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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 1001: Victimization
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Umbridge's appointment as a high-ranking investigator through the Ministry of Magic's education order did little to add much deterrence among the students at Hogwarts.

In everyone's impression, she is still a jumping toad professor.

Because the impression is too deep, and there are related photos, occasionally some students are too excited (killed) to call Umbridge a pink toad.

The end is predictable - close confinement.

So, there are a few more lucky people who are fortunate enough to taste Umbridge's Punishment Quill.

Even though Dumbledore had explicitly banned professors from using black magic tools to punish students, they were still ignored by the furious Umbridge.

The innocent Mr. Principal was shot and received a large number of complaint letters.

In fact, the "Daily Prophet" also receives several similar letters every day, and "someone" even deliberately sent a roaring letter to the newspaper, but still did not surprise any waves.

The entire British wizarding community was quite slow to respond to the Ministry of Magic's intervention in Hogwarts, or rather numb, and the wizards did not pay as much attention to Hogwarts' education as expected.

do not know?

How can it be!

The Daily Prophet explicitly reported that Umbridge had become a senior investigator, and that Lucius Malfoy had appeared in the paper on behalf of "all parents."

The only dissenting voices came from the elders of Wizengamore, Guslda Marchban and Tiberius Ogden, who resigned in protest of the appointment of Hogwarts investigators.

It is really thanks to the importance of the Wizengamore members that this matter can be included in the Daily Prophet.


British wizards are indifferent to the matter, even if the education issue may involve their own children.

Of course, it may also be forced by life, afraid to say one more word, will be persecuted and expelled from the Ministry of Magic.

Wizards don't easily give up decent jobs at the Ministry of Magic.

Albert is equally indifferent to these things, and has always adhered to the attitude of "it's nothing to do with it".

As for the questions raised by doubtful students after reading the Daily Prophet, Abbott will let them write their own letters back to ask their families.

Speaking of which, the most amazing thing about the whole thing is that Albert finds himself about to be the newest addition to Wizengamot.

Wizengamore naturally has substitute members, but it is not an open substitute, but a reserved place reserved by everyone in private.

However, Albert is the obvious substitute.

When there is a vacancy in the Wizengamore members, Albert needs to fill it.

For this reason, Fudge claimed to the public that Albert had not graduated from school and was unable to fulfill his responsibilities as a member of Wizengamore, and was ready to put his own people on the throne.

This statement obviously failed to convince the other Wizengamore members.

Fudge, who again encountered direct protests from the Wizengamore members, could only hold back a smile while holding back his stomach.

In the face of this group of elderly people, Fudge did not dare to go too far. Because it might be a hornet's nest, how could the old Wizengamot members who can hold high positions have no means of their own?

If it really didn't, someone would have been taken down from the position long ago.

You must know that there are only fifty members of Wizengamot, and no one has stepped down. How can other people take the position?

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After Wizengamot members voted, no new members will be added for the time being.

Now, everyone is privately circulating that Fudge will step down next year. God knows whether Mrs. Marchban and Mr. Ogden will return to the Wizengamot after Fudge has left the position of Minister for Magic?

As for the official replacement member Albert Anderson.

Everyone recognized his ability and was willing to accept Albert as one of them, but Albert was too young and needed someone to lead him to familiarize himself with Wizengamore, rather than push him into that position.

Shortly after Fudge left the Wizengamore conference room with a black face, Percy Weasley brought him another bad news.

"It's been predicted that I'll be ousted by the end of next summer," Fudge snarled at Percy with wide-eyed eyes.

"A lot of people believed it."

Percy took out a handkerchief to wipe the saliva from his face, and said helplessly.

Fudge suddenly understood why the group of immortals wanted to make their place vacant.

That day, Fudge locked himself in his office, and anyone passing by the Minister of Magic's office could hear the sound of smashing things.

In fact, not only did Fudge encounter bad things, but also Umbridge in Hogwarts.

