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Savage Love On His Wheelchair

Chapter 745
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"Uncle, have you toldhe's here yet?" Carl heard Masay that they were kidnapped so they escaped here, and that her friends would clooking for them if they knew she was missing, and asked him to help keep an eye out! Since they are now looking for people over, he naturally has to help her watch the point, in case if those who kidnapped them those bad guys, it is not a sheep into the tiger's mouth.

"Of course not, didn't | rush over to tell you as soon as | heard about it?" "And did you ask him for his last name?" If he knew the name, he could ask Mato see if it was her friend or one of those bad guys.

"I forgot to ask this one, but looking at that look of theirs, it's a bit like the rich people on TV." Carl his uncle is the captain of the village inside, most of his life is to stay in the village, but good people or bad people can still distinguish clearly, although he saw Marcy is not a good person, but also can feel that the other party is not malicious, that look really seems to be to find people.

"Tell you what! I'll ask Maand see what she says?" "Good!" With those words, Carl turned around and headed inside.

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"Who is it?" "Yes uncle, he said the village ca few people, said they were looking for Mayme, he was worried that it was those bad guys, so he cover to ask first!" Carl sat on a stool and addressed them.

As soon as Maheard that someone had cfor them, she couldn't help but ask, "So do you know what they look like?" "My uncle he didn't say, but | can take you there to see, if it's really your friend that's even better, if not you can take Elliott and hide out at my house!" "Carl, aren't you afraid that if it's one of those bad guys, it's going to get you guys in trouble?" After all, those people are living on the tip of the sword, in their eyes, human life is like they usually kill a chicken in general, it is impossible to be merciful.

A faint smile, said: "Although I'm not sure why those people want to kidnap you, but no matter what path they are in, they have principles, and we have not offended him, and they will not just kill people for no reason!" "If everyone thought like you, the world would be a peaceful place!" During this tshe followed Rosemary around and a lot of things happened around her. Although she didn't really understand why those people were jealous of others, the saying that a tree attracts the wind seemed to make sense to her.

No wonder mom and dad, big brother and they all said the world is not as simple as she thought, before she did not understand, but at the moment she seems to understand.

Carl looked at her, smiled slightly, and said, "Listen to your tone, as if you know a lot!" She is also only 18 or 19 years old, it is reasonable that she should not have such a sense, it seems that the world of the rich and the world of the poor is really different.

Like they even casually walk in which corner of the world, I'm afraid they will not attract anyone's attention.

"I didn't understand it before, but | seem to know it lately!" "Let's not talk about it, let's go check it out!" If it was really Wilson who sent for them, then she shouldn't be worried, after all, she still has Elliott with her.

"Elliott, have you eaten enough?" Looking down at Elliott, who had put his bowl down, Matook out a paper towel and gently wiped the residual food stains from the corner of his mouth.

"Eat up!" "Then let's go!" Mawas about to pick Elliott up when she heard Carl say, "Mayme, if you trust us, | suggest we put Elliott here first and let my mom take care of him, in case the other side is not your friend, you can leave alone!" "Yes! You'd better go and make sure, auntie will help you watch your brother first!" Malooked at Elliott, hesitated, thought of their kindness to take them in, if in case the other party is not sent by Wilson to come, then she can not in take Elliott to stay here, or will certainly be even to them.

"I know what you guys are worried about, but don't worry, if it's not my friend, I'm leaving here too, | don't want to drag you guys down because of us sisters and brothers, those people are not going to talk to you about anything!" Seeing Mayme's insistence, the middle-aged woman could not say anything and spoke softly: "Mayme, if the other party is really not your friend, auntie still hopes that you and Elliott can cback, as long as they can't find you two, they won't do anything to us. After all, we are not related to you, they will not do anything to us!" "My mom is right, if it really isn't, we can still call the police!" Carl stood by and chimed in.

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"Don't worry, Auntie, | will!" With those words, Mapicked up Elliott and headed outside.

At this moment, the sky outside dark clouds, lightning and thunder, Elliott heard the sound of thunder buried the whole little face on Mayme's shoulder.

"Elliott don't be afraid, my sister is here!" "Well, Elliott isn't afraid!" "Young master, we've asked all inside the village, they all said they haven't seen Miss Karlsson and the young master!" The man in black walked up to Marcy, who was sitting in the courtyard, and said respectfully.

Looking at the sky outside, Marcy spoke: "Let the men rest first, go ask this family if they can get sfood for the guys, and when the rain stops we'll keep looking!" "Yes!" "Sir, we don't have anything to offer in this poor and remote place, this is our home-fried tea, you can try it!" The village chief's wife cover with a cup of Qingming tea and said with a big smile.

"Thanks!" Marcy pulled the corners of her mouth at the old woman. For him, who was usually as cold as ice, it was really difficult to suddenly ask him to smile at the next person.

But then | worry that my cold expression will scare people, so | have to pull out a smile that is worse than crying and try to make myself look more affable.

"Auntie, here's five thousand yuan, would you please go and get us sfood?" The village chief's wife looked at the dozens of money on the table and hurriedly waved her hand and said, "I can't take this.

"All can! But this money you accept, so many of us can't eat you for nothing!" Marcy picked up the money and shoved it into her hand, they hadn't eaten all day, even if he could hold out, his brothers couldn't! Looking at the money in his hand, the village chief's wife looked torn, raised her head to Marcy's icy expression and had to take the money and leave.

The mayorbrought Main through the back door and whispered, "I'll go in and talk to him later, Carl you take Miss Karlsson and watch from the back room, if it's not Miss Karlsson's friend, you hurry and take Miss Karlsson and leave!" "Got it uncle!"