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Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 163 Challenge!
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Damien quickly came in front of Valentina and was ready to flash backward using his ethereal arts.

"That's enough, Denissa!" A man's shout came from behind, which made Dennisa freeze her hand.

"Head Prefect!" Roy Clive and Dennisa Rivers shouted in their minds seeing the young man approaching them.

Damien saw a good-looking young man walk in through the door with a scruffy-looking girl proudly walking behind him.

'Yara Haley?' Damien wondered if she was here for Valentina. But when he saw the armband on the young man's arm, he was surprised that he was a final year student.

"Glenn, you don't have any reason to be here. This is my business." Dennisa said with a frown.

Yara Haley scoffed, "Hmph, my elder brother has every right to be here. You two have been bullying the first years, and it is the duty of the Head Prefect to discipline you two. Isn't that right, brother?"

Glenn Haley said as he looked at Roy Clive and Dennisa Rivers, "Yes, it is. As the Head Prefect, it is my business to ensure order and discipline are maintained around here. I don't care what business you two are having here, but it is time both of you left. Otherwise, I would be forced to write up a report as I have caught you two red-handed."

Even though the Clive and Rivers Family were among the top five families, Glenn Haley wasn't scared of them as his Haley Family was among the top five as well.

"Hmph, I am not going anywhere till I exact out justice for my younger brother and friends. Head Prefect, what punishment should this brat Damien get for viciously thrashing his seniors? Especially breaking almost all his bones and even his manhood. If you don't believe me, why don't you visit the medical ward?" Roy Clive said with a sly grin.

"Wrong! Damien had nothing to do with it. I was the one who beat them all up for trying to attack Damien unfairly." Valentina cried out in an aggravated tone.

Hearing her voice, Glenn Haley moved his eyes to see Valentina move from behind Damien to his front.

His eyes froze as her extremely intoxicating beauty came into his sight. It was as if he had a love-struck expression more like love at first sight.

Yara Haley sighed, seeing the foolish expression on her brother. She knew whatever her brother was thinking was pointless as Valentina's heart had already been taken by someone else.

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She pinched his waist to make him come back to reality.

Glenn Haley awkwardly coughed, and when he thought about the words Valentina said, he glared at his sister as he was not aware of these things.

Yara Haley glanced away while humming to herself as if this mess was now her brother's to handle.

Before, when she saw Valentina fighting against Luke and others, she knew Roy Clive had to be behind this as she knew Luke was the right hand of Roy Clive.

She quickly ran towards her brother for help as she knew she wouldn't be able to stop Roy Clive by herself in case he appeared before Valentina.

The only thing she told her brother was that one of her friends was in a difficult situation and asked for his help to solve the situation. She didn't say anything about whom all are involved.

Otherwise, she knew her brother might hesitate as it was a headache to go against the heirs of the big shot families even for him.

Now that Valentina had admitted it herself, Glenn Haley didn't know what to do. As per rules, he would have to exact some disciplinary action against Valentina as it seems the other party was heavily injured to the point they had to be taken to the medical ward.

Damien had enough already as he thought people were getting on to his heads just because he was staying silent. He didn't blame Valentina at all for what she did. He would have done the same thing if he was in Valentina's shoes.

He was already fed up with these arrogant young masters and decided to shut them all up for once and for all. He had no enmity with these people, nor did he provoke them. But they, for trivial reasons, wanted to trouble him and Valentina.

"Roy Clive!" Damien growled.

"If you have the guts, why don't you challenge me instead of chasing after women's skirts? And you, Dennisa, before you call someone bitch, why don't you take a good look at the mirror and see who the real bitch is? No, even bitches can't be as ugly as you. You are not even worthy to touch my Valentina's feet."

Valentina ardently looked at Damien as he said those words, and her heart throbbed to see him defend her so vehemently and how much importance she had in his heart.

Damien's voice was so loud that it thundered across the room, and even some disciples who had gathered again heard his words loud and clear.

Roy Clive and Dennisa River's eyes bulged as their veins pulsed in their necks. Their faces were utterly flushed red in anger, and even Glenn Haley and Yara Haley were shocked to hear Damien's words.

They couldn't understand from where Damien was getting the courage to talk like that to the heirs of the most prestigious families in the Xeton Empire. Even if one doesn't consider their backing, they were Elite geniuses whose status was in the top 1%.

