone nodded agreeing with Lars, although Aura was sure to return them the payment in case the captain, she spoke about lost, paying beforehand would be the same as admitting defeat and lowering himself.

Who among the presents wasn't a powerhouse, which's years lived aren't in the four digits, they all had their respective prides, if they were worthy to have them was a completely different story though.

Aura smirked, they reacted just like Erin told her they would, so she continued with the next step of the plan.

"That's perfect by me, but since you are making me waste my time as I could be doing something more important right now".

"Like being in between that old vixen and Daimon", she mentally added before continuing.

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"Once my disciple crushes the idiots that defy him on the tournament, if you want the spot the price will be doubled, for both first and second year spots".

Needless to say, but Aura's words were like adding fuel to the fire, even Lydia couldn't help but frown but then she seemed to contemplate things before she decided to take the bullet.

While inwardly sighing she took out the two jade cases and made them float towards Aura.

"I accept the deal… with these two snow lotuses I pay for one spot in both teams".

Aura opened the jade cases and inspected the lotuses with her mana sense before nodding and keeping them in his storage ring.

"As expected of the "only" reasonable Magus Queen, now if you excuse me, I have other things to do so I will take my leave, if you want you can stay to see the tournament in my academy".

Aura's eyes glowed with a sharp light as she looked at Lars and Maxim before saying.

"If you cause even the slightest trouble, don't blame me for being ruthless", then without waiting for them to answer, Aura used space shift and disappeared leaving behind two magus kings whose lungs were filled with anger.

Arthur was also displeased with the result, if Daimon truly became the captain, then his Jolbaris family would lose a big opportunity, if he gives the two pieces of thunder nimbus vine to his son, then his lightning will for sure become the strongest in the story of the stellar chart, there might even be a chance for him to develop wind affinity and become a rare dual element mage!

"I must speak with that boy, even if his tastes are… weird, he is still my son and the hope of my Jolbaris family", thought Arthur with a weird expression on his face.

Leena followed Aura not too long after, although she took Arthur's "side", she remained silent all the time, but in her heart, she was already thinking on a series of things she could use to exchange for one piece of the thunder nimbus vine which Daimon was sure to get, that is if the furious whirlwind academy wanted a spot in the exploration of the first years course.

As for Lydia, Maxim and Lars they soon descended from the sky and went to their respective mansions in the guest's area of the academic city to wait for the tournament to start.

Back at the main campus of the wild claw academy, more accurately in the 1-S classroom, Daimon was grinning as he leaned his back against his chair, what could be better than a piece of cake falling from the sky.

Without doing anything he good a nice gift for Elaine in the form of a snow lotus, as for the second one its ownership wasn't secured, but one person could only refine one every one thousand years anyway, so if he were to get the second one, he will probably change it for some other resources according to his needs.

He has seen Elaine focusing more in her magic cultivation in the past eight years, but to make up for one hundred years of dedicating her life to manage the clan, she still needed a couple of years more to advance to the middle stage of the Archmage realm, and that is with the help of the grimoire Daimon gave her.

So, the snow lotus was going to be a perfect gift for her, that's why Aura and Erin only included Daimon and Aisha in their previous conversation leaving aside both Liz and Elaine.

The idea of doubling the price came from Daimon of course, since he didn't know who were the ones fighting for the captainship of the second-year team, then he wanted to secure one thunder nimbus vine for him and one for his mother of course.

Unfortunately, the highest ranked magic herbs which could be found in the whole stellar chart were peak Arch ranked ones, the same applied for the system, and they weren't exactly effective for half emperors, or he would have tried to get another piece of the thunder nimbus vine for Aura, her affinity was a fusion of wind and lightning after all.

Boris suddenly felt his sigil lector received a message so he took it out and read it before letting out a sigh of relief.

"Apparently the problem has been solved, the principal is calling me so I will come for you all when the lesson finishes so we can go observe the tournament", said before as he left the classroom.

Now that Boris was gone, Aliya started with the lesson.

"As you heard other academies have come, I'm pretty sure you already know that they aren't ruled by a half emperor like the four biggest academies, but by magus kings and queens, the subject of today's lesson is coincidentally related to the path chosen to become a magus king".

Aliya then stood up from her seat and walked towards the chalkboard before writing something on it.

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"Can any of you give me a small explanation of what is a mana circuit?".

Surprisingly Haylee took the chance to answer.

"Mana circuits are a series of invisible non-physical "channels" which exist inside of all the living beings, in combination with a magic core, the mana circuits are what one need to use magic or battle aura, the most accepted comparison is Cardiovascular system conformed by the heart which is in this case would be the magic core, the veins and arteries which would be the mana circuits".

Aliya nodded, Haylee's answer was quite complete and it wasn't directly taken out of a book, instead she explained it with her own words which was praise worthy considering she is just a one-star mage, and the younger generation doesn't tend to investigate and instead just focuses in mana capacity or non-chant casting.

"Well explained, if I were to add something to what Haylee said, it would be that the mana flow which you "saw" in the previous class, follows the path traced by your mana circuits, also everyone's mana circuits are different, some have more some have less, and not all the circuits are the same".

"For example, for knights, the mana circuits in their bodies focus in the internal organs, muscles and the skin, which results in the incredible physical strength they can excel".

"For mages, their mana circuits tend to focus in the head, the area below the navel and the chest".

Daimon was rather interested in Aliya's explanation, due to his truth seeker eyes, he could see the mana flow, just like Yvonne, but his eyes were different in the aspect that the more mana he directed towards them, the more detailed things in his field of vision would become, in other words the truth seeker eyes not only focused in one aspect of vision, distance, details, properties, secrets, everything will be unfolded by them with the correct amount of mana of course.

Once the idea was born in his mind, he couldn't help but want to give it a try, a dim light glowed in his violent amethyst eyes as Daimon circulated mana from his core to his eyes, being careful so that others wouldn't notice a sudden outburst of it.

Of course, Aisha, Liz and Elaine noticed it, Aisha because she was at his face from up- close so she noticed the violet light which was glowing in his eyes, as for the two Revy sisters they are Archmages and soulmates so they were sensitive towards Daimon's mana, even if it was an internal process.

But they didn't interrupt him, Daimon kept looking at his own hand to notice how his vision was changing with the accumulation of mana on his eyes.

Once Daimon injected enough mana to cast at least thirty, two star ranked spells, his vision changed, he looked at his hand and instead of seeing flesh and his mana flow, he saw four different series of circuits.

First a series of blue "veins" in which mana circulated, second series of them which were red colored instead of blue, although in a small quantity, there was battle aura circulating through them, probably because unlike mana which always is circulating in the body of both mages and knights by nature, battle aura only automatically circulates through the body of knights on the knight lord realm and above.

Among those red and blue circuits there were some parts which were instead gray colored as if they were lifeless, in fact only about five percent of the blue circuits was illuminated, as for the red circuits about ten percent seemed to be "active".

Those two series of mana circuits were expected, mana and battle aura repel each other so it was normal for them to circulate through different channels after all and a one star ranked mage but what did surprise him was the fourth type, which unlike the others instead of a circuit was a single line about three times wider than the other two, also its color was black with red borders.

"Now that is a familiar tone", he thought, that's right the fourth type had the same colors of his magic core.