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Spending My Retirement In A Game

Chapter 236 Deep Visualization
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As Eisen was sitting there with his eyes closed, he began to concentrate on nothing. Nothing at all crossed his mind as he began to meditate. During that time, while that was happening, he did get the skill and even managed to Rank it up once after sitting there for a while.

When that Rank-up happened, it became possible for Eisen to interact with things inside his body through meditation more easily.

The moment that this became the case, while he was meditating, the place where his mana and his element originated were now far more easy to feel for Eisen. It’s as if they quite literally sprung out toward him. And the control that he had was incredible as well, it was basically as if he just had to think it, and anything that he wanted would instantly happen immediately following that thought. There usually wasn’t much of a discrepancy between what he was thinking and what the mana was doing anyway, but this time, it was as if the mana was just his mental image.

That’s when Eisen tried to start combining meditation with another skill of his, that was usually linked to his eyes while being a mental ability. Visualization.

Eisen was able to create beautiful scenes inside of his own body with more detail than he was able to visualize things generally with the natural ability’s effect. He was somewhat able to create visualized ’Scenes’ as well, meaning that he could now, for example, imagine the whole process of creating a sword instead of the forged sword itself. And then, something rather unexpected happened.

[ Skill ability enhanced. now possible when using Ability in combination with skill ]

Eisen was slightly surprised to hear the light ringing sound accompanied by a notification popping up, so he slowly opened his eyes and looked at it.

"Deep Visualization..? Interesting..." He muttered before he looked at the time to make sure that they weren’t getting that close to Handor yet, before nodding his head to himself and closing his eyes again to activate his meditation skill.

Once more, Eisen activated his visualization ability and imagined himself stepping up in front of a forge and anvil with his tools in hand and numerous materials next to him, before the ’Deep Visualization’ ability seemed to take effect.

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Instead of merely imagining the scene going on inside his body, Eisen was now actually standing inside the room that he had visualized, with his tools in his hands and materials by his side.

[You have entered a state of . If you strive too far from your initially visualized purpose, your body is somehow disturbed, or you choose to, you will leave this state immediately]

With a grin, Eisen waved these notifications away and looked around himself. It somehow seemed like he was in a regular workshop right now, although everything was just slightly hazy all around him. But at least he could correctly see the most important things for this ’Visualization,’ the workstations, his tools, and his materials.

Slowly, the old man stepped up to the steel and was quite surprised to see that it didn’t have any weight to it whatsoever, at least not in his hands. And now that he noticed something was off, it also seemed like anything only had quiet, somewhat distorted sound to it as well, almost as if he was hearing someone else’s echoes. He couldn’t smell anything, and whatever he touched only felt weirdly blunt. Eisen knew he was feeling something, and he could feel just a slight bit of pressure from that touch, but he couldn’t feel any of the textures or temperature from anything.

"This feels somewhat weird..." Eisen muttered to himself before he heard his voice echo around the space as if it wasn’t his ’own’ voice. With a loud sigh, Eisen then moved over to a large crucible and threw in a bunch of high-carbon steel ingots to melt it down into one large block of regular, usable steel, considering that steel lost some of its carbon while it’s being heated like this.

"Let’s see if I can figure something out for Kiron’s sword then." He quietly whispered so that his voice wouldn’t reverberate throughout the area again, although that didn’t help at all. Once the molten steel seemed to have adequately combined, Eisen poured it out into a mold that just magically appeared when he thought about it. And now that Eisen thought about that, he realized he could have also only imagined a big block of steel that he could use as a base material.

But then again, he wouldn’t just have that block while regularly crafting without combining it like this first either, so Eisen figured it wasn’t a big deal.

Then, Eisen brought the massive block of steel over to the forge to have it somehow heat entirely up, increasing his size to his Titan-form and then repeatedly brought it over to the anvil and hammered it into a flat shape. Due to its size, the center of the block wasn’t perfectly hot enough to use yet, so Eisen was just slowly thinning it out and placing it back into the forge to heat it again so that he could change that.

He could also ’cheat’ and think about the metal always being the perfect heat to work with, but again, he couldn’t do that while working regularly, so he didn’t do it. And so, after Eisen managed to shape the metal into a long, relatively thin slab of steel, it was at the same time perfect for shaping into a sword.

With one hammer-swing following another, Eisen managed to soon change the shape of the metal into that of a large, two-edged sword. And when Eisen was saying large, then he truly meant large. It maybe would be a bit too big for Kiron, actually, considering that from hilt to tip, it was about as long as Eisen currently was tall, so about three meters.

But then again, Eisen was sure that Kiron would like this sort of sword, although he would maybe need to work on the style still. And after soon finishing a quick, simple hilt, really just made of some thick leather-bound around the area meant for it, Eisen acknowledged the item as finished.

