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Taking the Mafia to the Magic World

Chapter 254: It Could Have Been Worse
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Minutes after leaving home, Vicente was already outside Nina's classroom, where he, Eve, and two Fuller family guards were standing.

In front of them, a beautiful orange-haired woman looked at them with interest but subtly showed her concern about what had happened and what it would force Vice to do.

"Vice, I tried my best to help before. I didn't expect him to do what he did over something that doesn't even exist." She said, also feeling a little guilty since Marcus had only done what he had because of his jealousy of what might exist between her and Vicente.

Marcus would never have ordered Nina's kidnapping if it hadn't been for her relationship with Vicente.

"Unfortunately, that's how dirty noble society works." Vicente understood that Shelby was not to blame.

As much as she had been involved, she had never acted inappropriately toward him, nor had she given him any real reason to believe they were having an affair while she was engaged to Marcus.

Marcus had done what he had done because of his selfish thoughts, strange worldview, and arrogance.

As much as Vicente didn't think Shelby was as trustworthy as Nova, he didn't blame her for what had happened.

"That's part of the reality of nobility." She sighed and regretted that Nina had to go through that and see a bit of the reality everyone associated with nobility had to deal with.

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'Do you understand me now, Vicente? Do you understand why I hate them so much? What Marcus did is nothing compared to what other nobles or even members of royalty would do.' She sighed as she lowered her head, glad that the foolish Marcus had acted and not some truly terrible nobleman.

In the worst case, someone in Nina's situation could end up as a slave on the black market and be lost forever...

Vice didn't think the same way as Shelby, but he had in mind that the corrupt nobility of this world could be much worse than Marcus.

That made him hate the situation that had befallen Nina twice as much because she had narrowly escaped something that could have been ten times worse.

As strong and promising as he was, Vicente didn't want to have to avenge Nina in any way.

Revenge was something that wouldn't change reality. Even if it were often enough to make someone feel less bad about injustices, someone who suffered a loss wouldn't necessarily have their reality repaired by revenge.

Someone who was abused, traumatized, or killed wouldn't have the main thing about what happened to them changed.

What had already happened couldn't be changed, no matter what the revenge potential of the person behind the victim.

Vicente didn't want to have to take revenge because he didn't want someone more important to him to suffer things he couldn't change. So, in the situation he was in now, he couldn't help but feel many times worse than he should have in this situation, hating Marcus and what had happened much more than he would have expected.

"In any case, you have my support, whatever your plans are, Vicente," Shelby said solemnly.

"Hmm, I guess following your previous plan won't be bad." He told her, remembering the 3rd stage basilisk hunt. "I'm ready to go after the beast."

"Oh?" She remembered this unfinished matter. "Are you sure? I don't want to offend you, but are you capable? We're talking about a 3rd stage beast. I told you about this hunt earlier but didn't expect the royal forces to act so quickly.

There's already a battalion heading towards the central area of The Rocky Gorge."

"Already?" Vicente didn't know that and was naturally surprised.

"Yes, they left yesterday afternoon. Another group will leave today, and the third and last group to go to that area will leave tomorrow." Shelby informed him. "Your friend Nova Bain should join the hunt in the group that leaves this afternoon."

Vicente retained that information about Nova and asked. "How long do I have to join the hunt without losing the chance to collect the resources that might be in the basilisk's nest?"

"A week. If you take longer than that, I doubt you'll get anything out of the hunt." Shelby was honest, even though she didn't know if Vicente had anything to gain by going to The Rocky Gorge.

"That's enough. I'm going to try to focus on taking care of some of my group's business for the next few days, and then I'm going to head to The Rocky Gorge." He said, aware he would have to use every opportunity in front of him if he wanted to deal with the Viscount's family. "Can I count on your help?"

"If you're willing, I'll give you all the information and support I can." She agreed, not doubting Vicente's abilities.

'Even though he's not yet strong enough to deal with 3rd-stage beings, he'll have a chance to succeed if he's careful and doesn't expose himself by being sneaky.' She looked at him and thought that things might work out for them if he used his competitors, avoided confrontation, and wasn't too greedy.

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With that decided, Vicente let Shelby return to her class while he quickly made his way to the academy's directorate, where he wanted to meet with the head of the institution.

What had happened to his sister was unacceptable! How could an academy, where even noble students attended, allow a security breach so great that a student was kidnapped inside the academy?

So they quickly arrived at the main office in the administrative wing of the academy, where a beautiful black-haired woman, someone Marcus knew well, was working as the secretary.

Seeing the new arrivals, that beautiful, mature woman swallowed her saliva and stood up, realizing that her husband was going to be in trouble.

'Vicente Fuller!' She recognized the black-haired young man at the head of the group coming toward her.

"Welcome to..." She was about to speak, forcing a smile at these people when Vicente interrupted her.

"We're here to talk to the director of this place that claims to be the best academy in the city. Tell him that Vicente Fuller is here to demand answers about the incident with the student Nina!" Vicente said loudly enough for the academy director to hear his words in the office behind the wall where his wife was standing.

She rushed into her husband's office, not even needing to say anything to the middle-aged man with black and white hair to alert him to such a morning problem.

"What are we going to do? He's absolutely right to come here." She said to her husband, aware that if it hadn't been for the academy's rules, it would have been difficult for Marcus to kidnap Nina there.

She herself had helped Marcus with the arrangements for Nina's kidnapping, but even so, she knew she didn't have much room for her husband to escape this difficult conversation.

"Shit! We have no choice. Let them in. I'll take care of it." He told his wife, thinking he could handle that problem with another situation. "A lot of Nina Fuller's rivals keep showing up injured. That should be enough for me to deal with this Vicente."

She heard it and immediately left the office to let Vicente's group in.