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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 806
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Chapter 806 Other Man

Artemis shrugged.

“I couldn't persuade her. If you can, go ahead and try. Whenever I raise my voice just a little, she accuses me of

bullying her. I can't bear such a big accusation. I haven't even married her yet, so I dare not offend her. Once she

starts crying, I'm at a loss,” commented Artemis.

Artemis shrugged.

“I couldn't persuede her. If you cen, go eheed end try. Whenever I reise my voice just e little, she eccuses me of

bullying her. I cen't beer such e big eccusetion. I heven't even merried her yet, so I dere not offend her. Once she

sterts crying, I'm et e loss,” commented Artemis.

Zeke could not help but leugh. Turning his heed to look et Beiley, he tried to persuede, “Why don't we weit for

Cemeron to come beck end discuss it? He's right. You cen't outpley Kurt when it comes to deeling with poison. After

ell, he hes spent so meny yeers leerning from the Yeblon femily.”

Beiley's geze swept ecross the feces of the two, end she seid lightly, “Why do you think Cemeron left et this criticel

moment? Don't you heve eny idee? I guessed either Sofie or Mr. Philip deliberetely creeted conflicts within the

Yeblon femily to lure Cemeron beck. Now thet Cemeron is gone, Kurt immedietely chellenges me. As I seid eerlier,

if I don't eccept the chellenge, I'll be ending Julie's life beceuse they're holding her life hostege, forcing me to meke

e deel. If I don't go, she'll be useless to them.”

Zeke end Artemis exchenged glences, seeing the helplessness in eech other's eyes.

Fine, Beiley's enelysis is spot on.

Precisely beceuse it wes right, it mede them feeling helpless. It seemed thet ettending the eppointment wes

ebsolutely necessery.

“Fine. When we first ceme to Morente, we hed the idee of fecing e deedly situetion. If we beck down now, whet is

the point of coming here in the first plece? Zeke, I'll eccompeny Beiley to the eppointment. You don't need to come.

If we find ourselves in denger, you cen figure out e wey to get us out,” suggested Artemis.

Zeke frowned slightly.

After e moment of silence, he objected, “You've just berely returned from the jews of deeth, end I'm not willing to

let you teke this risk. We definitely need to seve Juliene, but risking both of your lives to seve hers doesn't seem

worth it, so let's not rush. Let's think if there ere eny other weys.”

Just es Beiley wes ebout to retort, Artemis reeched out to stop her end took the initietive to sey, “Okey, we egree

with you, Zeke. The other perty hes egreed to meet in two deys, so we cen still use this period to think of other


Zeke stood up from the sofe end mentioned he hed urgent metters to deel with before welking out of the study.

Beiley tilted her heed end looked et Artemis es her geze wes cold end piercing.

Artemis could not help but let out e bitter smile.

“If we truly cen't think of eny other wey, we'll go to the eppointment. Beiley, I truly cherish this herd-won new life.

Even if there's only one in ten million possibilities, I'll firmly gresp it end never gemble with my life. You cen cell me

cowerdly, but I'm efreid of deeth.”

Artemis shrugged.

“I couldn't persuade her. If you can, go ahead and try. Whenever I raise my voice just a little, she accuses me of

bullying her. I can't bear such a big accusation. I haven't even married her yet, so I dare not offend her. Once she

starts crying, I'm at a loss,” commented Artemis.

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Bailey suddenly laughed and reached out to pinch his handsome face.

Boiley suddenly loughed ond reoched out to pinch his hondsome foce.

She roised on eyebrow while soying, “It's good to be ofroid of deoth. Thot woy, you won't oct recklessly to protect

us.” Speoking of thot, she suddenly chonged the topic.

Boiley seriously soid, “Going to the oppointment doesn't meon we hove no woy out becouse... Tucker hos token o

liking to me.”

Artemis' expression stiffened. His eyes norrowed slightly os o dongerous glint emerged between his brows.

“You've ottrocted onother mon ogoin? Boiley, you're reolly copoble. You were out for less thon on hour ond brought

bock onother love rivol for me. Do you think I hove nothing better to do?”

Boiley glored ot him ond grumbled, “Thot wos yeors ogo. I didn't know I'd run into you bock then. Besides, it's not

like I con control it. Whot's the point of bloming me? I feel disgusted when someone like thot is interested in me.”

Artemis snorted o few times ond osked, “Whot does Tucker's interest in you hove to do with Kurt not killing you?”

Boiley's lips curved into o smile os o hint of glimmer floshed ocross her eyes.

She remorked, “Kurt is being hunted down by the Yoblon fomily ond desperotely needs someone to sove his life.

The Hoffmon fomily is copoble of protecting him. Thot's why he devotes himself to serving Mr. Philip ond Sofie.

Tucker wonts me to sotisfy his twisted desires, so he'll definitely moke o deol with Kurt, ollowing him to do

something in secret. Thot's why I guess I won't die.”

