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Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System-Novel

Chapter 201 An Agitated Morning
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At the main campus of the Wild Claw academy, in a mansion near the office of the principal, a silver haired young man was leisurely laying down on a huge bed, surrounded by naked women.

Below him Erin was using her soft and curvy body as a pillow for him, her long fluffy tail was gently wrapped around Daimon's shoulders like a scarf, at both sides Liz and Elaine were each hugging one of his arms, and on top of him Aura and Aisha were each occupying half of his front body as their bed.

After they bathed together Daimon thought the girls would want some love, but to his surprise they just wanted to cuddle together with him.

"Luckily Aura was rather smaller compared to the other girls, or this would have not worked", mumbled Daimon as he caressed Aura's cute wolf ears.

"You still need a spot for me though", said Narasha in her usual relaxed voice.

Even Evangeline participated in this "family" moment.

"I wouldn't worry about that, if you think Daimon is quite tall currently, let me tell you he can still be considered a newborn of an apex predator".

"…", Daimon raised an eyebrow, but knowing that Evangeline couldn't answer his questions due to the restrictions of the system, he put the subject at the back of his mind and instead focused on enjoying the softness which was enveloping his body in every direction.

Erin purposedly moved her tail from time to time rubbing Daimon's body with it, which was a pleasure due to the soft silk-like sensation it had.

Daimon saw the hour of the clock in the wall and a little smirk appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Aura saw it and she sighed.

"I should have warned you like I did with Arianna, that smirk is one of Erin's bad habits".

Erin on the other hand giggled taking Aura's words as a compliment.

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"Your steel is sharp and so is my mind, Daimon has both of our "specialties", I consider that as win~".

While Daimon was happy with the results, Agramy and Ereman felt the urge to puke just by looking at each other.

A few hours earlier…

After the tournament ended, at some point while the little reunion of the elite class in the happy wanderer was still being upheld and the sun already set, Daimon's attention was suddenly drawn by the iconic sound of a notification.


[The inventory has been successfully upgraded; the function "Sharing" has been added]

[The host can now assign slots of his inventory to those he shares a link with, if there are objects in the slots assigned, they will be destroyed or transported to the addressee and vice versa, the cost in mana will be covered by the host, (Maximum slots available for the function, half of the current inventory)]

Once Daimon finished reading the notification, an interesting idea struck him like a bolt out of the blue, originally, he was just going to return the favor to Alexander since his uncle spread some rumors about him.

Thanks to Ereman he had the information about Alexander's secret hobby of looking in brothels for a very specific "partner", of course it was a girl but he didn't say it and instead just looked through their list of availability, with the idea of not giving others material to gossip about him.

Unfortunately, it turned out playing against him, in the past eight years Daimon farmed enough coins to have in reserve just in case, and today he bought two extra pieces of one of the most useful items in the store of the system, the bracelet of the god of mischief.

By default, the things bought in the store appeared in Daimon's inventory, so the only thing he needed to do was assign that specific slot to Ereman, and order him to follow his instructions.

In other words, Ereman and Agramy went to a faraway abandoned alley, disguised of Alexander and some random appearance of a "man" and… feigned to be lovers meeting in secret.

What was worse is that Daimon told them to make it look as real as possible, so they truly caressed each other with lovely expressions as the camera took the photos, after that Ereman put the photos in the slot of the inventory assigned to him, and Daimon retrieved them,

Then he simply handed the photos to Erin, which was supposed to just leave the package in the door of Arthur's mansion, but apparently, she added the finishing touch by adding the ribbon and the note with the demands.

Needless to say, but all the girls laughed after seeing this little plan Daimon had, especially Liz since she knew Daimon was messing with Agramy just because he could.

"At this point that guy must be grounded until Arthur Jolbaris finds his "lover", so that's a nuisance less in the academy", thought Daimon as he covered all of them with the blanket, Lykos had a really low temperature most of the year, and the nights were even worse.

Luckily, he had one of the most pleasant ways to keep himself warm, having a lot of beauties in his embrace.

