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Super Gene

Chapter 1548 - A Room
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Chapter 1548: A Room

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen was standing in a room. He looked at it in strange awe, with his mouth hanging wide open.

The area looked like it would very dark as he came into it from the Godlight Tunnel, but when he breached the black veil, it really was like nothing more than a thin curtain obscuring the view.

Through the darkness, there was a room that looked like a lounge of sorts. Han Sen wouldn’t have been surprised if he encountered a monster in that room.

Han Sen was prepared to fight when he entered, but he found himself shocked and speechless instead.

There was a table, chairs, cups, and benches. They were composed of a crystal-like material Han Sen was familiar with. They looked like what Han Sen had seen inside the Main Control Room. The chairs and table were of a similar design, too.

Han Sen confirmed the room had been built from crystal, and it was therefore likely it had been built by the crystallizers.

“Why is there a crystallizer room beyond the Godlight Tunnel?” Han Sen’s brain was full of question marks.

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( B ox.c om ) According to crystallizer technology, it should have been impossible for such stuff to exist in the sanctuaries. After all, Han Sen couldn’t even use his beetle in the sanctuary.

But there was an entire crystallizer room here in front of him, nonetheless.

“It’s just a room. Maybe someone moved it here? But this is the end of the Godlight Tunnel, and who could possibly possess the ability to move an entire crystallizer room here?” Han Sen looked around, hoping he’d find a solution.

He was also looking out for that which was the crux of his worry. He looked around the room a few times, but he couldn’t find anything.

The things around him were just ordinary objects. Han Sen tried the chair out, and he was able to confirm it was the same sort he found in the Main Control Room. Even though it looked crystal and hard, it was soft and plush.

He now thought it was a great shame he couldn’t use the beetle in the sanctuary. If he had been able to, he’d have liked to ask it for information concerning this place.

Han Sen’s vision then became fixed on something on the left side of the room. There was a black crystal drawer standing against a wall. Han Sen walked up to it and pulled the drawer open, hoping to find some information.

But he was unable to pull it out. He tried it twice and found that there was no leeway. It had to have been locked.

Han Sen decided to draw Taia and beat the drawer instead. There were some sparks, but the attack didn’t leave a mark on the surface.

Han Sen’s face changed. He used all the power he could muster, and yet, it hadn’t left a single mark. The crystal was unfathomably strong.

When Han Sen frowned, thinking about how he might open it, the beetle in his hand now began to shine. Han Sen had been unable to use it in the sanctuary before, but now it had come to life.

“Control Room discovered. Would you like to connect?” The beetle’s AI voice rang from Han Sen’s hand.

“Connect,” Han Sen said, with surprise. This really was a form of Main Control Room, where crystallizer technology such as the beetle could be used.

It certainly exceeded Han Sen’s expectations. Through his entire life, he had been told he could not make use of proper technology when he was in the sanctuary.

Many people had even tested this theory in the sanctuary, too. The results were all the same: from lighters to advanced cannonballs and super warframes, nothing could be activated inside the sanctuary. They might as well have been hunks of steel.

And crystallizer technology such as the beetle couldn’t be used, either. Han Sen wasn’t sure why that had now changed all of a sudden.

( B ox.c om ) “Establishing connection to Control Room.” The symbols on the beetle shone, and it moved to land on the black crystal drawer.

Then, Han Sen heard a katcha. The door that was shut opened up.

“Connection successful.” The beetle’s light dimmed after the drawer opened.

Han Sen looked over the drawer, and inside, he saw a glowing crystal-like machine. It was like some sort of control platform, and the lights looked like streaming data. Han Sen wasn’t too sure what he was looking at.

“What is this?” Han Sen asked the beetle.

The beetle responded with its mechanical voice, and it answered, “It’s a computer.”

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“What is it for?” Han Sen asked.

“I don’t have enough data to formulate a certifiably correct response. Therefore, I cannot answer you.” The beetle was shining as it delivered its dialogue.

Han Sen frowned. He didn’t understand much about crystallizer technology, and he was unable to operate it since he didn’t know what it was supposed to do.

As Han Sen mulled what he should do, a door opened on the other side of the room.

Han Sen went over to take a look with much curiosity. It looked as if the next room was a bedroom. There was a comfy-looking crystal bed at its center.

The bed still had sheets on it, and the corner looked as if it had been tossed aside. It looked rather messy, as if the owner of the bed had once left in a rush without time to tidy.

Han Sen went over to observe the blanket, but he saw nothing under it. He then looked at the nightstand. There was a crystal bottle there, containing a red liquid. It was a touch lighter than red wine, appearing pinkish, more than anything.

The bottle had a lid on it. Han Sen pulled it off, and his nose was greeted with the pleasing sensation of an alcoholic beverage.

“Is this the alcohol crystallizers drank?” Han Sen found that rather amazing.

Han Sen put the lid back on and decided to keep the bottle. He opened the drawers of the nightstand next, to see if he could find something more useful.

When Han Sen opened the drawer, he grinned. There were many items inside. It looked as if there were hair clippers and various decorative oddities. There was a bottle, too, which might have contained a woman’s makeup product.

Amidst all those items, Han Sen also caught a glimpse of a diary. He took it out of the drawer and opened it. There were many words inside, and the text looked to be composed by the gorgeous handwriting of a woman.

What excited Han Sen the most was the fact it was a language of ancient humanity. It was something he could read.

Han Sen was glad he had learned so many ancient languages now. If he hadn’t, he wouldn’t have been able to read a single word the diary contained.
