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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 456
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Chapter 456 Let’s Order Takeout

As expected of The Nation's Crush, he could create such a sensational effect even in a supermarket.

Sure enough, Blake could tell that Elspeth was deliberately making things difficult for him.

Therefore, before the crowd caused a complete uproar, he glared viciously at Elspeth, grabbed Lisa

next to him, and ran out thereafter.

The crowd naturally noticed the running figure. Hence, they eventually came to their senses as they

gave chase.

On the other hand, Elspeth pulled Callum to the side to avoid getting involved in that stampede.

"I didn't know you could be such a little demon."

Callum felt somewhat amused as he watched her, causing mayhem for Blake. Why does she get cuter

the longer I spend time with her?

Elspeth raised her chin proudly as she side-eyed the man who was next to her. "Okay. Let's bag things

up and get going. You're supposed to be cooking for me, remember?"

As expected, he immediately stopped teasing her when she brought up him being her personal chef for

dinner. Then, he resolutely took out his phone, paid, and left.

Callum immediately walked into the kitchen with the bags of groceries in his hand when they arrived at

Elspeth's house.

At first, Elspeth wanted to help him. However, she was gently yet firmly shown to the door.

"I don't need your help. Just stay in the living room and enjoy your dinner later."

Callum stubbornly refused her help.

Since she wasn't a skillful cook in the first place, she only really asked if Callum needed help out of

courtesy. Therefore, when she heard Callum say he didn't need any help, she immediately skipped out

of the kitchen happily and left all the tasks to him.

She sat cross-legged on the sofa while watching TV in the living room.

A strange smell wafted out of the kitchen. She furrowed her brows as she gave it another distracted

sniff. Eventually, as time passed, she felt that something wasn't quite right because it smelled distinctly

burnt. So, she couldn't resist twisting her head to look toward the kitchen and shouted, "What are you


Callum's voice didn't seem as confident as before. However, the sound of him chopping the vegetables

in the kitchen was exceptionally loud.

"I'm cooking."

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Still, she swallowed nervously and asked cautiously, "Why does it smell like something has been

overcooked? Are you sure you don't need my help?"

Callum shook his head when a sudden realization hit him. She can't see me from the living room.

Therefore, he immediately raised his voice, "No, I don't need your help."

Since he's insistent on refusing my help, I think I better stop pestering him further. With that in mind,

Elspeth had no choice but to forcefully hold back the doubts in her mind and prepare herself for the

outcome of his cooking later.

Approximately two hours passed, and dinner was still not ready. Elspeth was practically famished at

this point.

Yet, the man inside the kitchen seemed to show no sign of serving any food.

"Callum, how many dishes have you made?"


He took two hours just to make three dishes?! Isn't that a tad too exaggerated? She could no longer

hold back her curiosity as she pushed herself off the sofa and walked straight into the kitchen.

However, as soon as she walked in, she was positively shocked by the… Hazy quality of the kitchen.

It was so smoky that it was impossible for her to see the person on the other side clearly.

"Callum, why didn't you turn on the range hood?"

Callum was slightly taken aback. That's right. It seems like Ms. Layme was the one who turned on the

range hood when I was at home before. I can't believe I actually forgot about this when I came here

today. It's no wonder I keep feeling a little out of breath.

Elspeth's eyes twitched as she immediately reached out and turned on the range hood. It took a few

minutes for the smoke in the kitchen to clear away.

"Let me take a look at the dishes you have made."

Callum's face turned slightly crimson. He turned sideways and deliberately blocked the table behind

him. "No, don't. You know what, forget it. Let's just dine out."

"Oh, come on. You practically spent two hours making these dishes. Let me have a look at them."

She stubbornly wanted to look at the dishes he had made, but he firmly blocked her line of sight and


"I said don't look at them."

Perhaps, Callum, too, found his own failure to be unacceptable, for there was a hint of awkwardness in

his expression.

"It doesn't matter. Regardless of how the dishes turn out, I will still appreciate them regardless of how

they turn out."

