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Silly Bride novel (Winnie and Xavier)

Chapter 253
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Christopher’s eyes lit up when he saw how cool and heroic Winnie looked.

Just seconds ago, he was completely exhausted and prepared to accept his death. However, he

seemed to have regained his strength when he saw her come to his rescue in such a heroic fashion.

With that newfound strength, Christopher scrambled to his feet and got on the back seat of Winnie’s


Christopher was so touched that he teared up a little as they sped off on the motorcycle.

“Winnie, do you mind if I lean on your shoulder for a bit?” he mumbled weakly and rested his head on

her shoulder.

Winnie frowned when she felt his warm blood flow onto her neck and shoulder.

“What happened to you? Why are you bleeding so much?” she asked worriedly while keeping her eyes

on the road ahead.

Christopher let out a wry chuckle. “It’s just a flesh wound, nothing major. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be

fine after I rest for a bit.”

Winnie furrowed her brows as she replied, “Then you’d better hold on tight! Don’t fall asleep, you


“All right. I’ll do whatever you say,” Christopher muttered as he wrapped his arms weakly around

Winnie’s waist.

“How about we have a little chat? That’ll help keep you awake.”

“Sure thing. What should we talk about?”

“Oh, you can talk about anything as long as you don’t fall asleep. We’re going really fast right now, so

you could easily fall off the motorcycle if you nod off!”

“All right. A lot has happened during my time here, but protocol requires me to keep everything

confidential, so I can’t reveal any of that information. Let’s talk about what happened during my

childhood instead. Would you be interested in hearing about my past?”

As they were going really fast on the motorcycle with people shooting at them, Winnie couldn’t quite

hear what Christopher was saying. She could tell he was talking, but she couldn’t make out the exact


Even so, she knew she had to keep him talking.

“Yeah, sure! Keep talking; I’m listening!” she yelled.

Christopher was breathing heavily as he leaned against her shoulder. He knew Winnie couldn’t

possibly hear him, so he decided to change the topic on the fly.

“I was completely shocked when I saw you at the Horton residence that night. Kissing you in front of

Xavier was both a voluntary and involuntary act. I know it wasn’t right of me to take advantage of you

like that, but I don’t regret it one bit. I wonder how things would’ve turned out if I had known you in

Avenport first. I’m sorry, Winnie. I’m sorry for having such feelings toward you even though I knew you

were married. I’m really tired… I’ll rest my eyes for a bit…”

The factory was short of manpower to begin with, so there weren’t a lot of people available to stop


They stopped chasing after the two as soon as the motorcycle made it out of the factory entrance.

Winnie got a little anxious when she noticed Christopher had stopped talking.

She quickly turned around and yelled at him, “Christopher? Hey, Christopher! Can you hear me?

Answer me, Christopher!”

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“Don’t worry; I’m still alive. I got a little tired from all that talking, so I was resting for a bit. Where are we

now?” Christopher responded after a few seconds.

“We made it outside!” Winnie slowed the motorcycle down a little as she continued, “By the way, what

was that explosion earlier? Where are your men?”

Christopher started sobbing when he heard her mention his men.

“Harold caught me when I was trying to light the fire in the warehouse. He shot at me, and one of my

men died shielding me from that bullet. The explosion was an accident. My other comrade wasn’t able

to make it out in time because he wasn’t familiar with the terrain, so I was the only one left. Had you not

shown up earlier, I would probably have died here as well. Honestly, I kind of wish my comrade didn’t

take that bullet for me. There was no need for him to do that.”

Affected by his emotions, Winnie had to take a few deep breaths to recompose herself before saying,

“Hey, don’t say that. I’m sure you would’ve done the same for your comrade if he was the one being

shot at, right? Comrades are supposed to have each other’s backs, so he was simply doing his part. If

you don’t want his sacrifice to be in vain, then pick up your weapon and do what you have to do!

Complete the mission for all of them!”

