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Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince-Novel

Chapter 99 Good Job
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“Here, you can have these books I recommend you to read if you want to broaden your knowledge on the topic you’re writing,” Alexander said, setting down five heavy and thick-looking books down Tiffania’s table.

Tiffania smiled gladly as her eyes shifted from the typewriter to his brother who is making an effort to help her with the academic paper she plans to present to the academy.

It was thirty minutes since Alexander had checked her paper and given his remarks. She must admit, that it was shameful, that her paper has many mistakes in everything, from the data to typos and grammatical errors. Imagine if she hadn’t consulted his brother, she’ll be a laughing stock in the university and worst, affect the reputation and dignity of the Ruthenia Royal Family among the academia and intellectuals.

So she was glad, glad that her brother reviewed her thesis before she made her talk so she can rewrite them again and make them better.

“Thank you brother…I’ll take it from here,”

“Okay, if you need me, I’ll be in my office. Good luck,” Alexander said before leaving her study room.

It was probably the most sincere words she gave to Alexander as of right now.

In the past years, she’s always cold to her brother because of his unbefitting and carefree attitude. A prince should act like a prince, not some spoiled brat who doesn’t know how to follow rules. But the truth is she was jealous of him. Of him being able to do whatever he likes and despite getting reprimanded severely by their father, he’ll just shrug and go back to doing what he wants.

She doesn’t have that luxury as she has to maintain this social status of hers being a grand duchess of the Ruthenia Empire. She has no control over her life and probably in the next few years, she’ll meet her pre-arranged suitor from another country to marry for political purposes.

She has no choice but to do what she wants, and even if she has, it’ll be barred by their late father, telling her that she shouldn’t do that because of her royal disposition. She hated it, having no choice. When she was a kid there was once a royal tutor who inspired her to become a scholar. He taught her sociology, psychology, and political science.

With that, she studied day and night, reading books related to that topic. And thanks to her efforts, she was able to ascertain where the Ruthenia Empire was heading if things were to remain the same back then.

She had told to her father but she was ignored, telling her that the people won’t revolt and turn their back on the royal family because they are destined to rule and the people are just there to follow blindly.

In the era of industrialization and modernization that raised a lot of people to the middle class, they began demanding rights. Outdated systems won’t work in the modern world. But what can she do? She has no power…what’s the point of having knowledge if not used?-.

And the day she feared came when their parents were assassinated by the terrorist known as “Black Hand” with the usage of explosives, that blasted the royal motorcade to pieces.  Her brother was on the carriage, injured, and was in a coma for weeks. However, something changed within him after he woke up. He suddenly became smart, competitive, and capable of ruling. So smart that he had beaten her in terms of knowledge.

The knowledge that does not even exist in books she borrowed from the university to look up. The only few that got as close to the knowledge he possessed as she found are hypothetical theories sidenotes and modern fiction books written by “futurists”.

He became well-versed in engineering, chemistry, physics, and even medicine when concocting a revolutionary medicine that cured their little sister, Anastasia. He slowly lifted Ruthenia back on its feet through sweeping radical reforms. And now, the Ruthenia Empire, which has been behind in all aspects compared to its neighbor, is becoming a global player again. All thanks to her brother’s efforts.

It was impressive and envious at the same time. After all, she never expected Alexander to be that smart. He was your typical average person with nothing extraordinary, except his family name. Or there is something to him, like a hidden genius.

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Genius…she hated that word because it denies the existence of her efforts where she studied as her life depended on it. Because if there is such a thing as geniuses, will any amount of her efforts actually mean anything? After all, she’s been under the impression that genius beats hard work.

Setting those worries aside, Tiffania began working on her papers. Days and nights have passed, and she cooped herself up in her room. Crumpled paper littered her room as she made hundreds of revisions as she deemed it not enough and lacking, reading a plethora of books that gave her insights.

She hadn’t asked for her brother’s help, there was no need.

And after five days of arduous research, she finished her paper and planned to submit it to his brother for checking.

In Alexander’s room, sunlight streamed through the window, casting shadows upon his figure. His back was facing the door; the only indication of his presence, or lack thereof, was the sound of his steady breathing. With a sigh, he reached out for the bottle of red wine on his table.

With practice, he looks at the label first, finding it to be a 1916 vintage from a region in the Sardegna Empire, this world’s Italy.

With the corkscrew, Alexander drills in and pull out the cork. He sniffs it and finds it a good choice for his tipple. Pouring out the deep crimson liquid into a wine glass, he picks it up to swirl the fluid in the light of the late afternoon sun.

