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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 192: Three dogs
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A few days ago, it had been raining and the road in the Forbidden Forest was muddy, and Albert, who was behind Hagrid, almost fell several times.

"Hagrid, wait a moment." After almost falling down again, Albert finally called Hagrid to stop, and under the confused gaze of the other party, he walked to the side and trimmed a branch for himself.

"What are you doing with this thing?" Hagrid asked. Afterwards, he understood what Albert wanted to do. Under the influence of Transfiguration, the branch was turned into a walking stick for pathfinder.

"Now, I kind of understand the adventurer, why would everyone have a cane." Albert said to Hagrid with a smile.

"You look like a little old man like this." Hagrid couldn't help joking.

"No, no, that's how it tastes of adventure." Albert didn't care about Hagrid's jokes at all, and continued to follow behind him, fangs running around them.

The two walked forward again. They were far away from the school, but Albert felt that he did not go deep into the forbidden forest, but walked around the outside of the forbidden forest.

Finally, the two stopped in front of a big oak tree. Albert saw that there was a kennel for shelter from the rain on a higher ground, if it was really a kennel.

"Lu Wei." Hagrid put down the iron bucket, folded his hands on his mouth, and shouted forward.

When Hagrid called out Lu Wei, Albert felt that he was being stared at by something, and a low and tender bark suddenly came from the right.

"Let's make it, Lu Wei is a little bit scared." Hagrid motioned to Albert to step back first, and he reached out his hand to catch the black shadow that was coming.

It was a dog, to be precise, a dog with three heads, the three-headed dog Lu Wei. Isn't this the three-headed dog that Dumbledore used to protect the first level of the Philosopher's Stone?

However, Lu Wei is still very small now, probably the size of a bulldog, he was held in his arms by Hagrid like a baby, struggling desperately to escape Hagrid's embrace.

Lu Wei seemed to be wary of the stranger Albert. Three heads and six eyes stared at him. If it weren't for its small size, Albert felt that he might not be able to stand here so calmly.

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"Don't worry, he is Albert, my friend," Hagrid said in a coaxing tone.

Albert stared at Lu Wei in Hagrid's hand, and asked with a twitching corner of his mouth: "Hagrid, this is your...dog?"

"Lu Wei is more wary of unfamiliar smells." Hagrid hugged the three-headed dog tightly in his arms with a fan-like hand, holding it tightly to prevent it from breaking free from his arms.

"I know." Albert pushed back a few steps, reached out and touched Yaya's head, and muttered, "Yaya is still cute."

"No, no, this little baby is also very cute." Hagrid hugged Lu Wei closer to Albert so that it could smell Albert.

"Little baby?" Albert felt his face twitching. "How old is it?"

"Probably... five months or so." Hagrid said uncertainly. "I bought it from a Greek in Hogshead Bar in Hogsmeade a month and a half ago."

"I remember the three-headed dog is a very rare magical animal." Albert raised his eyebrows and asked.

"That's a smuggler." Hagrid was a little angry when he talked about it. "At that time, Lu Wei looked bad and might die at any time, so the Greek didn't want to hit his hands, so he sold it at a cheaper price. Up me."

The Ministry of Magic is still unreliable as always.

"The Ministry of Magic is nothing but rice buckets," Hagrid said dissatisfiedly. "Even if they catch the smugglers, they will only get rid of them."

Albert asked suddenly, "Does Dumbledore know?"

At this moment, Albert noticed that Hagrid suddenly became panicked.

Oh, forget it, let's talk about this later!

Albert sighed, he could already see the answer from Hagrid's expression.

"Can I feed Lu Wei?" He changed the subject.

"Oh, of course." Hagrid put down Lu Wei and quietly calmed down: "Don't be nervous, Lu Wei is just sniffing your body."

"Although you say that..." Albert reached out and grabbed his wand, he still stopped worrying that Lu Wei would suddenly bite himself. Although it was still small, it was still uncomfortable to be bitten by such a big dog.

