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Revenge On Love Rats After Rebirth by Olivia Marsh

Chapter 836 Call My Name When You'Re In Danger
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Chapter 836 Call My Name When You're in Danger A piercing chill instantly penetrated Selena's limbs and bones.

Despite holding her breath at the fastest speed possible, her entire body was frozen stiff. Even breathing was extremely difficult, let alone struggling, as she held a child in her arms and fell straight down.

The surging water engulfed her nose, ears, and lungs, making it impossible to breathe. Her chest was suffocating to the point of explosion.

The other party seemed to be worried that she wouldn't die and might crawl out to seek help, so a sharp knife followed closely behind and stabbed her on the thinly frozen water surface, causing a burst of blood.

Then came the sound of fast footsteps leaving.

Selena released her grip on the knife and wanted to swim up, but the child in her arms clung to her like vines, and with the frozen body, she couldn't muster any strength, not even a bit.

The painful and dark suffocating feeling gradually overwhelmed her consciousness.

It hurts so much...

In the dark thoughts, a sentence suddenly sounded in her mind.

"If you encounter danger, call my name. No matter how far away | am, | will come to save you." Someone seemed to have said this to her in a very distant memory.



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What is your name...

A gentle and sincere whisper followed without any gap, "Osvaldo Anderson, my name." The man's tone was gentle to the bone, like making a reassuring promise, "If you encounter danger, call my name, | will always be there." Osvaldo...

Save me...

At the moment when the endless darkness was about to engulf her, with the last obsession, Selena lifted up her bloody hand and reached upward.

She still had so much revenge to seek! She absolutely couldn't die here! The lifted hand was held by an equally cold hand.

Suddenly, it seemed like a powerful arm was holding her tightly and pulling her into an embrace.

Someone hugged her, put their lips on her, and brought in a mouthful of fresh air.

The chest that was about to burst from suffocation suddenly felt a bit relieved.

The terrifying suffocating feeling suddenly receded at this moment.

The person hugged her delicate body, giving her strength as if he wouldn't let go even if his hands were cut off.

In the chaotic thoughts, it seemed like she heard countless panicked screams.

The person held her slender body, giving her life-saving oxygen, and swam with her towards the surface.

At this moment, the poolside was surrounded by people.

Earlier, when they were in the banquet hall and the atmosphere was thick, Mr. Anderson suddenly seemed to be stimulated and turned around to run outside.

He was the central figure in the banquet, and countless eyes were fixed on him.

Therefore, when Osvaldo moved, he almost stirred the attention of everyone present. After a moment of confusion among the crowd, they immediately followed him and saw the man jump into the water without hesitation.

The people who followed saw the blood on the surface of the water and the girls present were immediately scared and screamed.

"Did someone fall into the water?" However, Osvaldo had just talked to Mr. Jenkins in the hall, how did he know someone fell into the water? While the group of people was observing with different thoughts, they heard a splash and someone came out of the water.

The eyes of everyone on the shore immediately looked over nervously. Then they collectively froze in place.

Aman in black emerged from the water, holding an unconscious woman in his arms. His arm was covered in blood, and in his other hand, he was carrying a child with a pale face who seemed to have stopped breathing.

Although he was in a messy state, he still had a compelling charm that made it hard to look away. The person who fell into the water turned out to be Selena? And with a child? After realizing what had happened, the scene became chaotic in an instant, and there were calls for an ambulance everywhere.

Alice came to her senses and took off her coat and handed it over, trembling as she asked, "How is Lady Selena?" Osvaldo did not respond, he took the coat handed over by the other person, wrapped it around Selena, placed her on the lawn, knelt down, and pressed his hands on her chest, leaning over to give her artificial respiration.

People who understood first aid immediately went to treat the child.

The scene was silent, and no one dared to speak. It seemed that even breathing loudly had become a taboo.

Osvaldo's cold face was colder than before as he looked at Selena lying on the lawn, with a pale and cold face. Her long eyelashes hung down like butterfly wings, which made her skin look even whiter. Her face was small but lacked the most important sign of life.

Despite the extremely cold weather, his lips became eerily redder than blood, with a touch of a disturbing emotion in his eyes.

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Some were worried about whether Selena could be saved, while others watched her half-dead body lying there with a sense of schadenfreude in their hearts.

From somewhere in the crowd came a schadenfreude laugh.

"Serves her right! It's better if she dies like this!" As soon as the words were spoken, everyone saw a black figure flash before their eyes. The man who had just been performing CPR on Selena was now in the crowd, and with a hand dripping with coldness, he grabbed a woman's neck.

The woman looked horrified, her face turning pale, as if she hadn't realized what was happening yet.

With a "click" sound, anyone who heard it instinctively felt a coldness around their necks.

A bone-chilling sensation rose from the soles of everyone's feet.

The woman who was being strangled didn't even have time to scream, as the man threw her onto the ground, her back tearing against the pavement, and kicked her into the water, blood streaming out.

Everyone present gasped, retreating in fear from the man's murderous aura.

The scene that was once bustling became silent in an instant.

No one even dared to help the woman who was thrown into the water, leaving her to experience the pain and despair of drowning.

In the end, someone jumped into the water to rescue her before it was too late, and threw her aside.

The woman sat on the ground trembling, her face stiff with fear, no longer daring to say a word.

As time passed by, Selena remained unconscious...

Those who had just been gloating were now praying to the gods and Buddha, hoping that Selena would wake up soon! Otherwise, according to the ruthlessness of the Anderson family's prince, everyone present today would probably be implicated...

And in the midst of this silence, a few coughs from drowning suddenly sounded.

Osvaldo held Selena's head and patted her back as she vomited all the water from her mouth. After a few light trembles of her long eyelashes, she finally opened her eyes.