The dark red sparkled like blood rubies in the glass, he then took a sip to enjoy the rather fruity bouquet red.

‘It feels like I’m Dracula.’, mused Alexander

‘Feels weird knowing on that year. It was the bloodiest time in Earth’s history.’

Alexander holds up the glass to the light again, ‘It sure looks like blood…’.

Distracted by good wine and troubling thoughts, he didn’t notice that someone has entered his room until a voice called to him.

“Brother…I finished it!” Tiffania announced proudly.

Alexander turned around and faced his sister; his lips tugged into a smile.

“Is that so? Can I see it?” Alexander asked as he watched Tiffania strode elegantly across his office. That gait…signifies confidence.

“Brother…with this paper…I can assure you that you won’t see any mistake in my paper,” Tiffania said, handing Alexander her papers inside a brown envelope.

“Hoh? You seem quite confident, Tiffania,” Alexander remarked as he accepted the papers from her, placing the wine glass away to open it.

“I wouldn’t say that, brother, but I am confident in saying that I gave it my all.”

“Very well, I shall look into it now,” Alexander said and returned to his seat.

“I will wait here brother,” Tiffania said.

“Fine but don’t fall to sleep,” Alexander teased.

She laughed softly and sat on the chair adjacent to her brother’s desk. For a moment she watched her brother reading the paper and swirling the wine with a serious expression; she couldn’t help but feel impressed with his dedication to helping her.

She observed him more by placing an arm over his table and sitting her chin on top, staring intensely at her brother, wondering what he thinks about it. His mind had clearly registered her efforts, he was frowning though not in displeasure.

An hour had passed, and Tiffania was still staring at her brother. Alexander settled down the paper and looked at her.

“How was it…brother?” Tiffania asked as she began to feel nervous about what her brother had to say.

“It was outstanding,” Alexander commented.

The statement shocked her, causing her heart to flutter and her cheeks to flush red from his compliment.

Alexander continued. “To be honest, my expectations were surpassed. Your analysis from several angles has made your thinking deeper than before, and it has also given me some new insights that I can consider when planning my next projects,”

“Wait…brother…you learned something new from my paper?”

“Yes, indeed.”, Alexander sits back in a relaxed position.

“Now I can guarantee this will make a good presentation, so good luck on the day of your presentation, go treat yourself to something nice, to celebrate your efforts…”

Alexander gestures by lifting up his glass high in his hand, a small congratulatory toast to his sister.

“Waah! Thank you, brother!” Tiffania couldn’t contain her excitement and happiness. She stood up to give him a hug, causing Alexander to stiffen in surprise.

But it was short-lived as Tiffania instantly snapped out from her surprise. She pulled herself away and lowered her head down, hiding her flushed face while stuttering.

“I didn’t do it on purpose…I was just happy that I couldn’t contain my excitement…don’t get the wrong idea…” She trailed off.

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“Is that so…that’s sad then.”

“Why do you say so?”

“Because, I only got two hugs from you ever since…first is when you’re pleading to me to save Anastasia and second is this moment,” Alexander sighed.

“Then…do you want me to hug you?” Tiffania asked shyly, peeking from the side.

“You don’t have to force yourself, Tiffania,” Alexander chuckled.

“Mean…” Tiffania uttered under her breath. “I even mustered all of my strength to offer you that…How mean…”

Alexander sighed, putting him in an embarrassing situation. With her saying that there’s no way for him to reject that.

“Fine, I guess I can use a hug,” Alexander let out a forced chuckle, smiling stiffly.

He stood up from his seat and approached his younger sister, wrapping his arms around her waist, feeling how soft her body really was. A second after, Alexander moved his right hand over to her head and ruffled her hair affectionately.

He then whispered, “I’m proud of you as your brother..”


Minutes later, when Tiffania left Alexander.

Alexander let out a breath and suck in air with his nostrils.

Tiffania’s presence has left her perfume aroma lingering in his office, the softness of her hair on the tips of his finger…

Alexander shook his head to clear his thoughts, Sophie will be his only love, to lay hands on his sister is rather….creepy.

He empties the glass with a swift swallow.

To ward off the strange vibes in his office, Alexander dug into his secret stash.

A place where he keeps his snacks and other goodies. Today a pipe and a can of tobacco will be chosen.

With ritual and practice, he packs the pipe and strikes a match. Soon puffs of aromatic smoke flow from his mouth.

Pouring himself another glass of red wine, Alexander watches the street from the window as he smokes.

‘A nice end for today’s work, I wonder what’s on TV tonight…’