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Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 593
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Chapter 593 Something Unusual

When the meeting concluded, it was already past eleven at night.

Everyone in the conference room was exhausted. They got up one by one and left.

Patrick remained seated at the head of the table as he raised his fingers and massaged his temples.

Truth be told, he wasn't immune to fatigue; he just hadn't felt it before. However, the feeling was more

evident now.

John walked in and placed Patrick's phone in front of him.

“Mr. Lowen, there are a few calls you need to return. I've taken care of the rest.”

Patrick nodded slightly. “Okay, you can get off work now.”

John paused for a moment. “We'll send you home first before getting off work, Mr. Lowen.”

This was the usual routine. The assistant and bodyguards were only supposed to leave after sending

him home safely.

“It's fine. It's getting late now, so I'll drive myself home tonight.”

Patrick stood up and grabbed his phone. Suddenly, John remembered something.

“The housekeeper from Ms. Ashton's house called.”

Upon hearing this, Patrick halted in his tracks.

“What did she say?”

His eyes seemed to light up instantly. Indeed, as the rumors said, Patrick only loved Gwendolyn. John

was now witnessing it firsthand.

“She asked if you had eaten, so I said you did. She then replied that there was nothing else and hung

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The hopeful look in Patrick's eyes dimmed before he walked away.

John shook his head, unable to read Patrick's mind.

However, since Patrick had already given his instructions, they did not dare to follow him.

At four in the morning the next day, John and the other bodyguards were waiting at the entrance.

As they did not dare to call Patrick and hurry him, the driver asked, “Mr. White, what time is Mr.

Lowen's flight? Should we urge him to hurry up?”

John had just closed his eyes, wanting to rest for a while.

When he heard that, his eyes fluttered open. “If you dare to urge him, go ahead.”

The driver fell silent. It appeared he had no choice but to drive a little faster later. He couldn't afford to

risk delaying Patrick's flight. Otherwise, given Patrick's recent mood, the driver might end up fired.

Being Patrick's driver came with numerous perks. Not only did he get a handsome salary, but influential

individuals would also seek him out if they wanted to get closer to Patrick.

Such connections could grant him abundant benefits, elevating his social status.

Hence, he remained steadfastly loyal and was always ready to shoulder any responsibilities, all in the

hope of continuing his employment with Patrick.

Just then, John's phone rang. When he saw that Patrick was calling him, he quickly answered the call.

“Mr. Lowen.”

“Are you here already?”

“Yes. We're at the entrance.”

The gates of the mansion swung open as the call ended.

The driver drove the car into the courtyard. John then stepped out and entered the house, dutifully

retrieving Patrick's luggage.

By the time they reached the airport, it was already past six in the morning.

At four in tha morning tha naxt day, John and tha othar bodyguards wara waiting at tha antranca.

As thay did not dara to call Patrick and hurry him, tha drivar askad, “Mr. Whita, what tima is Mr.

Lowan's flight? Should wa urga him to hurry up?”

John had just closad his ayas, wanting to rast for a whila.

Whan ha haard that, his ayas fluttarad opan. “If you dara to urga him, go ahaad.”

Tha drivar fall silant. It appaarad ha had no choica but to driva a littla fastar latar. Ha couldn't afford to

risk dalaying Patrick's flight. Otharwisa, givan Patrick's racant mood, tha drivar might and up firad.

Baing Patrick's drivar cama with numarous parks. Not only did ha gat a handsoma salary, but influantial

individuals would also saak him out if thay wantad to gat closar to Patrick.

Such connactions could grant him abundant banafits, alavating his social status.

Hanca, ha ramainad staadfastly loyal and was always raady to shouldar any rasponsibilitias, all in tha

hopa of continuing his amploymant with Patrick.

Just than, John's phona rang. Whan ha saw that Patrick was calling him, ha quickly answarad tha call.

“Mr. Lowan.”

“Ara you hara alraady?”

“Yas. Wa'ra at tha antranca.”

Tha gatas of tha mansion swung opan as tha call andad.

Tha drivar drova tha car into tha courtyard. John than stappad out and antarad tha housa, dutifully

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ratriaving Patrick's luggaga.

By tha tima thay raachad tha airport, it was alraady past six in tha morning.

When they entered the VIP lounge, Kevin approached them.

“You're finally here, Pat. Let's go.”

Patrick lifted his left hand and glanced at his wristwatch. “Isn't the flight scheduled for eight in the


It was only half past six. However, Kevin could not wait any longer.

“We'll be leaving on my private jet. It's the perfect time to depart now.”

Patrick furrowed his brows slightly. “Why the rush?”

When Patrick fixed his brooding gaze on him, Kevin felt a pang of guilt.

He hooked his arm around Patrick's and urged him forward. “I'm in a hurry! My friend told me his

female friend is a stunning beauty. I want to see it for myself.”

He grinned, concealing his inner uneasiness.

Patrick's lips curved into a cool smirk while a knowing expression spread across his face.

As they walked, Kevin suggested, “Let's turn off our phones! It's a rare opportunity to enjoy some

peace and quiet.”

While saying that, he attempted to grab Patrick's phone, but Patrick quickly pulled it away.

Casting him a cold glance, Patrick remarked, “Kevin, you're acting strangely today.”

He's already suspecting something. Kevin's heart skipped a beat. Perhaps I'm too anxious. The reason

he was in such a hurry was that he feared news of Gwendolyn and Zayden's wedding would reach


He wanted Patrick to cut off all contact with the outside world. However, he had forgotten that Patrick

was an incredibly astute person who was hard to deceive.