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Sold as the Alpha King’s Breeder

Chapter 789
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Chapter 134: Bonus Story–Happy Birthday, Mila-Part 2

Ciana led us to a woman that was in distress. I could tell from the material of clothes and jewelry that she came

from a wealthy background.

She was clutching her stomach and I could feel that something was wrong. I could sense it straight through my

bones. It was some kind of dark magic. That's why I could feel it so strongly.

“Soren, we need to get her inside. She's been cursed or something," I said quickly.

Soren scooped the woman into his strong arms and moved her into our vacation home.

He got her settled on a bed and left the young lady to my care. It took a couple of hours to fully examine her and

the extent of her injuries and clean up her wounds.

Ciana stood by and watched, which was another good lesson for her.

“Mom, what's this?" Ciana found a backpack the woman had been carrying and was going through her belongings.

It was the only way to learn more about her since she'd passed out when Soren picked her up.

I glanced over at Ciana and what she was holding. It was a map…

My eyes widened. It was the map of the dungeon under the royal palace!

Soren had returned to my side and also recognized where the map was showing. He glanced at me with a worried

look. If this young woman was from the palace, would she have anything to do with Prince Justin or Queen Regina?

“How's she doing?" Ciana asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Her external wounds seemed severe, but in reality, they aren't difficult to treat. However…" I wasn't sure about

the curse, so I held back the information. As I spoke, I used my magic, scanning over her to see if there was

anything I'd missed, and to my surprise, she was pregnant!

“Oh…" I gasped and shook my head. If she was pregnant and cursed, what would happen to the baby?

However, I didn't have time to think further on that question, because she started to wake up.

As soon as she opened her eyes and saw us, her eyes immediately became alert and wary. “Give that back to me!"

the young woman snapped at Ciana.

Soren handed the map over, and Ciana jumped in to apologize, “Sorry, we didn't mean to pry. It fell out and I was

just curious. I'm Ciana and these are my parents. You're in our house. Are you feeling better?"

Ciana just had the power to put people at ease and make them like her. The woman in the bed softened up after

seeing Ciana's smile.

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“I'm sorry I snapped. Thank you for saving me… I just… don't always know who to trust."

“Who are you?" I asked.

The woman shook her head and looked down. “Please, I just need to get to Saboreef as quickly as possible. Can you

tell me the way?"

“You'll need to take a boat down the river. But please, rest for a few days and regain your strength. We won't pry,

but you should take care of yourself, for the sake of your baby," I urged, touching her shoulder.

The woman blinked at me, surprised. She shook her head and recovered quickly. She didn't trust us, which I couldn't

blame her for.

I knew what it was like to not want to answer questions, so I wouldn't push if it meant keeping her and her baby


“I'll throw a meal together for us all. You should eat something hearty to help regain your strength," Soren

suggested and avoided any further questions regarding her identity.

He and Ciana went downstairs to prepare dinner. I stayed with the strange woman and bandaged her up until the

two of them reappeared with the mouthwatering grilled chicken with mixed green and mashed potatoes.

Soren put a plate on her lap, and she ate hungrily and quietly.

The meal was silent from start to finish.

“I should get going," the woman said when Soren cleared our plates away.

“I don't think that is wise. You'd be leaving against my recommendation. I do have experience as a doctor."

She shook her head. “I appreciate your help, but the longer I stay here, the more dangerous it would be for me and

my child, and for you."

On her face, I saw a familiar determination, which I'd seen many times before—on my own face. I sighed. Her mind

had been made up and I knew very well that she wouldn't change her mind.

Ciana's eyes shifted between me and her. As soon as she could tell I'd given up trying to persuade the young

woman to stay, she offered.“If you have to leave, then at least let me help you get to the border of our packland

and find you a boat."

“Ciana, it's almost midnight!" I frowned.

“Mom, I'll be fine. I'll stay on the packland. I spent nights in the woods quite often as you know. No biggie."


