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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 460: Isabel's troubles
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"Isobel, have you heard?"

"What did you hear?"

"Everyone is telling about you and Albert."

"Me and Albert?"

"Are you really a couple?"

Several of Isabel's female companions couldn't resist the temptation of curiosity, and finally couldn't help asking about it. They wanted to get answers from Isabel in person.

Albert is a hot topic among the girls.

Not only is he a talented genius, but he is also handsome, gentle and polite, with a mysterious atmosphere all over his body.

There are also various rumors about Albert in Hogwarts Castle, which is fatal to the young and curious girls.

"This is a good idea."

Faced with a friend’s inquiry, Isabel did not answer this question directly. She smiled at a few people with a nostalgic smile, “We are indeed good friends and occasionally discuss academic issues together. Maybe everyone That’s right. I should try it. Maybe I can get Albert. After all, we have a lot of topics in common."

The girls were stunned for a while, regretting why they had to mention this to Isabel. They all realize that the most suitable boyfriend candidate in everyone's mind is very likely to be taken away by Isabel.

No way, the two are good friends and both are geniuses, and Isobel is still Ravenclaw’s most beautiful girl. As long as she wants to, maybe she won’t have to change the day, she will directly become the woman in Albert’s rumor. Friends.

"Are you finally ready to find a boyfriend?"

The brunette girl who passed by them heard the whispers of a few people, and stopped to look at Isabel, and asked in surprise: "Moreover, I am planning to find someone younger than me. I remember you Do you like boyfriends younger than yourself?"

"I just hate people who are naive in their hearts." Isobel shook her head and denied that she is a mature person.

"I remember that many people chased you before, but you refused."

They all know that Isabel has many admirers. So far, the number of people she has rejected can't be counted with fingers and toes.

This makes countless girls envy and hate.

However, Isobel's own genius aura was too strong, and invisibly crushed the opponent directly, leaving them only looking up.

"Those people are not suitable." Isabel replied calmly: "What about you, I remember that you also found a boyfriend who is one year older than yourself."

"We are just friends, I am considering whether to agree to him." Penello picked his chin, deliberately showing a hesitant expression.

"Who is it?" Everyone was quickly attracted by the new topic.

"Percy Weasley, right?" Isabel said.

Penello looked at Isabel in surprise, nodded and admitted a little embarrassingly.

"Percy Weasley is very good. He should become the chairman of the Boys Student Union in two years. He is a very suitable boyfriend candidate."

Isabel's evaluation of Percy is not low, "He has great ambitions, he should enter the Ministry of Magic after graduation..."

However, there are some things that Isobel did not say.

She thinks that Percy Weasley will choose a person who is good for her career as a partner to help him go further in power.

Will Penello Krivart be a suitable partner?

Obviously not.

However, when most students are in school, they find male and female friends on a date instead of rushing for marriage.

Now, if you think about it, Albert is really a strange person!

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"How about you?"

Penello also has a certain curiosity about Albert.

If she didn't get along with Percy, she would be very interested in Albert.

"Albert is quite appropriate. He is a very gentle person." A faint smile hung from the corner of Isobel's mouth.

"You seem to know him well."

The girls started booing, wanting Isabel to tell them something about Albert.

It is common for girls to make comments about boys, and sometimes some girls even giggle at a certain boy.

"Understood, no, I don't understand him, Albert looks mysterious."

Isabel shook her head and denied it directly. She didn't actually lie. Maybe she knew Albert better than most people, but the man still gave him a vague sense of mystery.

He has never been seen through, even if Isobel is a natural photographer.

"My most impression of Albert is that he is a brilliant wizard, really very, very powerful genius, good at many fields, I really don't know how he did it."

"But don't you guys be together often?"

"We only discuss academic issues together occasionally." Isabel said softly: "He is really a very, very powerful genius."

"We know that we have all read several papers published by Albert."

"You don't know, I dare say that as long as Albert is willing, when he graduates and leaves Hogwarts, he will definitely have more auras than Principal Dumbledore when he graduated from school." Isabel said softly.

"It's hard to imagine you would say that."

Although there is still a little jealousy in their hearts, they also have to admit Isabel's amazing talent.

Before Albert came to Hogwarts, Isobel was the smartest student in the school. From the first two weeks of enrollment, he showed extraordinary magical talent and extraordinary wisdom. He spoke decently and treated people kindly. He was simply Albert. The female version of Te, or Albert is the male version of Isabel.

After Albert appeared and replaced Isabel, some people gloated at the misfortune, wanting to see Isabel's furious appearance after being robbed of his title of genius wizard.

However, Isabel has never been angry because of this. Instead, he became friends with Albert, which is unbelievable to everyone.

Are geniuses not all proud?

Don’t you all dislike giving up?

In fact, Albert did bring a lot of pressure to Isabel, although the girl never revealed it. As he learned more about Albert and dig deeper into the other side's mystery, Isobel developed an unprecedented sense of frustration.

At that time, she understood why her poor sister insisted on choosing all courses, and she really put too much pressure on her.

Isabel has never attached much importance to the O.W.L.s exam as he does now, and even wants to get 12 "excellent" in the O.W.Ls exam, even though his excellent scores are almost useful for his future.

After all, she has already made plans for the future, just as Albert has made plans for the future.

Isobel somehow felt a little funny while listening quietly to the female companion next to him talking about Albert.

