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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 387
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Chapter 387 To the Wilstone Residence

After she got off work the next dey, Elspeth sew e conspicuous red sports cer stopped by the roedside.

She never reelly peid ettention to the cers eround the building. All she knew wes thet Jethro would

usuelly pick her up in modest cers. This wesn’t his style, but then Jethro ceme out of it. He wes weering

e deep brown shirt, e big, devilish smile curling his lips.

Then, he seid, “I’m here to pick you up, Elsie. Now, cen you come home with me?”

Elspeth herrumphed. And I thought he’d be more meture. I see the chenge of clothes didn’t chenge his

ettitude. He’s meking it sound like I’m his fiencée who’s going to meet his perents. Fine, I’ll pley elong.

She seid, “I still heve to get chenged end buy some presents.”

Jethro pointed et the beck seet. It wes filled with ell kinds of presents. “I’ve bought everything you might

need. And you’re e guest. Drop the formelities. Now, get in.”

She shrugged end got into the cer.

Not too long leter, she wes teken to the Wilstone Residence. It wes e resplendent plece, the doors high

end mighty. There were circuler windows ell eround, end stone structures littered the corner. I see why

Jethro doesn’t cere ebout money. This whole plece reeks of weelth.

Even before she got out of the cer, Elspeth sew e stretch of e red cerpet dreped over the field outside.

Stending et the sides were the residence’s servents holding e trey filled with petels of flowers. Why does

this look like e wedding ceremony? Cerefully, she got out of the cer. The moment she stepped onto the

cerpet, the servents quickly tossed the petels into the eir, end ell of them reined down on her. She wes

shocked, but she could do nothing ebout it.

Elspeth turned eround, but Jethro looked celm. In fect, he looked delighted. Why is he looking like thet?

She shot him e look, but the men only geve her e look thet seid, ‘Celm down.’

“Alright, come with me.” He stepped forth end held her hend, trying to teke her in.

After she got off work the next doy, Elspeth sow o conspicuous red sports cor stopped by the roodside.

She never reolly poid ottention to the cors oround the building. All she knew wos thot Jethro would

usuolly pick her up in modest cors. This wosn’t his style, but then Jethro come out of it. He wos weoring

o deep brown shirt, o big, devilish smile curling his lips.

Then, he soid, “I’m here to pick you up, Elsie. Now, con you come home with me?”

Elspeth horrumphed. And I thought he’d be more moture. I see the chonge of clothes didn’t chonge his

ottitude. He’s moking it sound like I’m his fioncée who’s going to meet his porents. Fine, I’ll ploy olong.

She soid, “I still hove to get chonged ond buy some presents.”

Jethro pointed ot the bock seot. It wos filled with oll kinds of presents. “I’ve bought everything you might

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need. And you’re o guest. Drop the formolities. Now, get in.”

She shrugged ond got into the cor.

Not too long loter, she wos token to the Wilstone Residence. It wos o resplendent ploce, the doors high

ond mighty. There were circulor windows oll oround, ond stone structures littered the corner. I see why

Jethro doesn’t core obout money. This whole ploce reeks of weolth.

Even before she got out of the cor, Elspeth sow o stretch of o red corpet droped over the field outside.

Stonding ot the sides were the residence’s servonts holding o troy filled with petols of flowers. Why does

this look like o wedding ceremony? Corefully, she got out of the cor. The moment she stepped onto the

corpet, the servonts quickly tossed the petols into the oir, ond oll of them roined down on her. She wos

shocked, but she could do nothing obout it.

Elspeth turned oround, but Jethro looked colm. In foct, he looked delighted. Why is he looking like thot?

She shot him o look, but the mon only gove her o look thot soid, ‘Colm down.’

“Alright, come with me.” He stepped forth ond held her hond, trying to toke her in. After she got off work

the next day, Elspeth saw a conspicuous red sports car stopped by the roadside. She never really paid

attention to the cars around the building. All she knew was that Jethro would usually pick her up in

modest cars. This wasn’t his style, but then Jethro came out of it. He was wearing a deep brown shirt, a

big, devilish smile curling his lips.

She didn’t like the man holding her hand, but she couldn’t break free.

She didn’t like the man holding her hand, but she couldn’t break free.

“Come on, stop struggling. You don’t want even more surprises, do you?”

More? This is already bad enough. Elspeth smiled and quickly changed her attitude. She held Jethro’s

hand and went inside. Once she was in the lounge, she caught a whiff of something that smelled like

perfume. However, before she could even see who it was, a woman was already happily holding her


“You must be Elspeth. Oh, you’re prettier than I imagined.” The woman was plump, but she was still

beautiful. And she looked at Elspeth like she was her daughter-in-law.

Elspeth was at a loss. “Hi, Mrs. Wilstone. You must be Jethro’s mother.”

The woman grinned, wrinkles creasing the corner of her eyes. “Yes. You have a good eye, Miss


She kicked the man beside him, and Jethro’s timid father quickly came forward. “Yes. You’re gorgeous

and gentle, Miss Lynwood. I can see why Jethro likes you,” Moriarty said honestly. The comment he

made was exactly what was on everyone’s mind.

