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Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 298 Damien Vs Twenty-Five Elite Guards
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Kan felt like his heart was bleeding since he knew how hard it was to nurture these elite guards. And now, five of them died for nothing.

However, just at that time, three figures appeared in the sky. Kan looked up and smiled in relief, seeing three-winged mounts since the ones standing on them were two grand elders and the city lord!

The three were the crux of the city and had enough power to look down the whole city.

Damien looked up and saw two old men and a middle-aged man looking at him with a darkened expression as if he wanted to eat him up alive.

The three got down, and the city lord, Klaus, walked in front and said in an vengeful tone, "Kan! Why are these two still alive? You can't even kill two people decades younger than you?"

Kan and the guards bowed as he said in a strained voice, "My lord, these two are not simple. They killed five of our guards with a single strike!"

Klaus frowned, and after getting more details through mental transmission, he sneered as his fists shook, "Hmph, you two dared to kill not only my son but also my men! Today, you both are not going to die an easy death! Everyone, kill them at once!"

Triton suddenly sent a mental transmission to Damien, "You take on that Kan and the guards, I will handle these three."

Triton also made a protective barrier around Ana and moved her to a corner.

Damien was surprised to see twenty-five guards, three elders, and the city lord rushing towards them and even ethereal attacks.

He quickly dodged them and saw Triton rushing forward while saying, "You three, come with me!"

Saying so, Triton blasted the two grand elders and Klaus towards the other end of the street as he followed them.

'Wow, he is indeed powerful,' Damien knew why Triton wanted to take care of all three since they were at the Sky Ethereal Realm and Damien, right now, wasn't qualified enough to stand against them.

However, even then, Kan was at the High-Level Earth Ethereal Realm, which could be quite troublesome for him to defeat with his High-Level Spirit Ethereal Realm cultivation.

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The guards were only at the Low-Level Earth Ethereal Realm, so Damien didn't feel that it would be hard to kill them.

But since there were twenty-five of them, he didn't know whether it would be a headache.

'Damn, Triton, you owe me,' Damien took out his sword, 'Willbreaker' since his previous sword got damaged in his fight against Roy. After all, it was just a sword of the Earth Ethereal Realm grade, and for a moment, his power at that time exceeded the Sky Ethereal Realm.

That was a huge gamble he took, and he was quite lucky not to have his organs explode. And so he decided never to use it unless he was in a life and death situation.

The Willbreaker was the one he stole during the auction held by the Eternal Zephyr Merchant Guild. To be precise, he stole it during the time he was destroying the whole guild.

And the sword indeed lived up to its name since the moment he took out and let his Sword Will flow through the sword, everyone felt a crushing weight on their heart as if their fighting intent were about to be shattered.

The guards were the ones who got affected the most as half of them had their hands shaking after feeling their will shattering bit by bit.

It was like intense pressure that slowly started to build up in their hearts and only seemed to increase with time.

'Wow, this sword indeed lives up to its name!' Damien inwardly thought, feeling amazed.

Their morale came down, and even Kan felt a drop of sweat trickling down his forehead just because he was facing a lone Spirit Ethereal Realm practitioner!

"Damn it, don't get scared of a Spirit Ethereal Realm brat. He must be using some treasure to scare us. Let's strike him down!" Kan shouted as he rushed forward with his sabre.

The guards tightened their grips over their weapons, gritted their teeth as they charged towards Damien.

Anybody who saw a youngster getting ganged upon by over twenty-five men would surely think that the youngster was a goner.

However, Damien didn't flinch and rushed forward instead. He subtly used Mirage of Myriad Phantasms as he sped between the guards.




"Impossible…" Kan was flabbergasted to see Damien's speed and found that his guards were dropping dead one by one.

Most of them had their necks slashed, making them clutch their necks before bleeding to death. The guards were helpless since they couldn't even catch a glimpse of Damien's shadow.

It was as if he was all over the place. Only Kan was vaguely able to see Damien's silhouette zooming past the soldiers, and even that took all his concentration.

How could a Spirit Ethereal Realm brat be so fast?...Kan was beyond shocked as even he couldn't move that fast.

However, Damien's speed indeed comes with the cost of burning up his energy fast. He could only use his top speed for a few couple of seconds, and if he wants to use his skill for a longer period of time, then he would have to lower down his speed.

With every slash of his sword, another guard fell. Damien seemed like an unstoppable monster in the eyes of the guards.

Some even ran away after dropping their weapons since after witnessing how easily their comrades died, their will to fight was completely broken.

"You cowards! Get back here or face his lordship's wrath!" Kan roared, but the guards who ran away turned deaf ears since even if they could muster up any of their leftover courage, it wouldn't be enough to even swing at Damien.

Klaus clenched his jaw and spread his spiritual perception to the max, covering the whole street.

He then lifted his sabre and struck the ground heavily, releasing a strong wave of ethereal energy towards all sides.

The guards got blasted away towards different sides, and Damien couldn't avoid the wave and crashed against the building walls.

"Phew...using my speed surely takes a toll on me…" Damien grumbled as he got up. He was already keeping an eye on Kan but didn't do anything since he wanted to get rid of the guards first.

Otherwise, he would just get backstabbed when fighting Kan.

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He dusted his pants as he stood straight to see Kan glaring at him with killing intent. Kan's aura was becoming heavier, and he tried to oppress Damien with it.

But seeing that Damien didn't budge, he felt that Damien's cultivation was higher than what was apparent. And that his Spirit Ethereal Realm cultivation was faked using some artifact.

"Brat, nice try in trying to fool my eyes. Even if you hid your cultivation before, now it's of no use. Come, die to my sabre!" Kan howled as he rushed towards Damien.

Damien also became serious and charged forward to meet Kan's sabre with his Willbreaker.


Both of their weapons clashed against each other several times at various angles, spreading waves and waves of ethereal energy. If any Initial Ethereal Realm stood near them, they would surely have their body sliced into various pieces from just the shockwaves erupting from their clashes.

That was how powerful each of them was in their own right. Kan was surprised that a boy like Damien was able to equally contest with him even after using most of his strength.

Despite having a calm expression, Damien felt like his hands were getting numb each time he defended against the heavy strikes from Kan's weapon.

He was continuously using his First Phase of Undying Wrath, and even though he wouldn't feel much strain on his body for a while, as time went on, the pressure on his bones, muscles, veins would build up.

Thus the longer his battles, the faster he would get tired. That's why he didn't rashly try to use Mirage of Myriad Phantasms for a longer period.

He already sensed that Kan was at the Ninth Level of the Earth Ethereal Realm, and he was the toughest opponent he ever faced.

Damien was more than a whole realm lower than him, and even the fact he didn't lose on any of his exchanges so far was an achievement for him.

Suddenly, Kan's aura spiked, and his clash contained even more power, making Damien skid five meters back after having his Willbreaker clash against his sabre.

Kan snickered, "Heh, seems like this is the limit of your strength. I was only using 80% of my strength before. It's time to make you into a corpse."

Kan moved back and slashed his sabre in the air in the shape of a long arc, letting out a vertical wind blade, three meters tall, speed towards Damien while cutting the ground on its way.

Damien's eyes didn't falter, and instead, he gripped the hilt of his Willbreaker with both his hands and prepared himself to take on Kan's attack.