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Scars Of A Broken Bond by Calv Momose

Chapter 136
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Chapter: 136

As Sabrina attempted to switch lanes, he blocked her way by changing his lane.

Sabrina started suspecting that this was no coincidence.

But why?

She had no recollection of the license plate of the car ahead. When the black vehicle had

overtaken her earlier, the driver even shot her a smile, yet she didn’t recognize him.

Upon exiting the highway, the black car tailed her and followed her off the highway. The

driver then sped past Sabrina again and reduced his speed, causing her to slow down too.

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Noticing Sabrina’s reduced speed, he drove even slower.

Stopping was prohibited on this stretch of the road.

Sabrina made an attempt to switch lanes, but the driver did the same, blocking her path.

After several times, Sabrina’s heart became consumed by anger.

She had the sobering realization that unless she challenged the black car to a high-speed

duel, she wouldn’t break free.

Given her average driving skills and the potential hazard to herself and her unborn child,

she couldn’t risk it.

Looking into the rearview mirror with the intention of shifting to the farthest lane, Sabrina

flicked on her indicators and pulled over, reaching for her phone to dial the police.

Just as she did, a massive crash sounded.

The airbag exploded into life, and a surge of pain pierced her skull as dizziness overtook


As Sabrina drifted into unconsciousness, it dawned on her that a white car had been

tailing her all this time.

The screeching halt of brakes was the last sound she heard before a booming explosion

ripped through her car, leaving it aflame and reduced to a metal skeleton.

This horrifying image replayed in her mind, awakening her from unconsciousness to a

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throbbing headache.

The distinct scent of antiseptic hit her nostrils, confirming she was in a hospital.

Her vision was hazy, and she blamed it on the long sleep. She rubbed her eyes, hoping to

clear her sight. Despite her efforts, her world remained blurry.

Sabrina’s heart pounded with unexplainable fear and dread.

“You are awake.” A female voice echoed.

In her impaired vision, Sabrina followed the voice, seeing the rough outline and color of

the woman’s clothes but not her face or attire detail.

A similarly dressed man loomed nearby.

On either side of her bed were additional beds, where patients engaged in conversations

with their families.