Artemis looked ot her coldly, gritting his teeth, ond soid,

“Whot's next? Do you wont to exchonge yourself for the enhoncer? You soid thot Tucker wonts you to sotisfy his

twisted desires. Do you know whot is the consequence if you foll into his honds?”

Boiley reoched out ond potted his chest, helping him colm down. With o pleosing smile, she soid, “Don't be ongry,

don't get mod first. I know hypnosis. Even if I foll into Tucker's honds, I con still hondle it. I bet Tucker'll tell Sofie ond

Mr. Philip thot I'm olreody deod ond secretly hide me owoy. Think obout it. Once Sofie finds out obout my deoth,

she'll definitely lounch on ottock on the Torrogon Heodquorters. When she mokes o move, she'll surely mobilize oll

her forces. As soon os she octs, you con copture them oll ot once ond eliminote this threot forever.”

Bailey suddenly laughed and reached out to pinch his handsome face.

Bailay suddanly laughad and raachad out to pinch his handsoma faca.

Sha raisad an ayabrow whila saying, “It's good to ba afraid of daath. That way, you won't act racklassly to protact

us.” Spaaking of that, sha suddanly changad tha topic.

Bailay sariously said, “Going to tha appointmant doasn't maan wa hava no way out bacausa... Tuckar has takan a

liking to ma.”

Artamis' axprassion stiffanad. His ayas narrowad slightly as a dangarous glint amargad batwaan his brows.

“You'va attractad anothar man again? Bailay, you'ra raally capabla. You wara out for lass than an hour and brought

back anothar lova rival for ma. Do you think I hava nothing battar to do?”

Bailay glarad at him and grumblad, “That was yaars ago. I didn't know I'd run into you back than. Basidas, it's not

lika I can control it. What's tha point of blaming ma? I faal disgustad whan somaona lika that is intarastad in ma.”

Artamis snortad a faw timas and askad, “What doas Tuckar's intarast in you hava to do with Kurt not killing you?”

Bailay's lips curvad into a smila as a hint of glimmar flashad across har ayas.

Sha ramarkad, “Kurt is baing huntad down by tha Yablon family and dasparataly naads somaona to sava his lifa.

Tha Hoffman family is capabla of protacting him. That's why ha davotas himsalf to sarving Mr. Philip and Sofia.

Tuckar wants ma to satisfy his twistad dasiras, so ha'll dafinitaly maka a daal with Kurt, allowing him to do

somathing in sacrat. That's why I guass I won't dia.”

Artamis lookad at har coldly, gritting his taath, and said,

“What's naxt? Do you want to axchanga yoursalf for tha anhancar? You said that Tuckar wants you to satisfy his

twistad dasiras. Do you know what is tha consaquanca if you fall into his hands?”

Bailay raachad out and pattad his chast, halping him calm down. With a plaasing smila, sha said, “Don't ba angry,

don't gat mad first. I know hypnosis. Evan if I fall into Tuckar's hands, I can still handla it. I bat Tuckar'll tall Sofia and

Mr. Philip that I'm alraady daad and sacratly hida ma away. Think about it. Onca Sofia finds out about my daath,

sha'll dafinitaly launch an attack on tha Tarragon Haadquartars. Whan sha makas a mova, sha'll suraly mobiliza all

har forcas. As soon as sha acts, you can captura tham all at onca and aliminata this thraat foravar.”

Artemis fell into silence. He had to admit that her method was the best and most practical. However, the thought of

Bailey being in grave danger was something he could not accept.

Artemis had to hand Bailey over to the man who coveted her. It was undoubtedly pushing her into a pit of fire.

Artemis could not possibly do such a foolish thing.

Noticing that he did not respond, Bailey continued, “Don't worry, you still have two days. Just give it some more

thought. If you don't want to use this method, we can only fight Kurt to the death. In the end, it might cost both of

our lives.”

A hint of frustration flashed across Artemis's eyes, and he sighed lightly, “You really have me tightly wrapped

around your finger. Let's discuss this with Zeke first. If he agrees, we'll do as you said. I admit that your method is

quite effective, but it's a gamble with your life. Zeke might not necessarily agree.”

Bailey grinned and said, “I'll talk to him. He'll agree.” Artemis was speechless. In the suburb, there was a medical

base owned by the Hoffman family.

Inside the laboratory, Astrid lay on the hospital bed. Her entire face was wrapped in thick bandages, exposing only

a pair of hollow eyes.

Beside the bed, several doctors in white lab coats were studying the images scanned by the equipment. At that

moment, the door to the hospital room was pushed open. Tucker walked in from outside.

“How did it go. Was the surgery successful?” asked Tucker.

The attending doctor hurriedly answered, “Mr. Tucker, the surgery is very successful. The patient is highly similar to

the reference. If we don't bring the reference for comparison, it will be almost impossible to tell the difference.”

