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Stealing Spree

Chapter 1180: Not that troublesome after building up experience
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After meeting the parents of the other girls before this and surviving every time, I could say that I was already experienced enough to not falter in front of Mizuki’s mother. Add my usual confidence that would normally not be broken as well as the fact that this meeting was over the phone, it’s enough to say that this wasn’t troublesome at all.

The same as the other parents, the first thing Mizuki’s mother asked me wasn’t how our relationship started but whether I love the girl or not.

For that, it’s a simple affirmation while showing off my determination to prove it if need be.

Because of that, Mizuki once again melted like a candle, wrapping herself in my arms even with her mother watching us.

Minutes after that, when the girl never unwrapped herself from me, her mother’s focus returned to her, casting aside our already relaxed conversation.

Auntie Azumi’s lips twitched a little bit. For sure, she’s probably seeing her daughter acting like this for the first time.

She brought up the wine glass to her lips and sipped whatever she’s drinking at the moment. Well, it’s probably red wine. As to why she needed to drink while conversing with us, I had no idea and I couldn’t even bother to ask. As long as she’s not drunk then it’s fine.

Seconds later, her expression relaxed as she lightly shook her head. Watching her daughter act this clingy for long, she soon started laughing elegantly. Like those high-class ladies that go ‘Ufufufu’.

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And when she finally managed to tone it down, her eyes landed back on me followed by an approving nod.

“I must say. Girls, or women in particular, when it comes to the man they truly love, we will all somehow turn into what that rebellious daughter of mine is showing. There’s nothing more blissful than to be enclosed in the arms of the man you love. Feel the warmth and security in it. I did that to my husband. And she’s now doing it to you…” Auntie Azumi paused for a moment, took another sip of her wine, and continued, “Un. I’m convinced. That expression she has right at this moment cannot be emulated. Onoda-kun, for the achievement of taming my daughter, you have my praise.”

Upon hearing that, I couldn’t help but return a gratified smile, bowing my head slightly to her.

But like earlier, before I could reply to it, Mizuki somehow regained her wits and interjected, “So, does that mean you won’t question my decisions anymore? I’m very much in love with this guy. I’ll bring him up with me. No, we’ll climb up together! You’ll be surprised at what he’s capable of doing.”

Auntie Azumi replied a few seconds after taking in Mizuki’s reaction, “Did I ever question your decision, dear? All I did is to remind you that anyone can foolishly decide on something that will change one’s course of life. You’re the gem of our family. You’re praised for your genius by those in the main line. If anything, you’re the one who lifted us up to get this much recognition. As your mother, I don’t want to see you willingly descend to a murky quagmire when you’re halfway up the stairs of success.”

Those words… I couldn’t pick up a hint of falseness. It’s a genuine concern of a mother.

“Rather than a quagmire, I feel more liberated next to Ruki, mother. I’ve seen the wrongs in my mindset. Why will I look for someone who can make me successful when I can succeed on my own? Additionally, I won’t be alone. He’s going up with me using both of our efforts.” Mizuki sincerely responded to it. Her determination to prove it to her mother was oozing out.

Perhaps if we’re not talking through the phone, Mizuki would even stand us up, showcasing our pride and determination to make a point.

Anyway, hearing this exchange between mother and daughter, I could infer what's really going on with this pair.

While Mizuki was supposed to be someone who matured early on, she’s still looking for her parents’ approval and appreciation. On the other hand, her mother was simply worried about her daughter’s decision. She might’ve come off rather strong and unrelenting but that’s probably just her natural behavior.

“I see. So, that’s how it is. What say you, Onoda-kun?” Auntie Azumi took a sip once more before focusing on me. Her face already had a hint of red, an effect of the liquor she was drinking.

Yet, she still had the sharp eyes of a mother, trying to probe someone that might bring her daughter down.

I could feel Mizuki’s grip tightening on my sides, slightly worried that I would say something wrong. Nonetheless, I simply squeezed the girl’s hand and placed a hand on her head until she relaxed and let go of her worry.

“I understand Auntie’s sentiment. But I support Mizuki. It’s up to you whether to believe that we’re going to be successful. And truthfully, I also won’t make any promises. I just want Auntie to know that your daughter is in good hands.”

“In good hands, hmm? Okay then, I will believe you. Have a great night.”

Although she sounded rather unconvinced, Mizuki’s mother didn’t press on. And right after saying that, she ended the call herself, bringing in a few seconds of silence around us.

When the screen faded to its normal state, I turned to Mizuki, who looked like she was in a daze. I reached for her nose and pinched it.

Expectedly, the girl immediately reacted to it, shaking her head furiously. Her nose was as sensitive as always.

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“Heh. To see my Mizuki get this unnerved again, I still remember that it only happened when I was still trying to conquer you. You’re rejecting the idea that I presented even when you’re already convinced of it. Your heart was beating too fast and you retreated to a place of comfort. Just like now.” My eyes pointed at how she was clinging to me, the same way she did to her pillow back then.

Mizuki exhaled, releasing the tension that built up inside her before clinging even more aggressively.

“This guy, why bring up the past? What? Have you finally remembered that I fell in love with you at that moment? You didn’t steal me. You made me fall for you, idiot Ruki.” The girl leered and smirked before poking my cheek and giggling playfully.

Well, I would be so dumb if I still failed to realize that by now.

“Yes, I have. But I brought that up because it’s too rare of an occurrence. And I’d love to see it again. Will it be the same if we meet your father?” I returned a smirk, grabbed her wrist, and stood up, carrying her with me.

“This guy…” Not knowing what to refute on that, the girl could only cling to me and used other methods to retaliate, such as, attacking my neck.

At this point, Akane who remained silent throughout that call returned to our side and laughed with us as we ascended the stairs.

As for Suzuki-san, she carefully picked up the phone that Mizuki left behind on the sofa before following us.

Ah. No. She’s also going to her room, turning in for the night. I mean she couldn’t come inside the room or even if the girls invited her, she would surely refuse.

Anyway, the meeting with her mother was over. It’s a little hard to call it a success but at least, she hadn’t dropped a bomb like the old man Kaneko did or how Rae’s mother named me specifically. It’s fairly normal. Perhaps, my parents didn’t interact with the Hasegawa Family or their branch family wasn’t just that involved.

Either way, it got me to think… what would be her reaction if she found out that her daughter transferred the unit to me? Since it would be recorded, she and her husband would definitely find out about it.

In that case, it wouldn’t be surprising if they suddenly showed up in front of me, demanding its return or asking me to stay away from their daughter.

Well, we’ll see.