[You have mentally gone through the process of creating a Giant Greatsword. If you now actually create a weapon like this, it is easier to reach a higher quality rating and achieve better effects]

Once Eisen read through this notification, he soon found himself back outside of the ’Deep Visualization’ state, grinning like a madman. "Now, this is quite interesting, isn’t it?" He muttered to himself as he looked forward and already saw the town of Handor in the distance.

"So we’ll be there soon, huh?" Eisen whispered as he went through his status to look at his Crafter’s Mind and Meditation levels before he noticed something unexpected.

His Blacksmithing proficiency had gone up! He only needed about 5% of his last level to up his proficiency anyway, but that was still enough to make Eisen wonder about what was going on, as he didn’t expect ’Deep Visualization’ to allow him actually to gain proficiency with his skills. If that was indeed what was going on and he didn’t just somehow not notice that he leveled the skill up, then this would most likely be something fabulous to use when he ran out of materials. And the fact that he could use this to make prototypes of different ideas now made this even better!

He wouldn’t need to waste materials for something that might not even work anymore, and at the same time manage to create even better items!

"Now this is pretty nice, isn’t it?" The old man chuckled as he continued sitting cross-legged on the top of the carriage until the group reached the town gates, where Eisen swiftly climbed down and grew to his titan-size, walking next to the carriage after the group was let through the gate.

A little while later, they then finally reached the Harbor again and drove the carriage onto the ship, where everyone excitedly stepped out of the carriage while Eisen detached Cabarum and let him roam around on the ship a bit.

"Whoa! Is this the ship you made, Gramps?" Stahl excitedly asked as he took a look around before he nodded his head. "Mhm, it is. But I didn’t work on it alone. A lot of people did a lot of amazing work to create this." Eisen pointed out as he looked around, seeing that a few people were carrying barrels into the storage area of the ship, and he then saw Komer standing near the doorway leading down into the ship noting down everything that was brought inside.

And the moment that he saw the old man, he grinned broadly and sprinted over to him. "Eisen! I’m already one-third of the way done with the quest you gave me, and my enchanting skill ranked up once!" He said with a grin before Eisen chuckled.

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"Is that so? Well, I’m glad you’re so enthusiastic. But shouldn’t you continue keeping watch over there?" Eisen asked the young merchant, who turned around quite quickly before shaking his head. "Those were the last few things we ordered, and Kiron is down in the storage area, making sure nobody snatches anything. I doubt anything’s gonna go wrong there." He laughed, before looking at the two people standing directly behind Eisen.

"Oh! Are those your grandchildren?" Komer asked with a broad smile, and Eisen nodded his head.

"Yup, they are. Stahl and Alnico, say hello to Komer. Komer, say hello to Stahl and Alnico." The old man introduced them before Stahl let out a quiet whistling sound.

"Oh, so you’re that Komer kid?" He asked as he pushed his hands into his pockets and pushed his chest up, while holding his chin higher into the air so that he was looking down at Komer in a cliché delinquent-like manner, moving close to the merchant until they were almost standing chest-to-chest.

"You tried scamming my grandpa, did cha? Well, let me tell you what, a piece of sh-" Stahl started before his body seemed to grow taller than before from Komer’s perspective, although really nothing like that was the case.

"Stahl, I told you not to do that, right?" Eisen loudly sighed as he looked over at his grandson, who he was currently holding up to get him away from him.

"But-" Stahl tried protesting, but Eisen had another idea. "No buts, be quiet. Komer’s a good kid, and I want you to get along with him."

"Tsk, fine. But you owe me one, Grampa." While crossing his arms and shaking his head, his feet still dangling a foot or so above the ground, Stahl sighed loudly, although his words caught the attention of someone else.

"H-Huh? Did he say...?" Kiron asked from the stairs that he just stepped up after hearing that they arrived again, and Eisen smiled at him before nodding, letting Stahl down once again. "Yes I did, Kiron. Now, say hello to your cousins." Eisen told him with a grin before Stahl and Alnico were looking at the Bipedal crystal dragon and Huge old man in confusion, while Komer swiftly removed himself from the scene because he didn’t feel like dealing with this situation.

"Cousins? Grampa, what do you mean?" Al asked, confused before Eisen placed his hand on Kiron’s back to encourage him to move forward and explain in the old man’s stead.

"These are your blood-related grandchildren that Lady Xenia told me about, are they not?" Kiron asked Eisen quietly, and after receiving a nod from his grandfather, the Half-Dragon stepped forward nervously.

"I-It’s an honor to meet you. My name is Kiron, son to Lady Alyssa and Lord Trygan, the son of Eisen and current Deity of Dragons." Kiron explained as he lightly bowed forward to his new family, while Stahl and Alnico didn’t know how to react.