In fact, Isabel knew that they didn't really like Albert, just like many people rushed to become Albert's girlfriend.

Becoming his girlfriend is more about satisfying one's own possessiveness, and by the way, to show off to the girls around, as if telling them that I am better and more attractive than you.

When talking to others, you can also show off your own possessions by the way, which makes people quite speechless and superficial.

Isabel never likes to talk about these things with others, she can always see through their thoughts and easily avoid those embarrassing topics.

If necessary, just say a few words lightly and tap them lightly.

Since Isabel was about to go to meet Albert, her female companions began to give her ideas. They believed that the boys should say such things first, otherwise the girls would feel too cheap.

Isobel was just casual, and could only let them toss about.

However, in the next few days, her female companions began to pay attention to whether she had already got Albert.

Thinking about their curious tone, it made her a little bit dumbfounded.

Isabel found a reason to perfuse the past, only to mention it when discussing academic together next time.

The ghost knows when the next academic discussion will be.

This kind of rhetoric directly made her female partner think that Isobel had been turned down by Albert. She only said that when she was embarrassed to say it, so she stopped asking, and came up with sympathy to comfort her.

Isabel is very satisfied with their thoughts, and is very happy with them.

Time slowly entered April, and the O.W.L.s exam was getting closer and closer. She couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. Even with the time converter, she still felt a little tired.

Isobel likes dating Albert more and more, although Albert's kissing level is still very average, but she feels very easy to be with each other.

Albert can always take her to various interesting places, even if she is dating at school in the middle of the night, there is no need to worry about being caught by the administrator.

However, Isabel soon discovered that his boyfriend seemed to be interested in a first-year Gryffindor girl named Hermione Granger, and he also deliberately contacted him.

Isabel doesn't think that Albert came into contact with Hermione Granger, just because she is a good friend of the savior Harry Potter, and maybe there are other reasons.

Could it be that Albert liked Hermione Granger and was attracted by her charm.

This idea was quickly rejected by Isabel. Can a little girl in the first grade have such a charm?

Isobel used his spare time to observe the Miss Granger and had several occasional conversations with the other party.

She discovered that Miss Granger was also a genius who didn't lose to her sister, but why was such a genius assigned to Gryffindor?

It is as confusing as why Albert is in Gryffindor.

It is not difficult to see that Hermione also has a good impression of Albert. When both sides have a good impression of each other, it is very likely that they will eventually come together.

She and Albert are in a similar situation.

However, Isabel doesn't really worry about Hermione's problem, because she knows that even if Hermione really has an idea, it will be too late.

Sometimes, one step later is too late.

It's too late to hurry.

What's more, Albert and Hermione have not even started yet.

Feelings, like friendship, require both parties to spend time and energy to carefully care and maintain for long.

Albert and Isabel are actually very similar. The two can feel that both sides are carefully managing this relationship, just like planting a flower, carefully watering and fertilizing, and waiting for the moment it blooms and bears fruit.

As Katrina said, she had won from the beginning.

As for Hermione and Albert, they will probably become close friends!

It’s just that Isobel doesn’t quite understand why Albert wants to contact Harry Potter?

She believes that with Albert's wisdom, it should be clear that people like Harry Potter are actually a trouble in themselves, and sooner or later they will cause unnecessary trouble to herself and the people around him.

However, Albert came into contact with Potter deliberately, which seemed to have a strong purpose, which made her very puzzled.

And the Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, now the more I look at it, the more I feel wrong.

He seemed to be sick, and the stuttering professor gave Isobel a feeling that he was disguising himself.

Why disguise yourself?

No need to think about it or know that there is nothing good.

Albert obviously knew some of Quirrell's details, otherwise he wouldn't let himself stay away from the opponent.

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Is he dangerous?

And, eyeing Harry Potter?

Probably only mysterious people hate the savior. In other words, Professor Quirrell is most likely a dark wizard?

Why did Quirrell come to Hogwarts?

Murder the savior Potter?

Or... something hidden in the school.

Whether or not Principal Dumbledore knew, Isabel didn't know, but she knew that Albert obviously knew a lot.

Some time ago, why did you take the initiative to ask Professor Quirrell questions?

It is said that ~www.mtl.com~ finally asked the extent of Professor Quirrell's initiative to avoid him.


Why do you want to do this?

How much does he know?

Isabel thought of Albert's ability to divination. With Albert's magical talent, even if she could really peer into the future, she wouldn't be surprised at all.

So, what did Albert see?

All this puzzled her.

If you encounter danger, actively avoiding it should be the best way.

Isabel suddenly understood why Albert was in Gryffindor.

Thinking about these questions comes more from curiosity about Albert.

But she never asked.

Isabel is not worried about Albert's safety issues, especially after experiencing the last Smith incident, she has confidence in Albert.

However, he has no confidence in his sister.

Katrina's problem has always annoyed Isabel, and she could see that her sister had a good impression of Albert.

At this point, Isabel is very satisfied with Katrina's picky eyes.

She also knew that if she didn't have herself, it was very likely that the two would finally get together in one or two years.

But the problem is that there is only one person after all, so it is impossible to let it, even if it is his most beloved sister.


what can we do about it?

Find an opportunity to let Katrina know about it.

Maybe now is a good opportunity?

Isabel was going to discuss with Albert.

Katrina will definitely find someone she likes in the future!

Isabel comforted himself so much.

After all, her sister is also quite good.


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