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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 73 Cannibal In The Woods
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Before entering the castle, the golden masked warrior turned to the silver masked figure and said, "We must be cautious. We do not want to cause a commotion and alert the guests inside. Keep your weapons at the ready, but do not engage unless necessary."

The silver masked figure nodded in agreement, "Understood, Captain. Our assassins have been trained to strike with precision and silence."

As they approached the castle, they could hear the distant sound of music and laughter coming from inside. The golden masked signaled for the group to stop, and they crouched behind some nearby trees.

As the group of masked warriors approached the castle, they could see the guards patrolling the perimeter. The assassins in their group, trained in the art of stealth and precision, moved forward, silently slipping past the guards one by one.

With swift and silent movements, the assassins used their aura knives to quickly and quietly dispatch the guards without a sound. They moved with grace and precision, their aura knives glinting in the moonlight as they struck their targets with lethal accuracy.

Some of the guards tried to resist, but the assassins were too quick for them, their movements almost impossible to follow. The guards fell one by one, their bodies hitting the ground with a soft thud, their deaths unnoticed by the other guards or the guests inside the castle.

The silver masked figure kept watch, making sure that no other guards were approaching. The golden masked warrior followed closely behind the assassins, providing cover and protection as they moved deeper into the castle.

As the masked warriors moved through the castle, their movements swift and silent, the golden masked warrior whispered to the silver masked figure, "We need to move quickly and quietly. The longer we take, the greater the risk of being detected."

The silver masked figure nodded and motioned for the assassins to move forward. They crept down the hallway, their aura knives at the ready.

One of the assassins paused, listening intently. "I hear footsteps," she whispered. "Someone is coming."

The golden masked warrior stepped forward, his aura sword glowing in the dim light. "Stay back," he whispered. "I'll handle this."

The footsteps grew louder, and soon a guard came into view. He was taken by surprise at the sight of the golden masked warrior, and before he could even raise his weapon, the warrior's aura sword sliced through the air and struck him down.

The assassins continued to move silently through the corridors, taking out any guards they encountered with swift and deadly precision. They made their way to the hall where the party was being held.

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As they peered at the hall where the party was being held, a deafening silence greeted them. All eyes were fixed on a woman's lifeless body lying on the ground, her stomach torn open, exposing the gruesome sight of her bloody organs. It was a horrifying scene that left everyone frozen in shock and disbelief.

The golden masked warrior turned to the assassins and asked, "Can you tell me who she was and how she died?"

One of the assassins stepped forward and replied, "Captain, she was an Ayrothian who came here to trade something with the duke. Unfortunately, I was not present when she died, so I cannot say for certain what happened to her."

The golden masked warrior's brow furrowed in concern. She knew that the death of an Ayrothian on their mission could have serious repercussions, and they needed to investigate the matter further.

The golden masked warrior thought for a moment, weighing the risks and benefits of their next move. 'If we were to kill the duke, Ayrothians will think we have killed their peoples and it would surely bring the wrath of both the Ayrothians and Achylsians down upon us. But what if no one knew we were here?' she mused.

Her silver masked companion looked at her quizzically, but the golden masked warrior had already made up her mind. "Very well then, let us proceed with our plan to attack and kill the duke. We must make sure that no one is left alive, not even the children or elderly." She declared, determined to carry out their mission.

With a steely resolve, the golden masked warrior led the charge into the hall, her aura sword glowing with an ominous light. The other masked warriors followed behind her, their weapons at the ready.


As the Duke was deep in thought, trying to figure out how to deal with the consequences of Lady Aheena's death, he suddenly felt a pair of angry eyes fixed on him. When he turned, he saw Lady Aheena's brother, Lord Seth, staring at him with fury-filled eyes.

The Duke knew he had to tread carefully. "My lord," he began, "I assure you that I had nothing to do with your sister's death. This is a tragic event, and we must find the culprits and bring them to justice."

