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Stop It, She’s Remarrying!

Chapter 874
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Chapter 874

Chapter 874

Fia was surprised to hear him saying that. “Forget you? How could I forget you? You’ve been in my heart for years.”

Conrad thought she meant that they had known each other for a long time. He did not know. that she had feelings for him for years before they got married.

“Please promise me. Promiseyou’ll not forgetall your life.”

Fia nodded. “Okay. I promise you.”

Seeing that her emotions were stable, Conrad felt that this was a golden opportunity to suggest something.

“I’m not feeling well lately. So I need to go see a doctor. Would you kindly accompanyto

see him?”

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“Sure.” Fia held Conrad’s arm worriedly, “How are you feeling now? Is it your stomach? It has to be your stomach! You always skip meals so it’s always in bad shape. You should drink less alcohol from now on, okay?”

Conrad nodded and promised to avoid alcohol henceforth. He did not have the heart to remind her that he had been drinking less because of her.

On their way to see Marcus, Fia sat in the backseat as she hugged Conrad’s arm and kept asking him if he needed help or a paper bag.

While driving, Silas could not help but feel responsible for what happened to Fia. She was doing well yesterday. Yet, suddenly, she lost her memory this morning. From the way she acted, it seemed as though she had reverted to when she and Conrad were newly married.

As the car parked at Marcus’ home, Fia asked, puzzled, “Aren’t we seeing a doctor? This isn’t a hospital.”

Conrad held her hands and patiently comforted her. “This doctor is a professional and is really good at his job. He’s on a vacation so that’s why he’s at hright now.”

Fia nodded. “I see. So that’s why you’ve chere and see him. But wouldn’t he be upset that you’re disturbing him when he’s on vacation? What if he doesn’t treat you properly?”

“No, it’s fine. He’s a really kind doctor.”

Conrad held Fia’s hand and led her out of the car. Before entering the house, he ordered Silas to guard the entrance.

Marcus had just gotten out of bed and looked very drowsy. When he opened the door to greet them, Marcus could see that something was wrong the moment he made eye contact with Fia.

“Cin.” Marcus frowned before nodding his head, inviting them in. As they walked through the door, he kept his eyes on Fia, observing her.

This girl had gotten a lot worse since the last tthey met. From the way she acted and behaved, things did not look good.

“Why is he staring at me?”

Fia hugged Conrad’s arm and tiptoed so she could whisper in his ear.

“He’s jealous that I have a wife who’s so young and beautiful,” Conrad said to her gently.


Fia felt glad hearing that. Although he had been treating her well after they got married, Conrad had never said something so sweet to her.

“Really.” Conrad gazed at her with his gentle, amber eyes.

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It was then that Marcus brought a set of buckwheat tea to the living room.

“Here’s something to drink. Help yourself.”

Marcus took another glance at Fia before saying to Conrad, “I’m heading to the bathroom to wash my face. You wait forin my study.”

“Sure.” Conrad served Fia a cup of tea before saying, “Fia, I’ll have him diagnose me. You have some tea and wait forhere.”

Nodding her head, Fia asked curiously, “Can’t I follow you? I’m your wife so I should be by your side when you’re not feeling well.”

“No. You can’t. It’s not… proper.”

“But why…?” Fia asked in a meek, timid tone. She was always like this. She was always so bubbly yet mousey in front of him.

Conrad could not help giving an even gentler gaze to comfort her. “You see. I don’t want to ruin the image you have of me. I’m afraid that you might get disappointed when you see the frail and weak side of me.”

Fia gave it sthought and nodded. Her husband was a prideful man so she should respect his decision the best she could.

“Okay. I’ll wait for you here.”

Patting her head, Conrad said, “If you feel tired, you can take a nap on the sofa.”