Christopher burst out crying when he recalled what had happened earlier. “Yeah, I know that! I know

I’m supposed to pull myself together and complete the mission! I shouldn’t be crying over their deaths,

but when I saw them dying before my eyes, I just…”

As Winnie felt the warmth of his tears on her shoulder, she recalled her friend who died for her a few

years ago.

Since she could relate to how he felt, she decided to stop comforting him any further. “Go ahead and

hug me as tightly as you like.”

Christopher is on the verge of breaking down. I’d have given him a big hug if we weren’t on this

motorcycle right now. Being his friend, I want to give him as much support as I possibly can.

Christopher fell silent for a few seconds after hearing that. She’s right! I need to regain my strength and

make it out of here alive!

With that in mind, he slowly tightened his grip on Winnie’s waist and hugged her tightly.

Neither of them said another word as Winnie continued riding the motorcycle at high speeds. As the

night was tranquil, the roar of the motorcycle’s engine and the noise from the wind blowing in their

faces was all that filled their ears.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of multiple cars coming from the front.

“Those must be men from the Horton family. They’re probably coming to pick Harold up. We’re severely

outgunned and outnumbered in our current state. Hurry up and take the small road on the side!”

Christopher exclaimed urgently.

“Got it!” Winnie replied as she made a sharp turn.

Right as the two of them entered the woods, they heard the men from the cars behind yelling, “Over

there! They’ve gone that way! Come on! We need to catch that traitor!”

“D*mn it! Those guys sure are fast! This is going to be a bumpy ride, so you’d better hold on tight!”

Winnie shouted.

“Got it!” Christopher turned his head to glance at their pursuers as he continued, “They can’t follow us

in those cars, so we should be safe now that we’re in the woods.”

“Oh, no… I wonder if those men ran into Xavier and the others on their way here. Harold is in trouble,

so they’re bound to send lots of men over. Hmm… I think I know why they got here so fast. Harold is a

very cunning man. He knows we’re unfamiliar with this place, so he deliberately took a long route when

he brought us here. He must know a shortcut of some sort that’ll allow his men to get here quicker.

Now that they know we’ve escaped, they can just intercept us on that path. Xavier and Professor White

are on that same path, so they’re bound to run into those men as well. I can’t believe I didn’t figure their

shortcut out!” Winnie exclaimed.

“What do we do now? They always put those sacks over our heads whenever they bring us here, so

they have the upper hand when it comes to navigation. We don’t even know if we’re going in the right

direction!” Christopher was starting to get sluggish due to excessive blood loss.

“I don’t know! For now, let’s just focus on getting out of here!” Winnie replied as she kicked the

motorcycle into high gear.

After riding in the woods for about five minutes, Winnie and Christopher were able to lose their

pursuers completely. Nevertheless, neither of them knew where the path they were taking would lead


As the adrenaline rush from the high-speed chase wore off, Winnie grew increasingly anxious and

worried about Xavier’s safety.

I chose to leave Xavier behind in order to rescue Christopher. While I don’t regret risking my life to save

Christopher, I’ll never forgive myself if anything happens to Xavier, either! Right now, all I can do is pray

that Xavier doesn’t run into the Horton family’s men…

Winnie was so distracted by her thoughts that she nearly lost control of the motorcycle a couple of


“Are you worried about Xavier and the others?” Christopher asked when he noticed her absent-


“Yeah, I am. I’m scared of what could happen if they run into the Horton family’s men. Not only do we

have no idea where we’re headed, but we’re also unable to confirm the situation on their end,” Winnie


“You shouldn’t have come back for me,” Christopher said after a brief pause.

“What the heck are you saying? Do you really think Harold would’ve spared Professor White and me if I

didn’t save you? We’re on the run, and I am in a very bad mood. Do not say such stupid things again,

or I will leave your *ss here in the woods!” Winnie snapped back at him angrily.

Christopher was at a loss for words when he heard that. After what seemed like forever, he said softly,

“I’m sure they’ll be fine.”

“Yeah…” Winnie mumbled as she continued riding the motorcycle down the narrow path.

A few minutes later, Winnie heard the sound of gunfire coming from the front.

