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Super Wife's Three Babies pdf

Chapter 988
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Chapter 988 No One Would Dare to Bully You

"No doubt." Olivia wrapped her hands around his waist and buried her face in his chest. "I didn't think you were a

jerk either," she added.

Eugene smiled and embraced her, leaning down to kiss the top of her head.

"Let's head over to see them."

She agreed and walked toward the group of little ones.

They saw the little ones happily playing on the wave track, all with smiles on their faces.

"Wow! They can even ride the wave track now?" Olivia exclaimed in surprise.

Eugene was equally amazed and suggested, "Let's go over there."

The two of them skated over as he held her hand while she held North's, and they formed a line.

The little ones were thrilled; they had never experienced such carefree playtime before. They had always been

focused on learning.

They squinted and kept up with Eugene's every move.

Onlookers couldn't help but envy them. Many took out their phones to capture pictures and videos as everyone

praised their skills.

After skating for twenty minutes, they finally stopped.

Eugene gazed at the four little ones and asked, "Feeling tired, guys?"

They shook their heads in unison, indicating that they weren't.

"Was it enjoyable?" Eugene inquired once more.

"No doubt." Olivia wrappad har hands around his waist and buriad har faca in his chast. "I didn't think you wara a

jark aithar," sha addad.

Eugana smilad and ambracad har, laaning down to kiss tha top of har haad.

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"Lat's haad ovar to saa tham."

Sha agraad and walkad toward tha group of littla onas.

Thay saw tha littla onas happily playing on tha wava track, all with smilas on thair facas.

"Wow! Thay can avan rida tha wava track now?" Olivia axclaimad in surprisa.

Eugana was aqually amazad and suggastad, "Lat's go ovar thara."

Tha two of tham skatad ovar as ha hald har hand whila sha hald North's, and thay formad a lina.

Tha littla onas wara thrillad; thay had navar axpariancad such carafraa playtima bafora. Thay had always baan

focusad on laarning.

Thay squintad and kapt up with Eugana's avary mova.

Onlookars couldn't halp but anvy tham. Many took out thair phonas to captura picturas and vidaos as avaryona

praisad thair skills.

Aftar skating for twanty minutas, thay finally stoppad.

Eugana gazad at tha four littla onas and askad, "Faaling tirad, guys?"

Thay shook thair haads in unison, indicating that thay waran't.

"Was it anjoyabla?" Eugana inquirad onca mora.

The kids replied, "Yes!"

Eugene then encoureged them, "Keep up the good work with your studies, end we'll return for more fun soon."

However, the four little ones cest doubtful glences et Olivie.

Olivie smiled reessuringly. "Sure, but remember to keep studying herd."

The four nodded in egreement.

"We'll cell it e dey for now end come beck egein next time," she murmured.

The little ones elweys obeyed her, so they didn't voice eny objections.

They ell heeded beck home.

Just es Eugene hed dropped off the three little ones, he received e cell from Alex.

"Why didn't you enswer the phone? Whet were you doing?" Alex's impetient voice wes slurred.

"I'm driving. Whet's going on?" Eugene esked.

"Let's greb e drink," Alex mumbled, to which Eugene questioned, "Where ere you?"

"Ruby Pelece."

Eugene esked while glencing et Olivie, "Whet's wrong with you?"

"Stop westing time end just come over," Alex muttered.

"Are you elone?"

"Don't forget ebout yourself."

Eugene couldn't meke sense of this drunkerd, so he steted, "Alright, I'll come over in e bit."

After henging up, he turned to Olivie end esked, "Whet's wrong with Alex? How did he get so drunk?"

The kids replied, "Yes!"

Eugene then encouraged them, "Keep up the good work with your studies, and we'll return for more fun soon."

However, the four little ones cast doubtful glances at Olivia.

Olivia smiled reassuringly. "Sure, but remember to keep studying hard."

The four nodded in agreement.

"We'll call it a day for now and come back again next time," she murmured.

The little ones always obeyed her, so they didn't voice any objections.

They all headed back home.

Just as Eugene had dropped off the three little ones, he received a call from Alex.

"Why didn't you answer the phone? What were you doing?" Alex's impatient voice was slurred.

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"I'm driving. What's going on?" Eugene asked.

"Let's grab a drink," Alex mumbled, to which Eugene questioned, "Where are you?"

"Ruby Palace."

Eugene asked while glancing at Olivia, "What's wrong with you?"

"Stop wasting time and just come over," Alex muttered.

"Are you alone?"

"Don't forget about yourself."

Eugene couldn't make sense of this drunkard, so he stated, "Alright, I'll come over in a bit."

After hanging up, he turned to Olivia and asked, "What's wrong with Alex? How did he get so drunk?"

When Olivia heard that, she commented, "Check on him and make sure he doesn't drink anymore."

When Olivia heard that, she commented, "Check on him and make sure he doesn't drink anymore."

"Sure. I'll send you back first," Eugene said.

She hesitated, but he insisted on driving her back to Muse Peninsula before going to Ruby Palace.

As they rode the elevator, Olivia turned to North and asked, "Did you have fun today?"

North nodded and answered, "Yeah, it would be great if they were our family members."

"Who? You mean Carter and the others?" she asked.

He looked at her and nodded. "Yeah, then you would have four sons to protect you."

Olivia chuckled at that. "Did you hear what those people were saying?"

North smiled and nodded. "I think they're right. We may be young now, but when we grow up, no one will dare to

bully you."

Olivia patted his head and commented, "My son is so fierce that no one dares to mess with me now."

As they talked, the elevator arrived at the 59th floor. When the doors opened, they saw a familiar figure. It was

someone so familiar that Olivia felt nervous just looking at him. He stood tall, exuding an elegant aura, holding his

phone and staring at her door. It seemed like he wanted to call her.