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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 389: seek death
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Albert opened his eyes in the sound of whispering, and found that three roommates who often slept in were chatting enthusiastically.

"What the **** are you doing?"

Albert closed his eyes, reached out his hand to cover a yawn, and stumbled up the silver pocket watch on the bedside table.

"It's only half past seven." He asked inexplicably. "It doesn't take so early to go to Hogsmeade? Or are you so excited that you can't sleep?"

"Do you really not go to Hogsmeade with us today?" Lee Jordan reminded again, "The girls are counting on you to introduce them to Hogsmeade."

"Isn't there you?" Albert sat on the edge of the bed, put on slippers for himself, and was going to wash in the bathroom. "I'm not going to join in the fun, and don't tease Tom, be careful that he scratches you with his paw. "

"Who did you date?" Fred happily counted his Garon, while George next to him was recording what they needed to buy.

"A beautiful girl, are you satisfied!" Albert said grimly.

"Who, who is that pretty girl?"

"Guess yourself slowly!"

When Albert was brushing his teeth, he suddenly heard Lee Jordan's screams from the dormitory, apparently annoying Tom while he was sleeping, and he was scratched by the cat.

"If you don't die, you won't die. Why don't you understand?" Albert gently shook his head, and washed his face with a wrung out towel. The cold water washed away the sleepiness in his mind, making Albert Especially awake completely.

After returning to the room, I saw Lee Jordan scolding and checking the scratches on his arm. Fred and George were gloating and joking from time to time.

Tom has left his nest, lying on the reinforced cat climbing frame Albert made for him, yawning with his mouth wide open, and squinting at the three teasers below.

"Your cat is obviously so fat, why is it so agile?" Lee Jordan muttered, "This is not normal at all!"

"No matter how fat the cat is, it is also a predator." Albert opened the window, the sky was gray, and a cold wind blew in, making the people in the room shiver.

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"It's going to rain!" he said.

"If you don't say it, you won't go down, and shut the windows." Fred couldn't help complaining. He felt that if it really rained later, it must be Albert's fault.

"Don't say anything stupid, maybe a little wind will help make your heads clearer." Albert bent down and began to prepare breakfast for Tom.

Obviously, he has controlled his rations, but Tom still has a tendency to get fat. The only thing that makes Albert happy is that Tom is much stronger than before.

It no longer grows fat, but begins to grow flesh.

Albert stroked Tom's smooth hair, soothing himself.

"If I don’t come back in the afternoon, Carla will come over to prepare lunch for you later. You are also not allowed to eat or run around in the castle. If I see you making yourself dirty, I will detain you. One month’s worth of dried fish.” Albert babbled, and now Tom’s food is rationed, and every ton of rice is measured with a brass balance. Three roommates laughed at this.


Tom stared at the brass balance, his eyes full of hostility. It also tried to destroy this nasty thing that restricts its rations, but it failed. Daily food is still strictly controlled.

"Remember not to run around!" Albert reminded him again, and then went downstairs to the common room with his roommate.

Tom can already walk sideways in the Gryffindor common room. Everyone knows that this fat cat is Albert's pet. In addition, Tom is also very cute and is loved by girls.

Albert once suspected that the reason Tom became fat was that Gryffindor girls fed him, even though he once told the girls not to do that.

On the way to the restaurant, they met Professor Quirrell again.

This Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts always wanders on the fourth floor like a ghost, and everyone says that Professor Quirrell is to prevent students from breaking into the restricted area on the fourth floor.

Albert sneered at this, he knew why the other party was always wandering on the fourth floor.

After seeing Albert, Professor Quirrell quickly turned into the corner next to him and stayed away from the humanoid questioning machine Albert. He was fed up with the endless tricky questions.

"Professor Quirrell doesn't seem to want to meet you!" Fred said with a grinning pat on Albert's shoulder.

"No such thing."

"Don't fool yourself."

"He definitely doesn't want to ask you any more questions."

"If I were asked by you every day, I would detour when I saw you."

Several people went downstairs playfully, and after entering the hall, they reduced their smiles.

There is no way, whoever encounters Mr. Administrator with a gloomy face holding a cat, he will take the initiative to shrink his smile and stay away from him.

Filch's mood is not very good. He doesn't like Hogwarts students going to Hogsmeade, because every time the students come back, there will be a lot of nasties in the school who like to throw big dung eggs. , Will always increase his daily workload and bring himself a lot of trouble.

As soon as I was about to eat breakfast, there was a drizzle in the sky above my head.

In the rainy season in October, this kind of weather is very common, but the bad weather ruined everyone's good mood to go to Hogsmeade.

After all, you can't stroll around Hogsmeade after it rains.

"By the way, which girl did you have an appointment with? We don't even know that you have already found a girlfriend?"

The topic turned around and returned to Albert.

Li Qiaodan didn't mean he envied Albert to find a girlfriend, he was curious and wanted to tease Albert about it.

Several girls next to them put down their food one after another, turned their heads and looked over here, they were also very curious about this matter.

"Katrina?" Fred guessed.

Perhaps after hearing someone calling her name, Katrina turned her head and looked over.

To be honest, most students at their age are still in a state of ignorance about the so-called love. They may have a good impression of a certain girl, but they have no so-called love view.

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"No, eat your slices of bread." Albert glanced at Katrina, then turned to look at Li Qiaodan, who is particularly fond of gossip. Seeing that he was not ready to shut up, he took a quick slice of bread and stuffed it with him.

Lee Jordan closed his mouth obediently and continued to eat breakfast, lest Albert would help him shut up.

The girls are very disappointed and want to know who Albert's girlfriend will be?

"Are you really not going with us?"

Fred asked again before leaving after eating.

"I have to wait for someone, you go first!" Albert declined gently.

"Look, I said he must have found a girlfriend without telling us, hum, don't live in hiding, we will definitely know who that beautiful girl is..." Li Qiaodan's suddenly shut up. With his tongue stuck to his palate, he was speechless, and he was taken away by Fred and George.

As for the girls, they don't need Lee Jordan to introduce Hogsmeade.

Filch and his cat were beside the oak door in the foyer, asking Hogwarts students who were about to leave school to sign and register.

In a short period of time, the administrator also caught two junior students trying to go to Hogsmeade~www.mtl.com~. After most of the students left, the administrator rolled up a long The parchment, tapped on the palm of his right hand, staring at Albert dissatisfied. Then he coughed vigorously, as if to signal Albert to hurry up and sign off.

Albert pretended not to hear.

"I hope I didn't let you wait too long."

At half past eight, Isabel appeared in the hall on time. This beautiful girl seemed to have taken some time to dress up specially, with a princess hairstyle, very beautiful.

"The time is just right!" Albert took out his pocket watch and glanced at the time. "Very punctual."

The two looked at each other for a while.

Albert smiled and said, "Then... shall we go?"

They signed at Filch and walked towards the school gate together.

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