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Spending My Retirement In A Game

Chapter 299 - Giant Blade
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Having the big piece of metal in front of him now, Eisen cracked his knuckles and began to properly heat that piece of metal up. It was rather hard to do so, simply due to the sheer size, but Eisen knew about this beforehand. And so, the old man chose to go for a rather thin sword, at least thin if one considered the size of the blade. Eisen had already created this blade within his own mind through ’Deep Visualization’ before, so he didn’t want to waste he bonus he would get for that and chose to recreate the blade that he made then, albeit in a slightly different way that was simply more refined, although the basis for everything was quite similar.

Eisen had asked Kiron before out of curiosity how he would usually fight with such a large blade, and what the good and bad parts of such a weapon were. The Good parts were simply that Kiron seemed to be made for that kind of weapon, it was like an extension of his own body whenever he used something so overwhelmingly heavy.

The bad parts were simply that he sometimes had issues properly holding a weapon like that in a hurry, because he needed some time to prepare for something like that, especially ever since he lost his strength when the ’Experience Theft’ ceremony was tested on him.

So, Eisen tried finding a solution for such an issue in a way that it wouldn’t influence the actual weight of the weapon. And soon, after doing some research online, the old man found a quite interesting design of a handle that extended further into the area of the actual blade to allow for a more stable grip if needed.

As such, the design that Eisen thought to be quite interesting in the end was simple. The normal shape that a sword just had, although the actual blade started at the width of the hilt’s guard, and the hilt itself extended further into the blade by the same length that the hilt already had.

The grip that would be inside of the blade was then surrounded by an eliptical, open area, technically splitting the two parts of the hilt up into two.

With such an image in mind, Eisen then began to work, using a technique that he hadn’t actually used ever since he created his own sword, which seemed to be working even better than expected due to the fact that Eisen was using a Mythril hammer and the steel itself was partially made with mana crystals.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

The old man poured mana into his hammer, more specifically the part that would directly hit the metal, and then transferred a slight bit of the mana into the blade whenever the hammer and the metal touched. He had been actually doing this ever since he started folding the metal together, which was part of the reason why he started with such a high number of ingots to begin with, and that helped to already even the mana out more.

The metal itself, which had been a light gray to start it off with, had turned slightly more pale through this, actually closing in on a white tone, which the old man thought to actually fit quite well. Kiron had crystal scales, but that didn’t mean that you could just see through them onto his skin. They were a slightly milky white-blue color, their nature itself was just that of crystal structures.

And so, a white color would most likely actually look quite good in combination with the clothes the old man had been planning to create for Kiron for a good while now as well, which he would actually get to directly after finishing the blade.

With a smile on his face, hoping for a happy reaction from the young half-dragon, the old man then properly began to shape the metal into the image he was hoping for.

Every impact of his hammer with the metal in front of him changed its shape, and every part of it turned more and more into its creator’s vision. It took on more mana every single moment, and it took on more of Eisen’s will at the same time.

The only thing that Eisen could think of while he was changing the metal to what he wished it to be excited the old man to a level that he could only feel at such a moment. It was the reason why he still took on such a task at his age, and why losing his arm was something that he didn’t mind to the extent that he should have. After all, even if his body broke down in the real world, he still had this fake one to make up for it.

And he would enjoy the time that he had left as much as he could.

With such thoughts, the blade in front of Eisen had taken the finished shape that he wanted, and all that then needed to be done was to temper it properly. As a light smile formed on Eisen’s face as he looked at the pure white blade in his hands, Eisen changed the setup of the Forge into that of a tempering furnace, although he once more relied on a technique he didn’t in a little while. Partial tempering.

Only the center of the blade’s body would be tempered, while the areas that would be turned into the actual edge were protected against the heat-treatment. And so, Eisen did just that, trying to keep the heat in those specific areas as much as he possibly could.

And in the meantime, Eisen worked on everything else that he needed to. First of all, the handles. Quite swifly, the old man grabbed some of the leftover petrified wood that he prepared for this project and began to work it with his carving blade. The handle itself was simply straight, and it wouldn’t end up being decorated all that much either. Eisen preferred to go for utility with this part, and swiftly chose to carve a simply enchantment onto the wood that was supposed to help out with properly keeping the blade in Kiron’s hand by ’sticking’ to his palms when he used mana to activate those enchantments.