Elspeth tried every possible way to trick him into letting her look at the dishes. Finally, she succeeded

after several minutes of coaxing. Alas, when she saw the dishes on the plates in front of her, her facial

expression instantly took a turn. What's up with the black and charred fish? Also, the strong smell of

alcohol. Did he douse the braised beef ribs with a whole bottle of red wine? It looks way too


Elspeth swallowed her saliva at the very interesting picture before her. All of a sudden, she regretted

telling Callum that she would never despise the dishes, no matter how unappetizing they looked. I don't

think it's just me feeling this way. Anyone will be disgusted with these dishes once they take a look at


Callum naturally noticed the stiff look on her face the moment she saw the dishes. Therefore, he let out

a light cough to cover up his panic and embarrassment. "That's enough. Let's throw them away. We'll

just order takeaway."

Nevertheless, she decided to brave the unknown as she picked up a fork and hesitantly poked one of

the ribs lightly.

"That fish… Uh… It's burnt, so it's probably not edible anymore. These beef ribs, however, look like

they can still be salvaged, even a little."

Callum had worked so hard to make these dishes, after all. Therefore, Elspeth figured it would probably

sadden him tremendously if she simply dumped them into the trash can in disgust.

Hence, in an effort not to discourage his enthusiasm for cooking, she resolutely picked up a piece of

charred something, closed her eyes, and stuffed it into her mouth as though she was braving herself for


Unfortunately, she tasted nothing but alcohol the moment that piece of food touched her tongue.

Immediately afterward, she realized that some parts of the beef ribs were still hard to chew. It seems

that the beef hasn't been cooked long enough.

Elspeth smiled awkwardly. "It tastes pretty fine. The only flaw is that the beef needed more time in the

oven. So, you can leave it to cook in the oven longer next time. But, overall, the taste is still fine. This

deserves praise."

Callum felt a hint of warmth in his heart as he watched Elspeth telling a bare-faced lie.

He knew that all the dishes he made this evening were unpalatable, for he had already tasted them

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when he was done just now. The bitter taste of the red wine practically numbed his brain. Even he

himself had to spit the foul meat out from his mouth.

Yet, Elspeth didn't do such a thing. Instead, she ate it with relish, which clearly showed that she was

simply faking it.

"Actually, you don't need to do this. I know these dishes I made aren't good. Let's just dine out."

As he spoke, he had already picked up the plate of blackened yet reddish lumps and dumped it into the

trash can. He even tossed the fish into the bin for good measure.

"You really didn't have to do that! I think it tastes fine." Elspeth glanced at the plate of beef ribs with


"Listen to me. Let's not."

Callum ran his fingers through her hair tenderly, grateful that she was willing to go that far for him.

Nonetheless, since she had waited for far too long, she honestly couldn't be bothered to dine out. In the

end, the two picked a restaurant with several good reviews and randomly ordered something off their

menu after a good deal of persuasion on her part.

Nevertheless, she also learned that this was also the first time Callum had actually ordered takeout.

She knew that he was used to the finest things in life, but she didn't expect him to be this sheltered.

"I usually have my meals routinely. I'll dine out when I feel like it. So, I've never seen the point behind

ordering takeout."

Elspeth gave it a thought upon hearing his words and concluded that his reasoning seemed logical.

Still, it really surprised her that there was actually someone who had never used a food delivery


In the end, it was Elspeth who ordered the takeout with her phone. Then, she shook her phone as she

said triumphantly, "So… Are you still going to cook for me? Or do you want me to treat you to dinner

this evening?"

Suddenly, Callum felt insulted.

He ignored her as he turned around to pick up his phone. After a while, Elspeth heard an alert from

PayPal notifying her that 1,500 had been added to her balance.

She was instantly bewildered by the sudden free money.

"I said I would treat you to dinner, so I definitely won't go back on my words," Callum returned with a

glass of water as he said with a calm voice.

"That's a pretty pricey meal you have in mind." As expected of the president of Winthrop Group—

always able to catch others by surprise with his deep pockets.

Callum seemed to remember something as he asked out of the blue, "By the way, what did you order?''