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Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 729
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Chapter 729 Inseparable Family

She wore a long-sleeved white-colored loungewear.

After heading out, she went toward the stairwell at a slow pace to get downstairs.

Camille was cleaning the living room, and when she saw Gwendolyn coming downstairs, she

approached the younger woman.

“Gwen, are you thirsty? I can fill a glass of water for you.”

Gwendolyn generally came downstairs when she needed water, and that was why Camille asked her

that question.

Gwendolyn then watched Camille make her way to the kitchen. Her gaze flicked toward the cabinet by

the wall. She was actually there for the first-aid kit.

She had to treat the wounds she had sustained, or else the bruises would look even more frightening

the next day.

Thus, she walked over to get the first-aid kit from the cabinet.

Patrick zoomed in and finally saw what Gwendolyn was holding, and his gaze darkened.

Is she feeling unwell? Why is she getting a first-aid kit so late at night?

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A certain someone said he was only going to check the footage and not do anything else, but now, he

was worried about her.

Right then, Camille came back out with a glass of water. She walked over to Gwendolyn, and when she

saw the kit in Gwendolyn's hands, she queried, “Are you hurt?”

Gwendolyn instinctively tightened her fists. “It's nothing. I slipped in the shower. I'll be fine after I treat


However, that only made Camille even more concerned. “Where did you hurt yourself? Let me take a


Gwendolyn took a step back. “It's fine. It's nothing serious. I'll be going up now.”

With that, she avoided Camille and hastily ascended the stairs.

Camille sighed. Gwendolyn seemed to be full of secrets ever since she married Zayden. The thought of

Zayden and Suzanne's matter crept into Camille's head.

Thank god Suzanne's now gone. I don't know how else I'm going to face that girl if she's still around.

She looked simple-minded and kind, but who would've thought that a sweet girl like her would turn out

to be as crafty as that?

Camille glanced at the glass she was holding and quietly brought it back into the kitchen.

Meanwhile, after bringing the first-aid kit into her room, Gwendolyn treated her own wounds.

Since Patrick could not see her anymore, he moved to bring the cigarette to his lips before inhaling

sharply. When he exhaled, he brought up the surveillance footage again.

She's keeping herself all wrapped up. It's obvious she's wary of Zayden.

With that thought in mind, Patrick smiled. When he thought about how she was reserving herself for

him, he felt wonderful.

Right then, someone knocked on the door. “Mr. Lowen.”

It was Juliette's voice. Patrick switched off the computer and strode toward the door. When he pulled

the door open, he found Juliette with a plate of fruits.

“I'm here to bring you some fruits.”

With a smile on her face, she moved the platter toward his face, two dimples appearing by the corners

of her lips.

For a moment, Patrick thought of her as a miniature version of Gwendolyn. It was especially so when

she smiled, for she looked as sweet as Gwendolyn.

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Accepting the fruit platter, he then invited her into the study.

This was Juliette's first time entering his study. Lifting her head, she studied the book racks, which

spiraled all the way up like a whirlpool.

“You have so many books,” she remarked.

Patrick brought her to the couch by the window before feeding her a slice of apple.

“Juliette, if you want to read books, you can come here next time.”

Juliette could not read at the moment; she could only enjoy the illustrated children's books.

Thus, she bit into the apple slice and said, “My brothers will surely love this place.”

Hearing that, Patrick felt that it was time for him to make his move.

“Do you want to move here? That way, we can see each other every day, and your brothers can come

to the study to read.”

It was a tempting offer. Juliette would be happy to see Patrick every day.

It was because he wished he could be their father and because he looked a lot like her brothers.

“I'll talk to Gwen about it. If she agrees, we'll move here. But she has to be with us. Our family is