Soren grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear, “She is the Alpha's daughter and she's well trained. We've got to

let go a little bit and let her grow up. If that woman is who we think she is, there will be no reason for her to harm

Ciana. Our daughter will be fine, trust me."

I sighed heavily. He was right and I knew it. “You're right."

Ciana had already led the woman out of the door and waved back at us. “Don't wait for me, go to sleep!"

“Be careful, okay?" Soren called out the door.

We stood in the doorway, waving at them.

“You got it." Ciana glanced over her shoulder at us.

Soren turned to me. I tried to hide my concern but I didn't do a very good job. “Honey, we're not going anywhere.

She'll be back in no time. Ah, it's past midnight. Do you want to go to bed?"

I shook my head.

Soren chuckled, “I figured that's the case. Now, remember the second piece of news I wanted to tell you?"

“You've told me the bad news. I could use some good news."

“Well, then, take a seat, please." He motioned to the kitchen chair.

“Why all this song and dance?"

Soren put a little gift box in my hands. “Here, open it."

“Didn't we agree not to get each other anniversary gifts since we've got everything we both ever needed and

wanted?" I asked, smiling.

“It's not an anniversary gift."

I arched an eyebrow and tore the box open, too curious to argue anymore. Inside, sitting on a silk pillow, was a tuft

of… golden fur?

Soren took my hand and explained, “Years ago, during a huge sandstorm, a beautiful girl showed up in my room,

and ended up in my arms. It was the most unforgettable night I'd ever had…"

My face started to burn. I had such a vague recollection of that night, but over the years, as my witch power

awakened and with the help of the Moonlit Crystal, I sometimes got bits and pieces of scattered memories back. It

always embarrassed me to remember how… needy I was that night.

“I had quite a bit of alcohol that evening and I thought I might have blacked out for a short period. That was until I

found this in the pocket of my old jacket," he continued.

My eyes shot open wide. “You mean… this is my fur?!"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“It turns out that I didn't black out. Instead, it was my wolf who took over because he found his beautiful mate—a

golden brown wolf who was coated in the softest, silkiest, most beautiful fur."

I touched the silky fur and shook my head. This seemed so impossible.

“The irrepressible desire to shift for the very first time when you turn 21 along with the newly found mate call that

night broke through the Blackfire poison temporarily… Mila, the night we met 15 years ago was your 21st birthday!"

I couldn't breathe. We were never able to celebrate my birthday because we had no idea when it was.

Overwhelmed with emotion, I almost burst into tears.

“Mila, don't cry… sorry that I didn't remember this until recently…"

“No," I gasped, shaking my head. “I'm just… just so happy. I had always known I was lucky to have you… I just had

no idea that the Goddess sent the most wonderful man to me as my 21st birthday gift!"

Soren lifted my chin and told me, “The Goddess indeed spoiled us."

He leaned in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back, hugging him and kissing him like I

couldn't get enough!

“Mom and Dad, I'm bac—well, I'm not back. I didn't see anything… You guys continue. Oh, and, happy anniversary!"

My face burned as I pulled away from Soren. I wanted to call Ciana back.

Soren pulled me into his arms and kissed me again. “Hey, our girl is smart enough to understand that her parents

need some couple time."


Soren kissed me again, swallowing my protest. He pushed his tongue between my lips and pressed it to mine. I

battled him for dominance but I already knew that I'd always surrender to him.

Out of breath, desire stirred in my core. Soren scooped me into his arms and carried me into the master bedroom.

He placed me on the soft mattress.

“Happy birthday and happy anniversary, my love."

He kissed my lips, then along my jawline, and down my neck.

I moaned, my core tightening and my legs clenching.

“And now," Soren smirked, “Tell me what you want for your birthday?"

I gasped, lost in his sensual, powerful gaze, filled with love and desire. I blurted out the first thing that came to



Soren chuckled as he hovered over me. “I thought so…"

The night would be long, and it had just begun.