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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 760
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Chapter 105 : Let Me Stand Me Beside You


“Lilian, let's not waste time trying to guess who is out there," Charles said, shaking his head. “We know there is

danger out there but right now, we need to focus on a plan."

Rubbing his hands together, Charles turned to the others.

I stepped back and Soren did too. It was Charles's place to lead Norwind and guide them. They had to look to him,

not to Soren or me. We both understood that. The more Charles asserted himself, the more they would trust him.

“It is no use debating who is at fault or whether or not they got what they deserved. We need to focus on the more

pressing matters at hand," Charles continued.

I could practically feel the shift in mood among the Norwind survivors. They quieted down and started really

listening to Charles.

“First off, we've all had a long night. We need some time to recuperate, calm our nerves. I want everyone to return

home and search for anything that could be useful, any supplies," he ordered. “We'll regroup at the packhouse in a

couple of hours and take stock of what we have."

“What good will that do?" someone asked.

“It is a starting point. Now, go… if there's anyone that wants to remain and help bury the deceased…"

“My men can help with that," Soren suggested. “Everyone else, do as Charles instructed."

The survivors nodded and murmured and wandered off.

Charles sighed and turned his attention to Soren. “We cannot be more grateful for your help… and I do apologize

for the loss of your boats and supplies. I'm sorry you're stuck with us for the time being.

Soren scoffed. “I am sorry for your loss, and this complicated situation."

I lowered my head in solidarity.

In the past week in the packhouse, I'd banished Chandler, Sebastian, and Dylan out of my mind, for the most part.

Naively, I thought that Dylan and Sebastian would fight it out and that conflict would be contained between the two

of them. That they wouldn't bother us anymore…

I'd forgotten that the Alpha King wouldn't want anyone to discover his true identity and he'd kill anyone that he

thought knew the truth. Dylan, or Sebastian in Dylan's body, had been here in Norwind.

No one who'd been here could leave, or it would risk revealing the truth about Dylan and Sebastian. Whatever

happened in Norwind had to stay in Norwind.

Right now, we were safe. The flood waters created a barrier between us and the cruelty of the king. If we couldn't

get out, they couldn't get in.

But that wouldn't last long…

“I'll help with the bodies. Angelica was family, after all," Lilian said.

She and Charles went to the bodies. Some of Soren's warriors arrived and immediately began helping gather the

bodies and dig graves for them.

Thomas and Payne arrived, coming straight to Soren and me.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Soren watched Charles with a distant look in his eyes.

I took his hand and squeezed his fingers. “What's on your mind?"

He looked at me and gave a dry, humorless smile.

“If we decided to leave, no one could stop us. Me and my men are too well trained to get caught off guard."

I nodded slowly. “That may be true. With you, Payne, and Thomas working together, I'd lay the odds in your favor…"

“You don't sound so sure," Soren said. He reached out and cupped my cheek.

“Soren… no one could stop you but what about the rest of Norwind?" I flicked my eyes toward Charles and Lilian.

“What will happen to the rest of them if we leave?"

Soren sighed and squeezed my hand. “We can't save everyone. Norwind has to stand on their own. They've got

Charles and Enzo to lead them. They have to make their own destiny."

I shook my head. “But Enzo and Ben… they are just children. Once we leave, they won't have any warriors for


“They will find their way."

“Even if no one attacks them, they have no food, no workforce to rebuild. They're helpless. We'd be leaving them to

die, whether by arrows from their attackers or slowly. I can't… I won't leave them to die."

“Mila, you are very kind hearted…"

“They aren't a pack anymore, Soren. They are just helpless survivors. If we don't help them, are we any better than

the ones picking them off and forcing them to live in terror?"

I glared at Soren. He smirked at me and shook his head gently.

“I'm not afraid of the Alpha King. My warriors are strong, but we are limited in number. If we try to bring everyone

with us, more people will die. We can't protect them all."

I frowned and bowed my head. It wasn't what I wanted to hear. There had to be another way out of this mess! The

Norwind survivors couldn't stay here, they'd starve. They couldn't leave through the main roads, because those

roads were being watched.

“Mila, you know that if you asked me, I won't say now. If you'd like, we can at least try to sneak the kids out."

Soren's words were sweet. My heart fluttered but I shook my head.

“No, I don't think trying to sneak them out is the best idea. Besides, if we force our way out, the Alpha King would

know I'm still alive and he'd come for us."

Soren tilted his head to the side. “Do you have an alternative idea?"

I'd been thinking of more discreet ways out of the packland and I thought I had an idea but I wanted to see if the

others thought I was crazy."

“I… I don't know," I muttered.

“Mila, what are you thinking?" Soren pressed.

“Well, you're probably going to think I am crazy… but this whole time we've been acting like there are just two

options. Stay here and die or take the main roads and die…"

“You think there is a third option?"

“There have to be other ways out of Norwind packland, other than the main roads, right?"

Soren smirked.