Lu Wei was led by Hagrid and surrounded Albert to smell the smell. Sometimes, one of the heads would bark his teeth, but Hagrid slapped him on the head before re-settling. Divided.

"Okay, sit down, sit down," Hagrid said to Lu Wei.

"Aren't Yaya afraid of Lu Wei?" Albert asked suspiciously. He fed the three-headed dog. This guy seemed to be safe when he ate. He ate three portions of beef on each of the three heads, but he didn't know one. How does it feel to have three heads in your body?

"They get along well." Hagrid explained, "I kept Lu Wei in my hut until the beginning of school. I didn't put it here until his body fully recovered."

Although Hagrid used a very long vine to tie Lu Wei.

"Hagrid, can I touch it?" Albert asked, turning his head.

"This, it should be... okay!" Hagrid said uncertainly.

"You really can't reassure me like this." Albert resisted the desire to complain, and finally gave up the idea of ​​touching the three-headed dog.

He just used his walking stick to tease the little guy, looked at the bite marks on it, and completely gave up the idea of ​​rubbing the head of the three-headed dog.

"Is it cute?" Hagrid chuckled.

"Most animals are cute when they are young." Albert does not deny that young three-headed dogs are actually good if they don't bite people, but...

"Hagrid, have you ever thought about it, it... I mean what Lu Wei should do when he grows up." Albert took out all the remaining dog food in his pocket and fed it to the three-headed dog, this little dog. The guy seemed to like the look of these little biscuits very much. After Albert took the food, his eyes were friendly a lot, at least there was not too much guard and hostility.

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"As far as I know, a three-headed dog can grow to at least the height of an average adult. When it is fully grown up, it can slap me on the ground and bite my neck." Albert reminded kindly, "It only needs one at most. Years, its bulk is not vines that can be trapped."

"Don't worry, I won't let it appear at Hogwarts, and I have a way to comfort it easily." Hagrid patted his chest confidently, took out a rough clarinet from his pocket and placed it in With a melody on his lips, Lu Wei, who was still eating, actually started to feel sleepy, and soon fell asleep.

"How did you do it." Although he knew that music could be used to make Lu Wei fall asleep, Albert, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, still felt incredible.

"This is my secret." Hagrid smiled triumphantly: "It took me half a month to find this good solution."

"Okay!" Albert raised his eyebrows and continued, "However, as far as I know, in the Greek mythology of Muggles, there is a three-headed **** dog named Cerberus. If you want to pass it , You need to use music to make it fall asleep."

Hagrid was swallowed by Albert's words, and he didn't expect Albert to say these words.

In fact, the way to control the three-headed dog was indeed learned from the Greek.

"Is there really such a record in the Muggle story?"

"Yes." Albert said affirmatively, "However, this is not important, you still need to be careful, and I don't think Dumbledore will allow you to raise this stuff~www.mtl.com~ My advice to you Yes, after you raise Lu Wei, send it back to Greece, or raise it in the depths of the forbidden forest."

"This..." Hagrid's face was full of entanglement.

"Hagrid, I want to touch it." Albert interrupted Hagrid. "Can you play the flute and make it sleep."

"Well, okay!" Hagrid nodded in agreement, and continued to play the clarinet. Lu Wei, who had just woke up, fell asleep again.

Albert immediately stepped forward, raised his hand and rubbed three dog's heads, but unfortunately he didn't bring a camera, otherwise it would be good to take a picture.

"The brown hair of the three-headed dog feels very comfortable to the touch." Albert raised his hand and rubbed the three dog's heads in turn, still whispering in his mouth.

"Albert also likes Lu Wei." Hagrid thought to himself when he saw this scene.

When Albert was satisfied, Hagrid stopped playing the flute. When Lu Wei was still eating, they secretly left, looked at Lu Wei, and then at the back of Hagrid who had left, and quickly turned and chased him.