The position of Senior Investigator didn't make Umbridge's operations at Hogwarts any smoother, on the contrary, it caused her a lot of trouble.

A large number of "Defense Express" magazines suddenly appeared in the school, and quickly became popular among students, becoming a popular publication.

Although Umbridge responded in a timely manner and banned "Defense Express" at a lightning speed, it still couldn't stop the fact that "Defense Express" was spreading wildly in Hogwarts Castle.

Everyone always finds a way to hide from Umbridge. Could it be that students are being fired for reading Defense Express?

Dumbledore is still at Hogwarts!

To strengthen their authority, new educational orders have sprung up.

Umbridge's series of actions seems to have completely annoyed the students of Hogwarts.

In the days that followed, one roaring letter after another greeted her in her face, leaving Umbridge in a state of utter embarrassment.

She had to ban the red roar letter from entering Hogwarts, and sent wizards from the Ministry of Magic to examine the letters received by Hogwarts students.

However, she still couldn't resist the frantic roaring letter.

People had previously borrowed owls from Hogwarts' owl shack and released them directly into the castle at breakfast, creating the illusion that someone was sending a roaring letter to Umbridge.

The mad roaring letter's offensive finally changed completely after Umbridge used magic to brutally kill an owl that sent the letter.

Since then, no owl has ever sent a roar to Umbridge,The source of this ᴄontent is ɴovᴇl_Firᴇ.ɴet

Because these smoky red cuties seem to have grown their own wings and quietly flew into Umbridge's bedroom, bringing unexpected surprises to Umbridge in her sleep.

At this point, Umbridge no longer stayed at Hogwarts overnight, but used Floo powder to go home and rest every day, so as not to be nerfed by the toss.

She was now a little skeptical that she was right in accepting Fudge's appointment, since she hadn't had a good night's sleep since her appointment at Hogwarts.

However, Umbridge, who had just slept peacefully for a few days, encountered other woes.

A student secretly leaked to her, saying that ghost radios appeared in the common rooms of various colleges, and they broadcasted the broadcast of the wizard's lookout station on time every day.

To this end, Umbridge ordered the prefects of the various houses to seize the radios in their common rooms, and again banned the use of radios by Hogwarts students.

However, this semester has been especially wonderful.

The prefects unanimously claimed that after the Ghost Radio picked up the wind, he disappeared.

Umbridge felt that the prefects were deliberately perfunctory, so he planned to search the common rooms of the various colleges himself.

It's a pity that Umbridge can't even get into Ravenclaw House.

With her mind full of politics, she has long forgotten Ravenclaw's wisdom.

To this end, after learning that Umbridge was actually a Ravenclaw student, a large group of Ravenclaw students tried to remove her from the Ravenclaw House, and they did not want to admit that the idiot came from Ravenclaw. Crowe.

All right!

Many students come from Slytherin as Umbridge, and she has a good relationship with Slytherin students.

"What are you doing crowded here?"

I just came back from the library and walked to Albert near the hallway of the Fat Lady portrait, and found that the hallway was crowded with Gryffindor students.

When Albert looked past the crowd and saw Umbridge standing in front of the Fat Lady's portrait, he guessed why.

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"The password seems to have changed." Lee Jordan winked at Albert.

Did the Fat Lady's password really change?

Of course not, everyone just didn't want Umbridge in the Gryffindor common room, that's all.

In fact, a similar case happened in front of Ravenclaw's lounge, a lot of people crowded the entrance, but no one was willing to step up to answer questions.

"Let let!"

Albert pushed aside the crowd and walked towards the portrait of the fat lady. He glanced at Umbridge, who was staring at him, and asked suspiciously, "Professor, what's the matter?"

"I suspect there are illegal items in the Gryffindor common room. I'm going to go in and check." Umbridge still had a fake smirk on his face.

However, the smile looked a little stiff.

"Illegal items?" Albert asked, pretending to be surprised.

"Let the portrait open the door, don't tell me you don't know the password!" Umbridge's eyes were fixed on Albert.

