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Super Gene

Chapter 2806 Nine-Defense Palace
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Chapter 2806 Nine-Defense Palace

Han Sen followed Bai Wanjie out of the palace. Bai King had asked Bai Wanjie to take him to the Nine-Defense Palace, but he had not explained what the Nine-Defense Palace was.

As he walked alongside Bai Wanjie, Han Sen asked, "Crown Prince, what is the Nine-Defense Palace?"

"I don’t know," Bai Wanjie coldly replied.

Han Sen was surprised. With Bai Wanjie’s way of thinking, even if there was something that had upset him, he would not show it on his face. Plus, this was something Bai King wanted him to do. Even if he did not want to do what he was bidden to, he would not let Han Sen see.

Now, he was exhibiting quite a bit of emotion. That meant this whole thing must have really triggered him. It had triggered him to the point that he was unable to control his own emotions.

Han Sen kept walking and thinking. What kind of place is Nine-Defense Palace?

On the way, Bai Wanjie remained cold. He did not say a word. It was rather scary. Han Sen was not going to keep provoking him. He followed Bai Wanjie to a purple palace.

That palace was made out of purple metal. Han Sen did not know what kind of metal it was. The weird thing about the palace was it had no window.

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It was a big, metal, purple palace that seemed a thousand miles long, yet it did not have a single window. There was only one entrance, and it was at the front. The door was as big as a mountain. Above the door, a plaque read "Nine-Defense Palace."

Bai Wanjie looked at the Nine-Defense Palace’s door. With a look filled with regret, he said, "Here." He immediately turned around and left. He did not say anything more to Han Sen.

Bai Wanjie is so mad. It looks like the Nine-Defense Palace must be packed with good stuff since Bai King told me he would give me deified xenogeneic genes. I suppose this place is filled to the brim with deified xenogeneic genes. Is this place a warehouse for the storage of deified xenogeneic genes? Han Sen was excited to find out. If there were benefits to claim from the Extreme King, he was not going to be stingy. He was going to take all that he could get.

The big palace did not have guards, so Han Sen brought out the purple, metal key Bai King had given him. He inserted the key into the door’s keyhole.

Han Sen turned the key, but the giant, metal door did not open. He saw a xenogeneic statue attached to the door. Its eyes grew bright as it shined down on Han Sen and sucked him in.

It was like some kind of teleportation device. When Han Sen’s vision returned, he was already in the palace.

He saw a semi-circular plaza in front of him. Both sides of the plaza had many xenogeneic statues. They were also made of metal. Their sizes were all different from each other. Some were 300 feet high, whereas others were as small as a ball. One saw them in every shape and size.

Across the plaza, on the circular wall, were nine big doors. They all had some words on them. They were not written in the common language, so Han Sen was unable to read them.

What if Bai Wanjie did not tell me what was here because he does not know what is behind these nine doors? Han Sen hesitated. He selected a door and put the key inside.

This time, the door slowly rose. He saw a path behind the door. It looked like it was a path that led to another palace.

If Bai King wanted to harm me, there would be no need for him to go to all this trouble. I do not think this place is dangerous. Han Sen kept thinking, but he eventually walked inside. After walking down an extremely long corridor, he saw a giant structure.

This is a palace inside a palace. When Han Sen saw the space ahead, there were many more palaces lined up. The palaces were all the same size, which was about the size of a basketball court.

Han Sen quickly noticed the palaces were numbered. The first one Han Sen saw was 0001. Sequentially, each palace went up in number.

Han Sen looked around, but he could not tell how many palaces were inside that palace.

It looks like I am right. This is an Extreme King warehouse, but would Bai King really be that nice and give me the magic key to the Extreme King’s stuff? Han Sen had to wonder that, but he did not think that was likely.


As Han Sen thought it through, he still went ahead and opened the palace that was labeled 0001. He immediately saw a xenogeneic that looked like a giant ape. It was just inside the palace.

"Roar!" When the big ape saw Han Sen, it made an angry cry. Its black hair went straight. Black substance chains arose across it. It was like the coming of a demon.

In the next second, the big ape’s chains were attacked by a god light. A spell of some sort flickered, suppressing the big ape’s power. It did not matter how hard the big ape struggled. It was unable to escape the magical pressure.

Deified xenogeneic... This place does not store the deified xenogeneic genes themselves. It stores a deified xenogeneic that is actually alive. If all these palaces have a deified xenogeneic locked inside, how many could there possibly be? Han Sen was shocked. He coldly laughed and said aloud, "Bai King! Do you really think my body cannot fight, and I cannot slay these deified xenogeneics?"

Han Sen immediately summoned a beast soul. It made his entire body look like the red blood demon. He also summoned the peacock king’s soul clothing and Six Core Snake Bow.

His power was still unable to be used, but the three deified beast souls could lend him the power to kill a primitive deified xenogeneic with ease.

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The black-haired, big ape was trapped, so it could not fight back. Han Sen pulled the string of his Six Core Snake Bow and generated Heart Connection power. He fired an arrow at the black-haired, big ape’s head.


The big ape was still trapped and unable to move. Its power had been suppressed. Han Sen’s arrow neatly punctured its head.

The big ape’s head was perforated. It madly shouted at Han Sen. To kill it, Han Sen fired another dozen arrows to put him down for good.

"Xenogeneic deified hunted. Black Demon Ape: deified xenogeneic gene found."

Han Sen turned off the restrictions in the palace. He looked at the Black Demon Ape’s big body and felt rather remorseful. I killed it, but it is so big. How am I supposed to eat it? It would be great if the Flower Gods were here and turned it into a geno fluid I could down in one gulp.

Never mind, I am going to check if the other palaces have deified xenogeneics inside them. Han Sen put the Black Demon Ape’s body aside. After he left the palace, he went to the palace labeled 0002.

He opened the palace and saw a xenogeneic inside that was also locked up. It was not another Black Demon Ape. It was a xenogeneic he could not see. Its body was completely wrapped in purple armor.

This xenogeneic did not shout at Han Sen as the Black Demon Ape had. It just coldly looked at Han Sen. Its eyes shone from within the armor and unleashed a purple light. It was like it could see through Han Sen’s lungs.

Han Sen pulled the string of his Six Core Snake Bow and fired an arrow at the xenogeneic. The xenogeneics there were all tied up for him to kill, so he was not going to go easy on them. This was far better than just receiving deified xenogeneic genes. Aside from getting xenogeneic genes, Han Sen had the chance of receiving a beast soul.


When Han Sen’s arrow struck the xenogeneic’s armor, the projectile did not leave a white mark. The light arrow exploded on impact.