Later, after attaching the wooden handles to the blade, Eisen would cover those handles in some leather to make it neater and easier to grip for a long time if necessary. At least that was all the case for the main handle attached ’outside’ the blade.

The middle one would be a rather special type of handle, the idea for which he got through Koro before. He would make it possible to insert certain items that would transfer an effect onto the blade into the handle. Eisen technically already did something similar when he made Jyuuk’s steel combat pole, but that was actually quite rudementary compared to what Eisen was capable of making now with the help of enchanting and alchemy.

So with this one, Eisen would be taking a step in a slightly different direction, with variable items that were capable of changing the weapon itself to a certain extent.

Eisen created a small hollow area inside of the wooden handle where you would be able to set those items into, and then also set that handle to the side to prepare for the rest of the work for this item, which was mostly made up of properly choosing different materials to increase the effect of the complex enchantment that Eisen would be placing onto the blade, which would work similar to the complex enchantment placed into the eyes of his camera-bots.

One of the parts of the complex enchantment would be the variable part inside of the central handle, while the others would be general enchantments meant to increase the integral strength of the weapon as well as its maneuvarability and sharpness.

"Alright, and now, all I really need to do is wait for the blade to finish tempering, huh...?" The old man said with a smile on his face, before looking at the small window with the time in it that he had in the corner of his eye.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Should be another hour... Hmm, I should be able to get started on the clothes then." Eisen muttered quietly before swiftly standing up and stretching a bit as he placed his hammer back into his right earring and made sure to properly deactivate all of the skills that he always instinctively set while starting to work, including his Crafting space skill, his ratial skills, as well as his demonic transformation.

Although suddenly, he noticed a certain tiny creature sitting at the tip of his nose, before the old man just chuckled. "Sal, what exactly are you doing there?" Eisen asked, but Sal just looked back at him, more specifically Eisen’s eyes. It seemed like he took a bit of a liking to their golden color and peculiar shape, and was now disappointed that they disappeared.

"Don’t worry, I’ll keep them activated for you." Eisen said with a light smile, noticing that Sal started wiggling around in a little dance again. It wasn’t that often that he simply walked around in his demonic form lately, as he usually just activated it for certain reasons like crafting, combat, or pure intimidation tactics.

But this didn’t feel all that bad either. And soon, Eisen made his way to the material storage and grabbed some magic cloth, different leathers, regular cloth, as well as different types of string, which the old man swiftly brought back to the Workshop. Back in there, Eisen then simply got to work.

He already had a rough idea of Kiron’s body and how hard it sometimes was to move around with his tail and wings, which was the main reason why Kiron actually wasn’t wearing anything but a pair of regular old, wide pants with a hole manually cut out to fit his tail through.

But what Eisen now wanted to do was to make him something neat, something nice and stylish that Kiron could wear whenever he wanted to, whether it was casually or even in combat. Of course, he didn’t pretend to be a fashion designer capable of such things. Even with the suit he made for himself some time ago he was copying a suit that he bought at some point earlier in his life. But in this case, Eisen wanted something unique, and the one that helped him with that was Evalia.

After taking out the designs that the young artist so happily, the old man once more took a simple look at them.

The outfit was made up of midnight black pants as well as a vest in the same color. That was it. Kiron wasn’t able to properly wear shirts, because his transformative ability that he had at the peak of his strength was lost together with his other abilities, so it was quite literally impossible to easily put a shirt on without putting it together around his body. So a simple vest with wide openings for the arms was probably the best, as Kiron would be able to fit his wings through there as well. And the pants were really the smallest issue with anything that was going on, as they just needed the hole to fit his thick tail through.

And as Kiron specifically mentioned not liking to wear shoes, as it apparently felt weird whenever he did so, Eisen didn’t need to figure out how to make some for him either.

So all that needed to be done was making the simple pants and the vest, as well as the other items that Eisen wanted to make to accompany those things, such as a belt to put a few different items onto, as well as some sort of sheat to keep the sword he would be making into while he wasn’t using it.

And while the issue of trying to make something that could actually hold such a large and heavy item was annoying enough as it is, Eisen wasn’t even sure if it was a good idea to handle it this way anyway. After all, with a sword of the size that the old man was preparing, it was quite unlikely that Kiron would be able to properly move around anyway, even when comparing it to the already awkward situation with his wings and tails.

Although, just as he thought about that fact, Eisen had another quite interesting idea, which he would try and find the materials for as soon as he could.