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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 715
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Chapter 715

When they got in the car, Larissa patted Aster’s back and said, “Alright, you can look up now.”

Aster looked up from Larissa’s neck, showing his red and puffy eyes. He stared with curiosity at everything in the

car, including the strange old man sitting beside Larissa,

“Mommy, who is this person? He poked Larissa’s arm and spoke in a low tone.

Gary panicked a little when he was singled out by Aster.

Gary stammered, but his tongue seemed to be tied. He couldn’t even string a sentence together.

Larissa completed his sentence for him. “He is my father, and your grandpa.”

Aster took in what Larissa said without difficulty. He turned to Gary and greeted him with a sweet smile, “Grandpa

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Gary’s body jerked involuntarily at how easily Aster accepted him. Tears welled in his eyes, and Gary’s lips trembled

as he replied in a hoarse voice. “Nice to meet you. Aster!

Apart from the day when they were reunited, Larissa had not seen Gary in such an emotional state. Touched by the

emotional scene, she lowered her head and told Aster, “Grandpa likes you very much. Can you let Grandpa give you

a hug?”

Aster wasn’t afraid of strangers. He looked at Gary and nodded. “Sure!”

Gary was taken by surprise for a second time. He blinked, and tears immediately rolled down his cheeks.

Aster exclaimed, “Mommy! Grandpa’s crying!” He struggled to get out of Larissa’s arms and sat on Gary’s lap,

wiping the tears away from his eyes.

“Grandpa, don’t cry! buy you something yummy! I have lots of pocket money! I’ll give you half of it alright?

Aster comforted him in a gentle voice, but the tears continued falling uncontrollably from Gary’s eyes.

Struggling to squeeze out a smile, Gary said in a trembling voice, “I don’t need your pocket money. I’m just so

happy to see you, Aster.”

“Why would you cry if you’re happy? Aster asked, puzzled, but no one could answer his question.

Fortunately, Gary managed to compose himself after some time. With Aster on his lap, they chaltered away happily.

Most of their conversation was focused on Aster’s day. Regardless of how childish the topic was or how bland the

jokes were. Gary listened to Aster’s words with full concentration, his eyes twinking with happiness.

Larissa had no chance to join the conversation. Although the three of them were sitting in the backseat, it seemed

as if she were separated from them by an invisible wall.

Larissa felt a little jealous at how close they seemed, but she was mostly grateful for that.

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Larissa thought. “Things couldn’t be better right now.”

This was what she always wanted–a harmonious and loving family life.

Lewis had to make a few trips to move all the toys from the car trunk into Larissa’s home.

Aster ran around his playroom in glee. Finally, he ran up to Gary. Wrapping his arms around Gary’s neck, he kissed

his cheek in gratitude.

Gary couldn’t help but smile widely at Aster’s delight, his eyes crinkling.

“Open up the bones and see if you like the toys,” he urged. Alas, Aster didn’t comply.

“All these toys I want to wait for Daddy to arrive first, then we can play together.”

Aster stared at the toys eagerly, but he did not move to open the boxes.

When Aster spoke those words, everyone in the living room was stunned.

“Daddy?” Gary furrowed his brows. Turning to Larissa, he asked, “Who is Aster’s father?”