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Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 437 Elder Tree
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Kaizen listened carefully to Tuck's explanation, somewhat moved by his situation, but still suspicious.

"But you were near the room where the Spider-Scorpions were, which means you would take a chance to get some of the stuff you need, right? Why don't you take your chances in the forest, too, if you know it?" Kaizen inquired.

"Well, because I have you now. If you really want to help me, of course. Besides, I think that Spider-Scorpions are not the only monsters in this forest. There's definitely something far worse."

Kaizen clenched his eyes and thought hard. The halfling really seemed to be stuck there, for his clothes were tattered and he looked rather thin and dirty. Maybe an invisibility potion would be the only way for him to get out on his own. Of course, Kaizen could still escort him to the exit, but it was dangerous to try to protect such a weak NPC in unknown terrain. Besides, the offer to get more ingredients for the halfling in exchange for information about the region seemed like a better deal to the player than just helping him out of this fortress without getting anything in return.

"I understand. I will help you get the ingredients you need for your potions. And in return, you will give me information about the region. Okay?" Kaizen suggested, thinking that the information on his map was outdated and extending his hand to seal the deal.

Tuck looked at Kaizen's outstretched hand with surprise, but after a few seconds shook it with excitement. "Okay, fine, deal! But remember, if you try to cheat me..."

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"If I try to cheat..."

The halfling's gaze became a little disheartened. "I won't... be able to go back to my daughter."

Kaizen nodded, keeping his eyes on Tuck. He knew he had to be careful with Tuck because he was a stranger, but at the same time he felt he had made the right choice. From now on, he would have an ally in this hostile region.

[You have accepted the mission "Tangled Webs".]

[Quest Name: Tangled in Webs

An alchemist halfling has asked for your help in finding a certain ingredient in Torh Forest.

Objective: Find the largest nest of spider scorpions under the Elder Tree in Torh Forest.

Possible rewards for completing this quest

- Updated map of the region with points of interest.

- Potion of Invisibility (1x)].

Kaizen walked through the dense forest, his boots stepping on branches and leaves wet from the early morning rain. The surrounding vegetation was still damp and alive, emitting a fresh, sweet scent. Moisture hung in the air, and the ground beneath his feet was soaked, making it slippery in some parts of the path, especially near the streams where there were rocks.

Gradually, the sunlight broke through the tallest trees, creating a scene of glitter and shadow on the ground that contrasted with the orange hue of the entire forest.

Droplets of water dangled from the leaves and fell in small splashes, creating a relaxing, musical sound as the whole area seemed to be silent. Kaizen closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, feeling the cool moisture seep into his nostrils. As he walked, he listened to the sounds around him, hearing a few crows, the trickling of water, and the rustling of leaves. At first glance, this forest seemed to be at peace, but he knew that this peace could be shattered at any moment, for this peace was in fact false.

Kaizen continued his search for the Elder Tree, keeping his senses alert for any danger that might arise. He vaguely remembered passing through there before, but without the map, he had no idea where he was.

"I think this is where Tuck was pointing." He said, scratching his head a bit in confusion.

Suddenly, he heard a strange sound, a hissing noise coming from somewhere in front of him. Kaizen immediately stopped and searched for the source of the sound. Looking left and right, he saw something moving in the treetops. It was a snake, an ordinary snake with green and yellow stripes, slithering from branch to branch. A little disappointed, Kaizen moved on. He had suspected that the forest was still inhabited by some common animals, but he had not expected to find one of them.

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As he walked away from the snake, Kaizen passed some colorful flowers, vibrant and full of life, and from the way they didn't seem to follow the natural order of the seasons, they were certainly special. The smell was sweet and intoxicating, but he concentrated on his search and continued to move forward through the forest. Soon, he came upon an ancient structure, a huge tree with roots that seemed to reach to the very edge of the cave below. Kaizen recognized this place as the ancient tree Tuck had mentioned and the reason for his search.

However, this place was completely different from the rest of the forest, which still looked somewhat alive. There were webs all over the tree and thousands of spider scorpion eggs hanging from the branches like baubles on a Christmas tree. It was disgusting and a little disturbing.

Suddenly he heard the sound of something crawling to his right. He turned quickly to see a group of Spider-Scorpions approaching in a swarm, their long dark legs crawling quickly toward him.

Kaizen immediately drew his sword, ready to face the monsters. The Spider-Scorpions were large and looked ferocious, their jaws rattling as they approached. He knew he had to be careful, because dealing with a large number of enemies in their area was always dangerous, especially when they were monsters with deadly poison.

The spider scorpions lunged at him with sharp claws, and Kaizen swung his sword skillfully, easily slicing several of them in half. The acrid smell of the monsters' venom filled the air, but Kaizen was able to dodge the attacks of three more as they lunged at him.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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