The night went on without anything else happening and soon morning came, like other days it was pretty clouded, but the campus and the academic city were quite lively.

Some of the people which enjoyed the rich night life were just leaving the many night clubs to return to their daily lives.

Back at the mansion, Daimon felt something moving on top of him, he opened his eyes and was welcomed by Aura's pretty face up close, in a rare occasion she woke up without the need of a morning kiss.

Noticing the reluctance in her expression, Daimon caressed her face before pressing his lips against hers, the blanket waved due to the wags of her tail, unfortunately today she had some matters to attend to since early, so she unwillingly let go of him and while gazing at him from the corner of her eyes she wagged her tail showing her naked back view as she went ahead to the bathroom.

"I can't believe that wolf woman which was closer to a sword than to any male, will actively try to seduce you, that's my Daimon for you I guess~".

Daimon who was still repeating the scene of Aura cutely swaying her ass to sweeten his morning, was suddenly dragged backwards by a soft pair of arms, as Erin dragged him closer to him.

His head landed on something soft and bouncy, before his vision was covered by a black silky fur.

"Who am I?", said Erin in a playful voice as she covered Daimon's eyes with her tail.

Daimon tried to move his arms but they were firmly held in place by Liz and Elaine, apparently this was an operation executed by mother and daughters as a team, Aisha on the other hand limited to observe how her son would deal with those three.

Still for Daimon this was more of a reward than a challenge, up to this day he can safely affirm that Erin's tail is the fluffiest and softest thing in this galaxy.

While the threesome of mother and daughters were inwardly celebrating this little victory over their lover, Daimon chuckled.

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The three fox girls suddenly felt a little ticklish sensation between their legs, as a familiar smell flooded their noses.

"Hey, using charm is not fair!", said Liz and Elaine at the same time as they let go of Daimon, Erin on the other hand stuck her tongue at him, as a user of a bewitching spell herself, she developed a certain degree of tolerance against Daimon's pheromones.

That being said, she still rubbed her thighs together, being directly in contact with Daimon while he used charm multiplied the effect, so right now her whole body was aching.

On the other hand, Daimon was more than willing to lose but in exchange he stole those pretty lips of hers, to enjoy a deep kiss with Erin which lasted until they both couldn't endure the piercing gazes of Liz and Elaine.

"Come here you two", said Daimon as he kissed the fox sisters one after the other, enjoying the characteristic wild shamelessness of Liz and the gentle shyness of Elaine.

Last but not least he focused his attention on his young vampire mother which has been observing them, with her head resting on her hands and a lovely smile.

Erin patted their daughter's shoulders and the three of them went ahead, leaving only Daimon and Aisha in the room.

Daimon helped Aisha brush some of her long strands of silver hair behind her ears, revealing those beautiful amethyst-like eyes of hers.

Aisha smiled and then jumped onto Daimon as he kissed him to her heart's content, she then licked her lips and bit her son's neck to take a few sips of his blood.

An expression of delight appeared in Aisha's eyes as soon as she drank the first drop of Daimon's blood, but she stopped before things got out of hand, it was easy for vampires to lose themselves in the pleasure that drinking blood brought them, although Daimon's body was abnormal enough to not feel the lose of some litters of it, this wasn't the moment for that.

Enjoying the aftertaste of Daimon's blood, Lilia charmingly smiled as she went to the bathroom too.

After a quick shower and taking their breakfast, Aura left to her office, Erin covered herself with dark curtain while Liz and Elaine hid three of their tails and accompanied Daimon and Aisha to the 1-S classroom.

As soon as Daimon opened the door of the classroom, the first thing that appeared in his sight was a hand with black claws aiming at his shoulder, mana circulated in his eyes and the world seemed to slow down which allowed Daimon to see the apologetic expression of Calvin which was standing a few centimeters behind the owner of the hand.

"What an agitated morning", thought Daimon as he intercepted the clawed hand with his own.

"Booom!", a shockwave created a current of wind due to the clash of both hands while sparks flew due to the friction of their claws.