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Tangled in His Obsession (Seraphina)

Chapter 411
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Chapter 411

With Thanksgiving around the corner, Seraphina never really had much of a concept for dates, but it felt like it had

come in the blink of an eye.

In previous years, the Reynolds family naturally gathered at the Reynolds Vista Retreat for Halloween. However, this

year, as Conway had moved back to the Reynolds Manor, everyone accommodated him and planned to gather

there for the holiday feast.

Consequently, Seraphina had become half a hostess, and had no way to avoid the responsibility of the day.

Facing the large Reynolds family was one thing, but the thought of Gloria inevitably stirred up feelings of aversion.

Not just her, when Valerio found out that all of the Reynolds family were coming to the Manor, he also showed signs

of anxiety.

Seraphina knew why.

In the past, as a child with an unknown mother, who couldn’t speak and was raised alone by Leandro, he was

arguably the least noticeable member of the Reynolds family. Everyone seemed to habitually ignore him, which was

a terrible environment for a child.

However, thankfully, things were different now.

On Thanksgiving Day, Seraphina personally picked a little suit for Valerio designed by Andrea, dressing him up to

look both respectable and handsome. In the end, she couldn’t help but kiss him, sincerely exclaiming, “How did I

manage to birth such a handsome son?”

Valerio, who was initially a bit nervous, couldn’t help but smile at her teasing.

In the afternoon, members of the Reynolds family started to arrive one after another. By the time dinner was

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ready, everyone except Leandro and Gloria had arrived. Since moving back to the Reynolds Manor, it had rarely

been this lively. Conway was in high spirits, sitting among his children, chatting and laughing.

Seraphina promised Valerio a jack-o’-lantern, so she was now at the dining table with him, drawing the face on the


Following Valerio’s request, they decided to draw their family of three on the pumpkin Seraphina initially wanted to

draw some flowers, but Valerio didn’t want the flowers to separate the three of them, so they ended up drawing the

family twice, encircling the pumpkin.

Once the jack-o’-lantern was finished, Valerio immediately excitedly took it outside, showing it off to Conway like a


Seeing it, Conway couldn’t help but smile, “Very good, the drawings are excellent. Did our Valerio draw them?”

Valerio pointed to Seraphina and then to himself, indicating that they had done it together.

Nanette Reynolds, seeing this, abruptly commented, “The child is so big now, and still doesn’t speak. He won’t be

like this for the rest of his life, will he?”

Conway’s face changed slightly at her words, and he shot Nanette a glance.

Seraphina stepped forward, pulling Valerio into her arms before looking at Nanette and smiling, “Don’t worry about

it, Aunt Nanette. Valerio might not talk much, but he’s very intelligent. He’s doing just fine in his studies, even

excelling in many areas He doesn’t speak because he’s humble, not wanting to overshadow his peers too much.

But, as they gradually get used to his excellence, he’ll start to speak up more, right?”

As Seraphina spoke, she adjusted Valerio’s collar and then touched his chest, finally making him laugh again.

Nanette scoffed, “You’re really good at making excuses for him-”

“Enough!” Conway suddenly shouted, “Aren’t you a bit too disrespectful, speaking like that in front of a child?”

As the youngest and spoiled daughter of the Reynolds family, Nanette was undeterred by Conway’s anger but

retorted, “I’m just stating the facts-”

Seraphina, smiling on the outside but seething inside, really wanted to give Nanette a piece of her mind. But

considering Conway, and the fact that it was Thanksgiving, she had to suppress her anger.

“Valerio is still young, he has plenty of time,” Seraphina said in the most tactful way she could manage. “You’ll just

have to wait and see, Aunt Nanette!”

“You seem to have a really good relationship with Valerio,” Nanette commented. “But aren’t you afraid of what will

happen when his real mother comes back?”

At her words, Seraphina and Conway exchanged glances, nearly laughing out loud.

Because the Reynolds family members were often busy with their own affairs and hadn’t gathered together in a

long time, they hadn’t had a chance to inform everyone about Seraphina and Valerio’s mother-son relationship.

Leandro had planned to announce this news at today’s family banquet, but Nanette had beaten him to it.

Unfazed, Seraphina looked at Valerio and asked, “Who would you choose between me and your real mother?”

Of course, Valerio pointed at her.

Just as Seraphina was about to laugh, Ferne Reynolds, who had been quietly observing, suddenly spoke up.

“Seraphina, isn’t it a bit childish to tease your elders like this?”

Seraphina turned to her, “I’m teasing my elders?”

“Valerio is obviously your biological son,” Ferne said. “How long do you plan on keeping this from the Reynolds


At her words, the members of the Reynolds family were taken aback.

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“Ferne, what are you talking about?” Bruce Reynolds frowned, questioning.

Ferne subtly lifted her chin, looking at Seraphina, “Why don’t you, ask her?”

“Sera, is it true?” Bruce immediately shifted his gaze to Seraphina.

Before Seraphina could respond, the front door opened and in walked Leandro, his gaze sweeping over everyone

present, his voice grave, “It’s true.”

If the crowd was previously immersed in shock, this simple affirmation shattered their silence.

Suddenly, the living room buzzed with a cacophony of voices-

“Dad, is it true? How could Valerio be Seraphina’s son?”

Chapter 411

“Leandro, this isn’t something to joke about. If it’s true, it’s true. If it’s not, it’s not. Don’t tell us you’re lying just for

the sake of the child.”

“Seraphina, didn’t your child die? How did Valerio suddenly become your son?”

Amid the chaotic questioning, Leandro merely glanced at Karan. Understanding the unspoken request, Karan

turned and left the room, soon returning with a document which he handed to Leandro.

“The DNA test results are here,” Leandro stated, “For the three of us.”

With that, Leandro handed the DNA test results to Bruce.

Bruce took them and immediately flipped to the end, the final results. Everyone crowded around Bruce to get a

look, everyone except for Ferne who already knew.

Once they’d seen the results, they looked up in surprise, gazing at Seraphina and Valerio with disbelief in their eyes.

“Although we, the Reynolds family, ‘have never been particular about lineage, I still want to make one thing crystal

clear-” Leandro called Valerio over and picked him up. After exchanging a glance with Seraphina, he turned to the

crowd, stating slowly and clearly, “Seraphina is my wife, Valerio is our son, and he is the rightful heir to the

Reynolds family. I won’t tolerate anyone disrespecting them.”