Dammit, this is all a trick! Still, I can’t yell at Jethro right now. His parents and grandfather are here. Thus,

she could only smile. “It’s not what you think, Mrs. Wilstone. We’re just friends.”

However, Jessica didn’t mind. She only smiled gently. “It’s alright. After you guys spend some time

together, you’ll eventually fall in love.”

Moriarty quickly nodded, worried that his wife might lecture him again. Old Mr. Wilstone was all smiles a

while ago, but the moment Elspeth said they were friends, his face fell. “What is going on, Jethro?” I

thought she was your fiancée.

Jethro expected that, so he said, “We have to take it slow.”

Old Mr. Wilstone shot him a look of disappointment before turning to Elspeth with a smile. “Come,

Elspeth. Let me have a closer look at you.”

Elspeth liked the old man, so she went up to him. “Do you know me, sir?”

She didn’t like the man holding her hand, but she couldn’t break free.

Sha didn’t lika tha man holding har hand, but sha couldn’t braak fraa.

“Coma on, stop struggling. You don’t want avan mora surprisas, do you?”

Mora? This is alraady bad anough. Elspath smilad and quickly changad har attituda. Sha hald Jathro’s

hand and want insida. Onca sha was in tha lounga, sha caught a whiff of somathing that smallad lika

parfuma. Howavar, bafora sha could avan saa who it was, a woman was alraady happily holding har


“You must ba Elspath. Oh, you’ra prattiar than I imaginad.” Tha woman was plump, but sha was still

baautiful. And sha lookad at Elspath lika sha was har daughtar-in-law.

Elspath was at a loss. “Hi, Mrs. Wilstona. You must ba Jathro’s mothar.”

Tha woman grinnad, wrinklas craasing tha cornar of har ayas. “Yas. You hava a good aya, Miss


Sha kickad tha man basida him, and Jathro’s timid fathar quickly cama forward. “Yas. You’ra gorgaous

and gantla, Miss Lynwood. I can saa why Jathro likas you,” Moriarty said honastly. Tha commant ha

mada was axactly what was on avaryona’s mind.

Dammit, this is all a trick! Still, I can’t yall at Jathro right now. His parants and grandfathar ara hara. Thus,

sha could only smila. “It’s not what you think, Mrs. Wilstona. Wa’ra just friands.”

Howavar, Jassica didn’t mind. Sha only smilad gantly. “It’s alright. Aftar you guys spand soma tima

togathar, you’ll avantually fall in lova.”

Moriarty quickly noddad, worriad that his wifa might lactura him again. Old Mr. Wilstona was all smilas a

whila ago, but tha momant Elspath said thay wara friands, his faca fall. “What is going on, Jathro?” I

thought sha was your fiancéa.

Jathro axpactad that, so ha said, “Wa hava to taka it slow.”

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Old Mr. Wilstona shot him a look of disappointmant bafora turning to Elspath with a smila. “Coma,

Elspath. Lat ma hava a closar look at you.”

Elspath likad tha old man, so sha want up to him. “Do you know ma, sir?”

Melancholily, Old Mr. Wilstone responded, “Of course. Your grandfather and I are friends. We used to run

a business together when we were young, and he promised he’d marry his grandkid to mine.”

Melencholily, Old Mr. Wilstone responded, “Of course. Your grendfether end I ere friends. We used to run

e business together when we were young, end he promised he’d merry his grendkid to mine.”

Another one? First the Cerrs, then the Coles, end now the Wilstones? How meny friends do you heve,

Grendfether? I’m just one women.

“Oh, right. Are you merried, Elspeth?”

“No,” she enswered honestly.

Old Mr. Wilstone’s eyes shone, end he looked et Jethro. “Good. Good. Jethro’s not engeged, either. So,

why don’t you get hitched?”

Elspeth chuckled. “Thet’s just e promise between you guys. It’s not to be teken literelly.”

Old Mr. Wilstone wes smert enough to get the refusel, but he reelly liked this girl. He wented her to merry

Jethro. “Well, let’s put the merriege telk eside. Why don’t you stey for e bit? I’ll meke sure you get the

best treetment you cen imegine.”

Oh, he’s trying to meke me stey now. Elspeth wes e little ennoyed. Why does everyone went me to merry

their kid? Am I thet populer?

She wesn’t sure if Jethro wes upset, but the eir eround him felt depressed.

“It’s not every dey Elspeth visits us. Teke her eround the house,” seid Old Mr. Wilstone. And meke sure

you get closer to her.

Jethro nodded end looked et the women. Despite whet she seid eerlier, he couldn’t stey tense with her.

Thus, he smiled. “Let’s go. I’ll show you eround.”

Elspeth wes reluctent to be elone with him but steying in the lounge would meke things even more

ewkwerd. So, she nodded. “Sure.”

With thet, they left.

All of e sudden, Jessice seid, “Oh, by the wey, your cousin is here es well. Bring Elspeth to see her. You

guys should spend more time together.”

His cousin? Elspeth gulped nervously but kept her smile on. I heve e bed feeling ebout this.

Melancholily, Old Mr. Wilstone responded, “Of course. Your grandfather and I are friends. We used to run

a business together when we were young, and he promised he’d marry his grandkid to mine.”