Who would dare to talk to them in such a humiliating and insulting way, especially when their cultivation was way superior to them.

Yara Haley was impressed that Damien was so protective about Valentina that he didn't even flinch from insulting these two.

She now understood why Valentina was so head over heels for Damien. She could see that Damien wouldn't hesitate to face anyone who tries to harm Valentina.


Roy Clive and Dennisa River's expressions changed into one of amusement and ridicule. They

looked at Damien and laughed as if they had heard some funny joke.

Despite the expression on her face, Dennisa Rivers was so furious inwardly that she wanted to torture Valentina in front of Damien before making him her slave. But as Glenn Haley was standing here, she couldn't do anything blatantly.

Not even once in her life did anyone dare to call her ugly. All her life, she had only received praises of how beautiful and charming she looked.

But the man she never before wanted so badly in her life called her ugly? At first, she thought of treating him 'nicely' after turning him into her slave. But now, she licked her lips as she thought of other plans.

Roy Clive wrinkled his nose as he looked at Damien with contempt, "A weakling like you want to challenge me? Hahahahaha…."

"Fu fu fu...little Roy, I think this doggie needs to be disciplined. He thinks he can say whatever he wants to his master." Dennisa Rivers sneered as she gave a nasty stare at Damien.

"Kids, no need to laugh if you both are feeling scared. Give me one month, and I will replace your position in the Eternal Hall of Fame rankings. If I lose, I will do anything you both want. But if I win, you all should forget whatever happened today and not create any further problems with it. Do you dare to accept?" Damien asked provocatively.

Glenn Haley chimed in, "Damien, don't say things on impulse. Roy is at the Sixth Level of the Earth Ethereal Realm, and you are only at the Peak Level of the Nascent Ethereal Realm. I don't mean to look down on you, but even if you can truly fight someone a whole realm higher than you, it is not enough. Not even close. And within just one month, even if you cultivated strenuously and with your extraordinary talent, you might break into the Spirit Ethereal Realm. But that's it. It still won't be enough to challenge someone listed in the Eternal Hall of Fame rankings."

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Glenn Haley didn't really care about Damien's wellbeing. But since Valentina seemed to care about him so much, he decided to earn her favor by showing his goodwill. He didn't want to give up just because Valentina seemed to be in love with Damien.

He believed that as long as one sincerely pursues a maiden, they can steal away their heart. But he didn't realize that he had completely and totally underestimated Valentina's feelings for Damien.

Roy Clive smiled derisively, "That's enough, Glenn. Look at his confident face. He thinks that I am scared to accept his laughable challenge. Fine, your conditions...I accept. But after one month, if you run away…" He gave a sinister smile as he continued, "...you know what happens."

"I challenge Valentina as well." Dennisa Rivers chipped in as she looked at Valentina with a direful glare.

Valentina's eyes didn't falter as she stared at Dennisa menacingly.

"Why the hesitation? Are you scared, little kitty?" Dennisa Rivers mocked.

Damien turned towards Valentina and asked, "Valentina, do you want to accept her challenge? You don't have to if you don't want to. But I am sure after one month, you can easily defeat her."

Valentina looked at Damien and nodded with a smile. She wasn't worried about fighting Dennisa Rivers. She already decided to accept her challenge to not let Damien face them alone.

Since she created this mess, she also wanted to take responsibility for it instead of letting Damien solve it for her by himself. But hearing Damien's words, she was now absolutely confident of defeating Dennisa Rivers as she believed in Damien.

"I accept," Valentina said with a confident stare.

"Fu fu fu...good. Be prepared to taste my whip. I can't wait for it."

"But just like there are conditions for Damien's match. I want some conditions for the winners and losers as well." Valentina said assertively.

"Oh?" Dennisa Rivers raised one of her eyebrows, "And what conditions does little kitty want?"

"Whoever loses will have to wear a sign around their neck with the words 'I AM A BITCH' for the whole week. Do you dare to accept?" Valentina asked coldly.

Damien wanted to say something but didn't, as he knew that Valentina was confident in herself, just like him. And he also wanted to let her deal with Dennisa Rivers by herself without needing his intervention.

Dennisa Rivers' lips twitched hearing Valentina's blatant provocation. But her eyes glinted as she said with a sneer, "Is that all? Obviously, I accept. I can't wait to see you walk around with that sign around your neck. It seems like next month is going to be pretty interesting fu fu…"