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Super Gene

Chapter 3292 - Day
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Chapter 3292: Day

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After leaving the geno hall, Han Sen thought about the various ways he might be able to gain a human body again.

“I do not think the God Hall Leader will be able to help me. In that case, I will have to ask Night God No Moon for a solution. But where did Moon God even go?” Han Sen was feeling a little bit depressed.

The universe was very large. Even if he was able to teleport to every inch of the universe, he would not be able to find her. Unless he was super lucky, he would be unable to find Night God No Moon. The chance of finding her in that grand cosmos was lower than the chance of winning the lottery.

“After Mirror Moon exploded, why can I not feel the Ultimate Egg? Is that thing still inside my body or what?” Han Sen lowered his head to examine his body.

He had a spirit body, but it was different from the usual spirit body. His body looked solid. He could not see the structure of his body. He did not know if the Ultimate Egg was in there or not.

Han Sen tried many times to feel his spirit body, but there were no sensations to perceive. After the big explosion, his body’s elements had not changed.

Han Sen was feeling very confused. If he did not become a god spirit, he would be like a dead man. Aside from Bao’er and God Spirits, no one would ever be able to see him.

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When Han Sen returned to the Feng family castle, he did not see Bao’er there. He did see Jian Bu Gu trimming the hedges in the garden.

Jian Bu Gu looked in Han Sen’s direction and said, “Mister, you have returned.”

“Can you see me?” Han Sen was more than surprised by this.

Jian Bu Gu shook his head. “I cannot see you, but I certainly feel your presence. What happened to you? Why have you become like this?”

Han Sen was a bit disappointed. Jian Bu Gu was very strong and could feel his presence, but that was about it. Jian Bu Gu could not see him or hear his voice.

“I have adopted the body of a spirit,” Han Sen said. “I do not actually have a body anymore.”

Jian Bu Gu could no longer hear Han Sen’s voice, but he felt Han Sen’s will change. He felt what Han Sen was trying to express.

“I see. In the past, I was always able to feel the spirit bodies of creatures, but I could never actually see their existence. This is the first time I have been able to directly communicate with a spirit.” After a brief pause to think, Jian Bu Gu asked, “Mister, is there anything I can do to help you with your condition?”

“There is no need. All you must do is take care of yourself.” After saying that, Han Sen prepared to leave.

“Hold on just a second, Mister.” Jian Bu Gu stopped Han Sen. “I have come up with an idea that may help you with your current trouble.”

Han Sen stopped to ask, “What is it?”

Jian Bu Gu paused and said, “In East Soil System, there is a planet there called Day. There is a broken god temple there. If you go there, you might be able to find something that can help you.”

“A broken god temple? What could possibly be inside there?” Han Sen was undeniably curious about the prospect.

Jian Bu Gu said, “East Soil System goes back to ancient times. At the end of ancient times, it was reduced to little more than a ruin. All life forces have ceased to exist there. Nothing lives on any of the planets there, and there is a lot of terrible radioactive pollutions. Not even God Spirits would fancy living in such a place.”

After pausing, Jian Bu Gu went on to say, “I used to want to max my sword skills. I went to East Soil System and visited the planet called Day. I found a burned and collapsed god temple. I did not just see a god temple in that condition either. It was like the entire planet had been barbecued. It looked like little more than a wasteland of charcoal. The god temple only had three or four walls, and many of the pillars were broken and barely standing. Behind one of the walls, however, was a flower. I was able to see it, but I was never able to touch it. A spirit was madly moving around inside there. I researched it for a long time, but I was never able to find much about it. Why don’t you go there and have a look? I can’t say for certain it will help you, but there is a chance it might.”

Jian Bu Gu’s words instilled Han Sen with hope. There was a flower there that Jian Bu Gu could not touch, and there was also a fallen god temple. There was also a mysterious system known as East Soil System. They were the key ingredients for a recipe that piqued Han Sen’s curiosity.

God temples were supposedly indestructible. To break down a god temple, the power must have been insane.

Plus, there used to be an original planet. Humans of the universe of kingdoms started there. It was a mystery as to why that entire area of the cosmos was destroyed.

The birthplace of The Story of Genes and Original Gene seemed to be that place.

Han Sen had nothing better to do right, so he wanted to go to East Soil System. He wanted to see what it was like in a place humans originated from.

He wanted to find the flower Jian Bu Gu was talking about. If he was unable to locate it, that was still fine.

Han Sen could not touch anything. He asked Jian Bu Gu to turn on a computer for him. He soon found a map that would lead him to East Soil System. After analyzing it and remembering it, he moved his spirit body to the East Soil System.

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“The only thing I am proud of is the speed in which I can travel to wherever I want now,” Han Sen mocked himself. His eyes suddenly flashed. “If no creatures can threaten me, why don’t I go to the 33 skies and see what Qin Xiu is up to?”

Han Sen thought about it but still decided on going to the East Soil System first. He was going to wait a while before infiltrating the 33 skies. He was already in the East Soil System, so he was going to go to the planet called Day first.

Han Sen looked at the East Soil System and was given a shock. The planets there were black as charcoal. It was like the aftermath of a grand fire.

But that was a big system. What kind of fire was able to incinerate so many planets at once?

Han Sen flew into the system. He was not in a huge rush to reach the planet called Day. The planets there did not orbit or spin.

It was like time and space had stopped there. Only the scary radiation, which was everywhere, made people feel as if time was still in operation. action

Even gene races would not want to live in such a place. Han Sen kept flying, but he did not see a single living thing once. That made him wonder if Jian Bu Gu’s flower was still there.

“Can life really exist on this planet?” Han Sen thought about this. He traveled through the scary radiation. He touched down on a planet.

If an ultimate God Spirit gene race decided to go here, the scary radiation was something not even it would be able to ignore. Yet, it did not affect Han Sen in the least.

“Is the planet called Day?” Han Sen looked around. He confirmed his location was correct.

That planet was covered in charcoal. It was unknown what it once was. Aside from that, there was absolutely nothing. Han Sen flew around the planet. He could not locate the broken god temple Jian Bu Gu had mentioned.

He eventually located three broken black pillars on a black ruin. There were also two broken walls that were almost collapsed. They were 6 feet high. It was hard to imagine there might have been a god temple there before.