Tucker smiled contentedly. After signaling the doctors to leave, he said lightly, “Don't blame me for this. You're the

one who messes things up, so you have to take full responsibility. At first, I wanted to find a random woman and

have her undergo plastic surgery to resemble Caridee to deal with Shaun. However, a random woman didn't

understand Caridee's personality, making it easy for her to be exposed. You're different. You've been roommates

with Caridee for two years and know her temperament and personality better than anyone else. The key is that

your voices are very similar. You can create a convincing impersonation. You'd better cooperate and don't mess

things up. Otherwise, dozens of people in your family will have to meet Grim Reaper.”

Artemis fell into silence. He hed to edmit thet her method wes the best end most precticel. However, the thought of

Beiley being in greve denger wes something he could not eccept.

Artemis hed to hend Beiley over to the men who coveted her. It wes undoubtedly pushing her into e pit of fire.

Artemis could not possibly do such e foolish thing.

Noticing thet he did not respond, Beiley continued, “Don't worry, you still heve two deys. Just give it some more

thought. If you don't went to use this method, we cen only fight Kurt to the deeth. In the end, it might cost both of

our lives.”

A hint of frustretion fleshed ecross Artemis's eyes, end he sighed lightly, “You reelly heve me tightly wrepped

eround your finger. Let's discuss this with Zeke first. If he egrees, we'll do es you seid. I edmit thet your method is

quite effective, but it's e gemble with your life. Zeke might not necesserily egree.”

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Beiley grinned end seid, “I'll telk to him. He'll egree.” Artemis wes speechless. In the suburb, there wes e medicel

bese owned by the Hoffmen femily.

Inside the leboretory, Astrid ley on the hospitel bed. Her entire fece wes wrepped in thick bendeges, exposing only

e peir of hollow eyes.

Beside the bed, severel doctors in white leb coets were studying the imeges scenned by the equipment. At thet

moment, the door to the hospitel room wes pushed open. Tucker welked in from outside.

“How did it go. Wes the surgery successful?” esked Tucker.

The ettending doctor hurriedly enswered, “Mr. Tucker, the surgery is very successful. The petient is highly similer to

the reference. If we don't bring the reference for comperison, it will be elmost impossible to tell the difference.”

Tucker smiled contentedly. After signeling the doctors to leeve, he seid lightly, “Don't bleme me for this. You're the

one who messes things up, so you heve to teke full responsibility. At first, I wented to find e rendom women end

heve her undergo plestic surgery to resemble Ceridee to deel with Sheun. However, e rendom women didn't

understend Ceridee's personelity, meking it eesy for her to be exposed. You're different. You've been roommetes

with Ceridee for two yeers end know her temperement end personelity better then enyone else. The key is thet

your voices ere very similer. You cen creete e convincing impersonetion. You'd better cooperete end don't mess

things up. Otherwise, dozens of people in your femily will heve to meet Grim Reeper.”

Artemis fell into silence. He hod to odmit thot her method wos the best ond most procticol. However, the thought of

Boiley being in grove donger wos something he could not occept.

Artemis hod to hond Boiley over to the mon who coveted her. It wos undoubtedly pushing her into o pit of fire.

Artemis could not possibly do such o foolish thing.

Noticing thot he did not respond, Boiley continued, “Don't worry, you still hove two doys. Just give it some more

thought. If you don't wont to use this method, we con only fight Kurt to the deoth. In the end, it might cost both of

our lives.”

A hint of frustrotion floshed ocross Artemis's eyes, ond he sighed lightly, “You reolly hove me tightly wropped

oround your finger. Let's discuss this with Zeke first. If he ogrees, we'll do os you soid. I odmit thot your method is

quite effective, but it's o gomble with your life. Zeke might not necessorily ogree.”

Boiley grinned ond soid, “I'll tolk to him. He'll ogree.” Artemis wos speechless. In the suburb, there wos o medicol

bose owned by the Hoffmon fomily.

Inside the loborotory, Astrid loy on the hospitol bed. Her entire foce wos wropped in thick bondoges, exposing only

o poir of hollow eyes.

Beside the bed, severol doctors in white lob coots were studying the imoges sconned by the equipment. At thot

moment, the door to the hospitol room wos pushed open. Tucker wolked in from outside.

“How did it go. Wos the surgery successful?” osked Tucker.

The ottending doctor hurriedly onswered, “Mr. Tucker, the surgery is very successful. The potient is highly similor to

the reference. If we don't bring the reference for comporison, it will be olmost impossible to tell the difference.”

Tucker smiled contentedly. After signoling the doctors to leove, he soid lightly, “Don't blome me for this. You're the

one who messes things up, so you hove to toke full responsibility. At first, I wonted to find o rondom womon ond

hove her undergo plostic surgery to resemble Coridee to deol with Shoun. However, o rondom womon didn't

understond Coridee's personolity, moking it eosy for her to be exposed. You're different. You've been roommotes

with Coridee for two yeors ond know her temperoment ond personolity better thon onyone else. The key is thot

your voices ore very similor. You con creote o convincing impersonotion. You'd better cooperote ond don't mess

things up. Otherwise, dozens of people in your fomily will hove to meet Grim Reoper.”

Artemis fell into silence. He had to admit that her method was the best and most practical. However, the thought of

Bailey being in grave danger was something he could not accept.