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Slice Of Life In Fantasy World

Chapter 72 72. Liam Possessiveness
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Chapter 72 Chapter 72. Liam Possessiveness

Celestia had already thought that she wanted to go and escape from here.

She didn't wanted to stay here for a moment.

Liam was her first love and it turns out that he had a illicit and incest relationship with his mother.

After thinking of this she finally took a deep breath and said emotionlessly "I am going back home and I will not come back from tomorrow. But you don't need to afraid that I will tell anyone about you and your mother."

After speaking she started walking towards the exit and also cleaned the cum on her face. Looking at her fingers which were full of his cum she wanted to taste it but remembering what just happened. She wiped it on her clothes.

"Wai.." Liam wanted to stop her but his mother spiritually connected with him and said 'Let me handle it from here on out.'

He looked at her speechless if she hadn't intervene between them would the 'show' that staged will happen.

No but she did intervene and in the worst way possible.

Speechless is speechless but he still listened to her as for why it's simple. Because if needed he will use his mother's help in subduing her if she really wanted to go away.

Once is his, she could be only his.

Liam is a possessive man at the same time he knows that if there was any other women who loves him she may even shot at him.

So he thinks that she loves him even now. He was true about that she loves him.

It's just any sane person wouldn't accept a illicit relationship.. well in the beginning or for some time at least.

Celestia is your normal person. She naturally feel disgust for their incest relationship.

As for their relationship, even though Liam call her teacher but they all know that she is not the one who teached him properly from the starting and even now. She just helped him sometimes.

They know that she was specifically hired for Leah.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

As for the thing that he is 11 year's old. Even though it's wrong but it won't be a problem except some some will say different things about their relationship behind their backs.

The age is a small problem. Even though immortality is impossible but the human's live longer and as their age will wouldn't be short as they become higher level mage's.

This is specially for women who want their skin to let remain young.

After 5th tier the skin will remain young and they will gain a natural skill that can be called ageless. But only the skin will become ageless but their strength and body will deteriorate as they become older.

So both Liam and Celestia didn't have this much problem as much as they do now.

In fact this world's king are idiots after all royal blood should be kept pure. Incest should be legal. But NO.

They want their bloodline purity to decrease as the time went. Really they are idiots.

Coming back to the present,

Liam wouldn't force any women he saw in the street but he also has standard but also the woman should love him.

Not only her but him also.

If they do love each other then the woman wants to separate from him. He won't let that happen.

Because in this case he will see his priorities first.

So after their mutual feelings and this much happened. Liam didn't wanted her to separate from him.

This will be too bad at the same time if he can't handle a little Celestia then what about the queen's or other women that he will have in the future.

So he wouldn't let her go even if he needs to force her umm using his mother's strength.

He is quite weaker then her.

He knows that his mother is about to become a intermediate level 4th tier.

As for Celestia she is 3rd tier high level mage now.

So in the end his mother would naturally win.

So after he heard her he stopped and let her handle from here on out.

But he looked at Leah who was looking at him or specially them.

Looking at her face she must be confused now.

Because she dosen't know about his and Celestia relationship. At the same time she hadn't thought that they would do this kind of things under the table. Even if they are eating.

Leah said she finally know treacherous of society.

Liam shook his head and after that he let his mother handle from here on out.

When Lilith saw her good daughter in law going outside the room. She smiled and said "fufufu don't you wanted to know why I love my child as a man?"

When Celestia heard her she stopped and looked at Lilith. Her eyes had turned back to blue but the corner of her eyes were wet. Showing that she was crying even when she was going out.

After stopping she said "Why?"

It's that her voice is colder to Lilith when she speak.

She spoke 'softly' to Liam and give him 'good face' but she didn't even wanted to see Lilith but she wanted to know why would she loves him as a man.

Why would see wanted to choose her son as her man? When she could have choose any other person.

Why would she 'taint' her 'pure' son is it just because of herself sexual pleasure.

Then she would be the worst mother.

Lilith looked at her who stopped. She smirked and took back her legs.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Her foot were also white and damp due to his precum and cum.

Yes, it's not that Liam semen only shoot at Celestia.

It's quite the opposite. When Lilith saw her son whose semen started shooting at Celestia she put her feet in front of his urethra and let her feet covered in his semen.

That's why Celestia only has some cum on her face but Lilith feet were damp especially her toes. Because ahe covered his urethra with her feet or more specifically with her toes.

Celestia could naturally see her feet covered in her lover's semen and she gritted her teeth.


Hey, author is here...

At first I didn't wanted to write this drama but thought that it would be better if I write it because of Celestia.

She is a normal person and any normal person wouldn't accept Incest. At least in the beginning.

That's why to show the story a little logical I have to do this.

Not only that but A MILF will be introduced in next chapter.

Yes, It's Clara, Celestia's mother.

As for System, I apologise because I thought now I will insert the system now I will insert system. But got no chance.

But now I confirm that after one more sexual scenario. The system will be awaken and the volume will also end here!

If you got any cool academy name, title for MC or if any other thing that you want to see in just comment it.

In the end I would only say that it is hardcore Incest . So read at your own risk. You might have seen the pregnancy tag right?

Yes, I know that I had wrote this note a little long sorry for that.

But don't worry from tomorrow I would upload 2 or 3 chapters daily. At least this week.

At last if you like the give it review, power stones and golden tickets.

Thanks for reading till last!!!