Seth's eyes narrowed. "I don't believe you," he said, his voice low and dangerous.

The Duke felt a surge of anger rising within him, but he suppressed it. He knew he had to remain calm and composed. "I understand your anger, my lord," he said, "but I swear to you, I had nothing to do with this. Let us work together to find out who is responsible for this heinous act."

The sound of a door creaking open interrupted the tense exchange between the Duke and Lord Seth. They turned to see a group of masked figures entering the hall, their weapons at the ready.

The guests turned in surprise as the golden masked warrior and her group burst into the room, their weapons at the ready.

"Who are you? What is the meaning of this?" he demanded, his voice furious and a red aura bursting out from his body.

The golden masked warrior raised her aura sword and pointed it at the Duke. "We are the ones who have come to bring justice," she said in a cold, menacing voice. "You all have been judged and found guilty." Her piercing Eyes scanned the guests, making some shudder and some look at her with disdain.


The sun had already set, and the forest was now cloaked in darkness. The only sounds were the rustling of leaves and the kid's frantic footsteps as he ran. He was out of breath, his heart racing as he tried to get as far away from his pursuer as possible.

His mind was in a jumble. Fear and panic clouded his thoughts, and he couldn't think straight. The memory of what had happened earlier that day still haunted him.

The kid's heart was pounding in his chest, and he could feel his breaths coming in short gasps. He had just witnessed something that he could never forget - he had seen someone die with their stomach blasting open. The image kept replaying in his mind, over and over again.

"Why did I have to see that?" he thought to himself, "What did I do to deserve this?"

He stumbled over a root, almost falling to the ground. He caught himself panting heavily. His mind was in turmoil, and he didn't know what to do.

"I have to get away from here," he muttered to himself. "I have to keep moving."

He could hear his pursuer getting closer, and his fear only grew stronger. He had to think of something - anything - to keep himself safe.

'Why I am so afraid?' he thought, 'It was just a person? It was not me, at least.'

He thought of his family, his friends, and everything he held dear. He didn't want to die. He didn't want to end up like the person he had just seen.

"I have to keep going," he said to himself. "I have to keep running until I'm safe."

With renewed determination, the kid pushed himself forward, trying to put as much distance as possible.

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Then suddenly something struck his shoulder. Erwin felt a sudden sharp pain in his left shoulder as he stumbled and fell to the ground. "ahhh shit." He looked at his bloody shoulder and the red arrow gushed his in shoulder come out and landed in a slender hand.

Erwin's gaze met a woman standing merely a couple of yards away, her hand enclosed within a mystical circle. Her intense blue eyes brimmed with an insatiable yearning and longing, causing Erwin to quiver as he observed her maniacal grin.

"Who are you?" Erwin asked, trying to steady his breathing.

She didn't answer. Instead, she walked towards him slowly, her hair cascading down her back. Erwin tried to crawl away, but his injured shoulder made it difficult for him to move.

"I won't hurt you if you cooperate," she said, her voice low and seductive.

Erwin realized that he was in trouble.

He looked around frantically, searching for a way to escape, but there was nowhere to go. The woman had him cornered, and he was at her mercy.

"What do you want from me?" Erwin asked, his voice trembling.

"I need your help," she replied, her eyes narrowing as she stepped closer.

Erwin studied her carefully, trying to figure out what she was after. She was beautiful, with long dark hair and a slender frame, but there was something off about her, something unsettling.

"What kind of help?" Erwin asked, his heart racing.

"I need you to not scream," she said, her voice softening as she reached out to touch his face. "When I start to eat you."

Erwin's heart skipped a beat as the woman's words registered in his mind. He felt a surge of panic, realizing that he was dealing with someone dangerous and unpredictable.

"Eat me?" Erwin asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The woman nodded, a wicked smile crossing her lips. "Yes, I want to feel your tender flesh between my teeth and warm blood on my lips."