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Returning from the Dead: His Secret Lover

Chapter 806
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“Uncle Sebastian, this is Mommy’s hospital.” The girl’s childlike voice echoed loudly when the duo

stepped into the hospital. Immediately everyone whirled around to look at them.

Oh my goodness! This child is unbelievably pretty!

Not only was she dressed in a pink mini skirt, but there was also a khaki-colored hat in the shape of a

pair of pointed ears perched on the little girl’s head. Her skin was as white as snow, and her large eyes

gleamed each time she blinked, making them look like stars on a night sky. At the same time, the

onlookers were dying to pinch her adorable cheeks.

Her adorable appearance resembled a porcelain doll.

Who on earth is she? How could there be such an adorable little girl?

Stunned by her cuteness, the onlookers shifted their attention to the man holding her hand.

A single glance at the man stole their breath away.

Compared to the little girl, the man was dressed subtly. Yet, his simple clothing did not affect his

handsome features as an air of elegance hung around the man’s tall figure.

Compared to the little girl, his striking looks garnered more dazed stares.

Upon their entrance, the entire lobby fell silent.

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Back upstairs, Sasha and Solomon were clueless about the events that occurred downstairs.

They made their way towards the lift. Feeling downhearted, Sasha trailed after Solomon’s heels with

her head hung low.


Just as they reached the lift, Solomon came to a screeching halt. Caught off guard, Sasha collided

against his back.

“Solomon, what are you doing? Why did you stop out of the blue?” Sasha asked as she rubbed her

aching nose.

Yet, Solomon remained silent.

It felt like he was nailed to the spot. His widened eyes were fixated intensely on something at the

hospital lobby as his back stiffened. How is this possible? Why is he here? Isn’t he in Jadeborough?

In the mere span of seconds, Solomon’s mood took a drastic turn.

“Solomon?” Sasha called out again. From her position, Solomon’s back obscured her vision of the

lobby. It left her confused by the man’s lack of response. Why is he not moving?

As her patience frayed, Sasha tried to step forward. Her sudden movement seemed to snap Solomon

out of his shocked daze as he thrust his arm out to block her path.


“A-Are you sure you want to go there?” Solomon turned around and asked. His face had turned

extremely pale.

Sasha gave him a look of puzzlement. Why shouldn’t I go there? What on earth is he trying to do?

Sasha ignored Solomon’s question and made her way around him before she continued forward.

Isn’t this an ordinary lift? There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with it. From her peripheral view,

Sasha noticed someone moving downstairs.

“Uncle Sebastian, Mommy is on the third floor. We need to take the lift,” Vivian said cheerfully.


The man led the little girl to the lift and pressed on the button that would bring them to the third floor. Up

above, Sasha stared at their figures.

Ding. She watched as the figures entered the lift before they vanished from sight.

Who are they? Am I seeing things because of my downcast mood?

Sasha felt as if all her blood had rushed to the top of her head. All of a sudden, she found herself

trapped in a blurry haze. Everything around her sounded oddly faint and muffled. The only sensation

she felt was the trembles that wracked her body.

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“Don’t panic. Since he’s here, he must be looking for you. Why don’t you meet him?” Solomon

reassured her gently.

Contrary to his tender tone, the words left a sour taste that lingered on his tongue.

Earlier, Solomon wanted to stop Sasha. The moment he caught sight of that man, a wild idea appeared

in his head. I should stop her from seeing him.

After all, this was an opportunity he’d been waiting for ages.

But in the end, Solomon decided to let Sasha go. Once again, he sacrificed his own happiness for the

sake of hers.

Solomon’s words managed to snap Sasha out of her daze as she stopped trembling.

“You w-want him to meet me? Now?” she mumbled hesitantly.

“That’s right. Is there a problem?”

“N-Not at all. But, would it be appropriate to greet him like this? Not only did I change my appearance,

but he also might not remember me at all. W-What if he doesn’t recognize me?” Sasha rambled in

panic as she cupped her face. The thought of meeting him left her so nervous that she could not talk


After all, I didn’t use to look like this. What if he can’t accept my new appearance? But he came all the

way here…

Trapped in turmoil, Sasha noticed that the lift was quickly approaching the third floor. Unable to take it

anymore, she spun on her heel and took off in the opposite direction.