“You might be onto something, darling. Payne, Thomas, what do you think?"

Payne and Thomas came closer. They'd been standing nearby trying not to listen to me and Soren, but I knew they

were both listening.

“I found a map of Norwind," Payne said. He pulled out the map and laid it on the ground. We all knelt around the

map, studying the roads in and out of the packland.

I scanned the map. The mountains we'd been trapped under were along the southern border. That same mountain

range extended along the north and west sides of the territory. That meant all the major roads in and out of the

packland were on the east side.

The Alpha King's forces would be focused on the east roads.

“Moving through the mountains will be difficult. Especially, with children," Thomas said, motioning to the mountain


“The attackers won't suspect us to go that way because of the women and children. They are most likely

concentrated around the main roads," Payne agreed.

“What's beyond those mountains?" I asked.

Payne shrugged. “We don't know. There could be entire armies waiting for us."

“I doubt it. That would stretch the forces too thin," Soren said.

“Going into the unknown is better than just sitting here waiting for the flood to recede and the attackers to come," I

muttered. “It's safer for us to leave here before the roads are well enough to travel."

“I agree. Though, I never expected we'd be back to these old explorations," Soren said, smirking at Thomas.

Thomas grinned.

“Honestly, I'm actually a little excited. It has been a while since we've done any fun exploring. Which directions

should we scout?"

“All of them?" Payne asked.

Thomas shrugged. “It would take too much time. We don't have food; we need a faster solution. We shouldn't

spread out too much and stick together."

“West? That is the opposite direction of the roads," Payne suggested.

“Southwest," I said, pointing to that corner of the map.

“Why so certain?" Soren asked.

I glanced at him, meeting his gaze. Quickly, I shifted my eyes to Payne. I tapped the edge of the map.

Payne's eyes widened. He gasped and met my eyes again.

“Because that's the direction to Pomeni packland! Mila, you want to lead them to Pomeni?"

Soren chuckled and nodded. He took my hand and squeezed. “That's a great idea, Mila! You're always surprising


Thomas smirked and jumped up. “Let's get this show on the road! This is going to be fun!"

I sighed and shook my head. “Now, I just need to see who is willing to take the gamble and come with us."


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Two hours later, Payne and I joined the Norwind survivors at the packhouse.

Thomas and Soren had gone ahead with the warriors to ensure that the way was clear. I didn't think they'd run into

any issues.

Pomeni was a barren wasteland. Even the Alpha King wouldn't think we'd try to escape from one bad packland to


I stood in front of all the Norwind survivors until I had their attention.

“Listen up, everyone, I may have found a way out of here for all of us. Now, we can't guarantee everyone's

survival. There is a risk to the path we are taking out of here but if you stay, you will be in just as much danger," I


No one spoke up or responded. They all just stared at me, waiting for me to continue. I hoped that meant they were

willing to give this a chance.

It wasn't that I was invested in the survival of Norwind, but I couldn't in good conscience leave without offering them

a potential solution. If they wanted to stay, that was on them. I'd know I did whatever I could to save them.

“We'll wait for a half hour at the southwest border of town before leaving. If we don't see you, then we'll assume

you're remaining behind and we wish you the best of luck. If you choose to stay, please take care."

I nodded to everyone. They turned to each other and started murmuring.

“Let's go, Payne, if they want to join us, they will."

I led Payne out of the pack house. We headed southwest to join Soren, Thomas, and the others.

“Mila… you didn't tell them you're leading them to Pomeni, or even another packland for that matter," Payne

pointed out. “If they knew the truth, they'd be more likely to come."

“I know. And that's why I didn't tell them. We both know Pomeni is not perfect. The packland needs to be restored,

the village rebuilt… it will all have to start from scratch."

“And you think they wouldn't come if they knew?"

Payne arched an eyebrow at me.

“These people have seen a lot of betrayal. They are filled with resentment. I don't want them to bring that with


Payne grinned. “So, you gave them the option as a way to filter out who would leave that anger and resentment


I sighed. “Payne, my intention isn't to rebuild Pomeni, let alone pick out pack members… A lot of the people here

are innocent and kind. They deserve the chance to rebuild, without the bitterness of resentment," I explained.

Payne nodded slowly, his face reflecting how deep in thought he was.

“Anyone that trusts me enough to follow or who wants to fight for their own survival, who's willing to take risks,

they'll appreciate the life I'm offering them."

“You're right, they will."

“We both know the journey won't be pleasant. I need them to figure out for themselves whether it is worth the risk.

Whoever chooses to come only has to know we might not make it. They need to make a decision on the worst

possible scenario… otherwise, they aren't the kind of people we want around."

Payne nodded, his eyes fixed on me. I wasn't sure what I saw in his face. I bit my lower lip and looked down.

“Why are you looking at me like that?"

“Miss Mila, I've said it before… I'll say it again… if and when you decide to rebuild Pomeni, please allow me to stand

beside you."