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Shadows of Destiny: A Tale of Liberation

Chapter 794
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They sat at the dining table, waiting for Renee’s answer.

Stefan did not stop Francine, which was as good as agreeing to Francine’s proposal.

As long as Renee was willing to reconcile, he was willing to pay any price.

“I don’t have any requests. Well, maybe just one…”

Renee paused for a second before continuing with determination in her eyes, “I hope you can clearly recognize that

the two children belong to me alone. Their family name is Everheart and they have nothing to do with the Hunt

family. Don’t even think of touching them or I’ll fight you to the death!”

Her stance was still the same as before. It was firm, with no room for negotiation.

“In your dreams!”

Stefan pursed his thin lips, his handsome face filled with uncontrollable anger.

This woman was so obstinate and unreasonable. He really wanted to tie her up and tamed away her stubbornness

like she’s a wild cat.

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In contrast, Francine was calm.

After a moment of silence, she slapped the table and said, “I understand what you mean. This isn’t a hard request

to fulfill at all.”

Renee and Stefan were both stunned to hear that.

“Are you sure?”

Renee could not understand what Francine was thinking.

She thought that Francine, like Stefan, only pretended to be “friendly” with her and maintained a superficial civility

because she wanted to take the two children away.

But after Renee told Francine that she would never let them have the children, based on Francine’s personality,

shouldn’t she lose her temper immediately? Why was she still being so polite?

“Of course. That’s easy enough to do. Times have changed. Stefan’s father and I aren’t that stubborn, nor are we

stuck in the old ways. As long as the children are happy, we don’t care what family name they take…”

“It’s not a problem of the children’s family name, it’s…”

“How about this? I’ll let my son marry into your family. He’ll become the Everheart family’s son-in-law and will serve

the Everheart family from now on. He’ll be yours to command!”

Francine said with a pained expression. She just made the greatest concession she could make.

Stefan: “? ? ?”

Renee: “! ! !”

“My dear daughter-in-law, you have no idea how obsessed my son is with you. Like I told you before, in the four

years while you were gone, he behaved like a normal person during the day, but he would cry every night. He cried

so hard that all the servants could hear him. They thought there was a ghost in the house!”


Stefan coughed hard, trying to stop Francine from continuing.

He was a proud man. He especially liked to appear high-and-mighty in front of Renee. But now, his mother was

exposing his most embarrassing and vulnerable moments… How was that different from asking him to take a dump

in front of Renee? How could he still face her?

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“Why are you coughing so much? If you have an itchy throat, drink some water.”

Francine gave Stefan a look of displeasure, took Renee’s hand, and continued, “My dear child, I don’t want my

house to be haunted anymore. It’s too embarrassing. Please do me a favor and accept this brat. As long as you two

reconcile, I don’t care if the children take your family’s name. Even if you want Stefan to take your family name, I

would agree to it.”

“You’ve gotta be kidding me!”

Renee had considered a thousand possibilities and was ready for the feud that would arise between her and the

Hunt family for the custody of the children, but something like this had never crossed her mind… She was a bit


“There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s pretty common to see a husband take the wife’s surname abroad. As long as

you’re a family and live happily together, it doesn’t matter what surname you take…”

Francine kicked Stefan under the table and asked, “Isn’t that right, son? You agree with me too, don’t you? Hurry up

and tell her.”

Stefan’s handsome face seemed to be covered in a layer of frost. His eyes were even colder than usual. “Mom, can

you stop causing trouble for me? I have enough to worry about as it is.”

“How am I causing trouble? I’m…”