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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 99: A big win
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"I hate this kind of weather!" Albert took off his winter cloak and put his hand over the Quidditch costume that Charlie had handed him.

Fred and George were ready. They held each other's hands and circled each other, showing off their outfits by the way.

"This dress suits you well." Irene smiled and said to Albert: "You use Mark's sweeping six stars, that is the fastest flying broom among us."

"My flying broom will be handed over to you for the time being. You have to ride it to catch the Snitch." Mark grinned and patted Albert on the shoulder, and passed his sweeping six stars to Albert.

"Don't worry, I will definitely catch the Snitch." Albert looked at the task panel with false eyes when others were not paying attention, and a new task appeared.

Belated victory

This Quidditch match has been going on for a long time, catch the Golden Snitch and win Gryffindor.

Reward: 500 experience.

"This is the goggles." Charlie began to tell everyone, "When the game restarts, Albert goes straight up to find the Snitch, ignore other people, and be careful not to be attacked. Fred, George, You help protect him so that Albert can find the Snitch and end the game as soon as possible. I don't want the game to go into the evening."

"You have so much confidence in me?" Albert suddenly felt something called pressure, carrying the expectations of others, and feeling a little heavy.

"Of course, what can we do besides having confidence in you?" Charlie said of course. "Moreover, everyone believes that you can definitely catch the Snitch."

"It sounds reasonable." Albert picked up the wand placed on the cloak, used water and fire non-invasive curse on his goggles, then put on the goggles and followed the crowd to walk outside.

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Without opening the umbrella, the cold rain fell on Albert's body, quickly drenching his clothes.

"It's unbelievable that half of the Gryffindor bench players are first-year freshmen. Have they already given up the game? Or is this actually Gryffindor's secret weapon?" The narrator couldn't help exclaiming after playing more on the Gryffin team.

Not only the narrator, but other viewers who support Gryffindor are also very puzzled, because most senior students will fly better than freshmen who just enrolled. Is it really a secret weapon?

In the eyes of the Slytherin audience, the Gryffindor team obviously can't find other substitute players and can only find a bunch of newcomers to fill the number.

Albert stood on the court and listened to the cheers from around him. He did not feel the tension of being noticed for the first time. On the contrary, he felt his blood boil.

This is completely different from the feeling of being an audience in the stands.

Albert did not listen to what Mrs. Hooch was saying, and when the whistle sounded, he immediately rode a broom into the air.

After rising to mid-air, Albert found that his vision was very blurred, and it was even difficult to see where his teammates were, let alone find the Snitch in the rain.

Slytherin's seeker followed Albert's vicinity, and the opponent did not directly pounce at him, and had no intention of fighting.

The line of sight met, just nodding slightly, without any other reaction. It seems that the Slytherin team is not all a group of violent guys.

Both sides are patiently waiting for the opportunity, looking for the whereabouts of the golden thief while alerting each other.

Albert looked down, red and green fuzzy figures flashed across his eyes, and the audience hid in a sea of ​​umbrellas.

"Be careful, don't get distracted!" George swung the bat, flew a wandering ball towards Albert, and raised the bat to demonstrate against the Slytherin Seeker not far away, but In the end, he did not attack the other side.

At least, this time the Slytherin team's seeker is barely a normal person, and George has no experience in hitting people.

As time passed, Albert under the rain curtain was almost frozen, but as a hunter, Albert knew he needed to be patient, even if he had been searching high in the sky for a long time, and there was no trace of the Snitch.

A golden light suddenly flashed near Slytherin's scoring ring. Albert keenly caught this scene. He almost instinctively tilted his broomstick forward, accelerated his speed and began to dive.

Is it the Snitch?

Albert can't be sure if he saw the Snitch, but he needs to gamble. If the bet wins, Gryffindor wins and loses. In fact, there is no loss.

Since there is no loss, it is natural to bet.

At this moment, Albert was lying on the broomstick, squeezing the speed of sweeping the six stars to the limit. The Slytherin seeker behind him immediately jumped to the broom and chased after Albert started to act.

Below, the commentator suddenly yelled at the moment Albert was accelerating: "The young Gryffindor Seeker started to accelerate. Did he spot the Golden Snitch? The current Slytherin Seeker was far away. Left behind. Ten minutes into the game, is Gryffindor going to win?"

"Look, everyone, the Slytherin goalkeeper is going to intercept the seeker, and two other pursuers have also doubled. The Gryffindor seeker is in danger, and the Slytherin player plans to continue using it. Despicable means prevented Gryffindor from winning."

However, Albert's current situation is far more thrilling than the commentator said.

At the moment when the two sides passed by, Albert's body suddenly leaned to one side, and quickly and dangerously flashed past the fist thrown by the Slytherin goalkeeper, his elbow slightly came to the stage at the right time, and hit the passing Slater. Lin's goalkeeper knocked his opponent's teeth away with the help of momentum.

The two crossed in a thrilling manner. Albert was still flying forward. He had already seen the Golden Snitch ahead of him. It was bypassing the Slytherin scoring ring and flying towards the outer wall.

"It's the Snitch, Merlin's beard, the young seeker easily dodges the goalkeeper's attack, it really is Gryffindor's secret weapon."

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When Albert was about to catch the Snitch, a bat suddenly flew from the side and hit Albert. Hearing the sound of breaking through the air behind him, Albert immediately made a tactical action, and a sloth rolled over the bat flying from behind.

The bat didn't hit Albert, but flew towards the auditorium below, not knowing if it hit a hapless audience.

"It's near, it's near." Albert stretched out his arm, and at the moment when he caught the Snitch in his palm, he suddenly lifted the broom, and straight up 90 degrees to avoid hitting the auditorium.


Albert stared at the Golden Snitch on his hand, with a happy smile at the corner of his mouth, he succeeded.

There was a commotion from below.

Originally, the Slytherin player who was following behind trying to intercept Albert, failed to brake in time, and rammed into the auditorium. It seemed that someone had been hit.

As Albert descended, he saw Snape with a gloomy face looking over here.

He raised the Snitch with a smile on his face, and waved the Snitch at Snape, no, it should be to the audience.

"Catch ~www.mtl.com~ Gryffindor's youngest seeker easily caught the Snitch in only twelve minutes. Let us congratulate Gryffindor for winning the final game." Commentator Shouted.

After speaking, he ridiculed: "I didn't expect that the Slytherin team would eventually lose to a freshman. I really hope that their two players are fine. I think they hit it as if it hurt."

However, no one cared about the commentator's ridicule, everyone was cheering for Gryffindor's victory.

When Albert landed, he felt someone hit him. It was the Weasley brothers and the rest of the team. They hugged and descended.

Charlie and the others also ran out of the locker room and waved to this side excitedly.

Before Albert had recovered, he had been lifted and thrown into the air by a group of people. To be honest, the feeling of floating in the air is uncomfortable, but it is a experience for Albert.

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