Unsure if she was imagining things, she turned around and asked, “Hey, Christopher! Do you hear

that? It sounds like a firefight is taking place up ahead!”

“Yeah, I do. It’s coming from the front. Xavier and the others must be engaging Harold’s men in

combat,” Christopher replied after straining his ears for a bit.

Winnie let out a chuckle at the irony of the situation. “Wow… Who would’ve thought we’d run into them

like this, huh?”

It wasn’t long before the two of them arrived at the main road and saw Christopher’s military truck

parked on the side.

As Winnie pulled over beside the truck, Riley stuck his head out the back and said, “Ah, Winnie, you

made it back safely! Come on! You can hide in here with me!”

Instead of getting into the truck, Winnie simply looked Riley in the eye and asked, “Where’s Xavier?

Why is the truck parked here like this? Why didn’t you guys drive to safety?”

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“They shot out two of the tires, so it’s a miracle we even made it here. Xavier says there’s another

vehicle over there, but Harold’s men have us pinned down. We’ll go for that vehicle once we’ve taken

care of these guys,” Riley explained.

Winnie nodded in response. She was about to say something when a bullet sailed right past Riley’s

head and penetrated the side of the truck.

Riley was so terrified that he quickly retreated into the truck.

“It’s not safe to hide inside the truck,” Winnie said with a frown as she picked up a motorcycle helmet

from the ground and handed it over to Riley.

“What should we do, then? Do we find another hiding spot?” Riley asked while putting the helmet on.

“No, you can remain in the truck. Just make sure to keep your head down. By the way, is there a first

aid kit in there? My friend is severely injured, so we need to stop the bleeding.”

“Yes, there is. I’ll go get it for you.” Riley was about to reach for the first aid kit when another bullet

sailed past his head. He had no choice but to take cover by lying flat on his stomach.

A few seconds later, Xavier and the others came speeding toward them in another car.

Xavier’s eyes went wide when he got out of the car and saw Winnie standing there. Countless thoughts

and emotions surged through his head as he stared at her, but the words seemed stuck in his throat.

After a long pause, he finally found his voice and said, “Get in the car.”

“Christopher’s here too! I managed to get him out of there, but he is severely injured,” Winnie replied.

Xavier nodded at her and helped Riley down the truck. “This truck is done for, so we’ll be switching to

that car instead. It’s going to be a little cramped because Mason and Greta are inside, but we’ll have to

make do if we are to get out of here.”

“No problem!” Right as Winnie turned around to help Christopher get back on his feet, two more

vehicles showed up in front of them.

“Enemy reinforcements have arrived!” Xavier exclaimed with a frown while handing Winnie something

from his pocket.

“What is this?” Winnie asked in confusion.

“It’s a navigation device. This will lead you to a safe location. Take the motorcycle and get Professor

White out of here. There are too many of them, so we won’t outrun those two vehicles unless we split

up. It’s too dangerous for you two to stay in the car.”

“What about you?” Winnie asked instinctively.

A plethora of emotions floated across Xavier’s face as he stared at her. Without saying another word,

he grabbed her by the head and sealed her lips with a forceful kiss.

After that, he let go of her and got into his car. “Go now! We’ll rendezvous at the location marked on the

navigation device! Don’t keep us waiting!”

In her state of panic, Winnie called out to him, “Xavier!”

“Get out of here! What are you waiting for? It’s not like you to waste so much time dilly-dallying,

Winnie!” Xavier yelled while starting the car.

Winnie’s eyes teared up a little when she heard that. She then took a deep breath to recompose herself

and helped Riley and Christopher onto the motorcycle.

The navigation device displayed two separate routes—the main road that Xavier would be taking and a

narrow path through the woods that Winnie would be taking.

The car that Xavier was in had a built-in GPS device, so Winnie could monitor his location on the

navigation device at all times.

As long as that car remains in motion, I’ll know that they’re still alive and well. This should give me the

strength to keep pushing forward. I believe we’ll all arrive at the rendezvous point safely!

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