"The password is: Open Sesame!" Albert said without hesitation.

"The password is correct!" The fat lady swung open the door of the common room.

"Okay, let's go in. Don't crowd, enter the lounge in an orderly manner!"

Albert took the lead and walked into the lounge, but he didn't know who was crowding there. Umbridge, who was originally not tall, was pushed aside, and even slammed into the passage.

Umbridge got up from the ground in an embarrassment and glanced at the students returning to the common room with a look of dismay. However, she was stunned to find that there were no students in the common room, and everyone didn't know where to go.

When Albert went downstairs with Tom Cat, he found that Umbridge was still there, and that the others were lined up in two rows in the lounge.

"What the **** are you doing!" Albert asked with a frown.

"Umbridge thinks we have the radio, she's censoring..."

"The radio? The thing that shows up by the fireplace on time every day?" Albert put Tom in the armchair, took a pocket watch from his pocket, looked at the time, and said, "You didn't tell her that the radio was on time every day. Appear and disappear on time?"

"We said it! But she just doesn't want to believe it." A student winked at Albert innocently.

"If I were you, I would wait for the radio to show up. If you think it's contraband, take it away, instead of asking someone else for a radio." Albert waved his hand impatiently, The armchair automatically appeared behind Umbridge, and Umbridge, who was just about to speak, suddenly felt his legs slump on the armchair.

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"And you guys, don't stand here and get in the way, how do you let the others go back to the dormitory." Albert glanced at the others and said, "Don't you have other things to do at night?"

After hearing Albert's words, the other students dispersed and went to do their own thing.

Albert also found a seat and sat down, flipping through the books borrowed from the library.

Fred and George were teasing the cats with cat sticks, and everyone automatically ignored Umbridge.

At this moment, the broadcast of the Wizard's Lookout quietly sounded by the fireplace.

Welcome to The Wizard's Lookout.

The theme of this issue is: How much do you know about pink toads?

You mean pink leprosy?

That's the nickname of Dolores Umbridge. According to the news we got a while ago, Dolores Umbridge was turned into a pink toad not long ago.

God, who's idea is this, let's applaud him...

Umbridge's face turned an ugly liver color, and she suddenly drew her wand, ready to blow up the radio on the fireplace.

However, just as Umbridge was about to use the spell, he found that his spell was interrupted.

"Don't use black magic in the common room. There are many students here. It would be bad if it affected other students." Says: "If you feel the radio needs to be destroyed, you can take it and destroy it in an unoccupied place, but not here. What if your Blast Charm accidentally spreads to other people? And Blast spells are the more dangerous black magic, you shouldn't take the lead in using black magic, it's a bad demonstration."

The next moment, the students in the common room all stood up to applaud and applaud Albert.

Umbridge's face was even more ugly. She stared at Albert with murderous eyes, and quickly stepped forward to pick up the still chattering radio and slammed it to the ground, but the radio was still playing Sirius. VOICE ONE: Umbridge's favorite lie: My father was a Wizengamore luminary during his lifetime. UU reading www. uukanshu. com However, Umbridge's father is actually still alive, he was actually fighting at the Ministry of Magic...

The voice suddenly stopped, and everyone stared at the culprit.

Umbridge, panting, raised his wand and used a Freezing Charm to temporarily freeze the radio.

As everyone watched, Umbridge hurried away the radio.

Everyone is very sorry for this, they want to know the real identity of Mr. Umbridge, and they are curious about what the wizard's lookout is about to break out about the pink toad.

"Where do you have a radio?"

There were shouts in the common room, but no one responded.

Everyone was intrigued by the gossip about Umbridge.

Just as people sighed, a loud explosion suddenly sounded outside, and everyone rushed out of the common room. When they followed the sound, they were stunned to find that Umbridge, who was charred and black, was being carried on a stretcher.

Apparently, Umbridge was trying to destroy the radio.

Then, the radio blew up.

Chapter 1001 The Victims of Wind Criticism

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